Meet the ‘double doublers’ – the multi-bagging investment trusts that might tempt you to stray from the straight and rational…
weekend reading
The results are in for our FIRE debate poll, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
A few more words on living – and working – today versus investing for tomorrow, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
What caught my eye this week. Naturalists have been surprised by the sight of thousands of 10-inch pulsating penis-like creatures wriggling about on a windswept beach. The story was originally reported in the journal By Nature, which shared a photograph of one of the worms: In taking up the story, the Guardian explains: These penile [...]
Grab yourself a free share by signing up to Freetrade, plus all the week’s good reads…
It’s election time, batten down the hatches. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Keep it simple, silly. No really, don’t complicate matters. Why am I still writing? Why is everything so complicated? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
How wealthy are you in the ways that really matter? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
A new tool makes it easy to see how (little) it costs us directly to be in the EU, plus the rest of the week’s reads…
What would you ask a financial services fairy godmother for? Plus the rest of the weeks’ good reads…
Another bout in the active/passive propaganda battle, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
A new take on the ‘passive bubble’ shibboleth, plus all the good money reads from around the web…
Proposals to raise the pension age to 75 show you can never let your guard down, plus more great reads…
What caught my eye this week. There was something (else) notable about the first TV interview with the three lads from Manchester who restrained a knife-wielder run amok in Sydney earlier this week. In the initial broadcast, I noticed two were wearing Apple Airpods whilst talking to the camera. I thought this pretty striking. The [...]
Musings on what you miss when you don’t spend money, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Could you afford to live on the income from bonds like an Austen character? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
What caught my eye this week. Surprise! For reasons still not clear to me, The Investor has handed me his beloved babe – Weekend reading – for a special guest edition. Before you collectively drop your monocle in your soup, have no fear. I’ll have a little joyride before safely parking back at Monevator Towers. That [...]
Whether or not you plan to retire early, the bell still tolls for young bucks. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Is passive index investing too good to be true? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
A call for questions to ask the passive investing prophet, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
The unreliable bet on slowing population growth, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Capital gains tax receipts are rising, so take cover! Plus the rest of the weeks’ good reads.
People prefer to be dramatic over being right, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
The Nightmare on Acacia Avenue that is Brexit, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Now auto-enrollment finally has pensions moving back to an even keel, some think we should bugger them up again. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
What happened to the ‘no-brainer’ interest rate rise / bond crash? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
In which the editor of a bastion of passive investing blog goes giddy meeting a rare market beating manager, plus the rest of the week’s good reads!
What caught my eye this week. I am running late this week, so I’ll cut straight to the chase and suggest you check out this post on investing a lump sum over at the Of Dollars and Data blog. Author Nick Maggiulli writes: The main reason Lump Sum outperforms Dollar Cost Averaging [DCA] is because [...]
Money and investing wisdom boiled down to 29 pithy one-liners, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Are you quite sure that index funds are the future of investing? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Why the investment blog scene seems well past its best, plus links to the good stuff that was published…
Britain slips down the league of most powerful passports, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
New year, new chance to beat the market if you’re a naughty active investor, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
A few good books, a dash of season’s greetings, and a list of great reads – the recipe for the last post of the year!
Brexit, the gift that keeps throwing up over the carpet, plus the rest of the week’s goings-on…
Britain’s property divide continues our slow creep back into the dark ages, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Investing isn’t a game – except when you play Stax, a new investing game – plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
How your personal experiences can overly drive your opinions about different asset classes, and the rest of the week’s good reads…
Does buying shares in an ethical trust really enable you to sleep better at night? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
One immigrant’s incredible journey from Africa to financial independence, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Why one rich person only sleeps well at night with three homes under his metaphorical belt, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Be careful what you wish for when it comes to FIRE for all. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
It’s ten years since the great financial crisis went truly bananas. Download a free ebook from Ray Dalio to relive the horror!
The Investor is away. This is a recorded announcement. Please press a button when advised.
Remember the Child Trust Fund? Millions of kids don’t know they have one. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
The weird stores of value that make Bitcoin look like a no-brainer, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Nobody will ring THE bell before the next bear market – but there will always be lots of false alarms.
Britain’s silliest savings wrapper could be getting the chop, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Working just one more year can substantially boost your standard of living. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
A new report reveals half the population would never invest in shares, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Times are tough for millennials but there’s also loads of ways for them – and anyone else – to save money. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Is the passive label a turn-off for investors? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
The great Brexit debate is already two years old, let alone the Brexit itself. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
How passive investing and indexing is replacing active fund manager picks as the backbone of financial services, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Academics on the benefits of doing a few more months at the office, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
How a billionaire invests his – well – billions, plus the rest of the week’s good money and investing reads…
This week’s money and investing articles to read when you’re bored of the Royal Wedding…
The failure of a small cap broker provides a stark warning that ring-fenced assets are not 100% safe. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Landlords: Evil or just trying to get along like the rest of us? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
What caught my eye this week. Academic research has confirmed what we obsessive savers already suspected – that we’re pretty damn attractive to the opposite sex. As Jonathan Clements at The Humble Dollar reports: Savers, both men and women, were viewed as more desirable romantic partners, because they’re perceived to have greater self-control. In truth, [...]
What caught my eye this week. People seem very confused about Amazon. This week I heard some market pundits chortling among themselves about how crazy high the valuation was for a company that “doesn’t make any money.” Ho ho ho! In fact they only stopped laughing to say Amazon really must be regulated because it’s [...]
A new financial blogger explains on her Shop Floor Mentality, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
What caught my eye this week. This will be a busy Easter, so I’m getting Weekend Reading out of the way early. And when I say ‘busy’ I mostly mean ‘busy shopping’. I’ll be very glad when my new flat is done. I’m ready to begin laying down the avocado bathroom suite equivalent of the [...]
Understanding the pitfalls in average returns, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
There’d be millions more billionaires if passive investing had been big in 1920. Plus the rest of the week’s good stuff…
Yields are rising in the US, which is great for bond investors in the longer-term. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
While I wait for a bed I bought in the sales, I rounded up the best of the week’s reading…
What caught my eye this week. I continue to live out of boxes after the move – and more pertinently have no Internet as of yet – but I’m still reading and reading and reading when I’m out and about. Google blew up my ad revenue when it insisted I make Monevator and other sites [...]
A few thoughts on the tumult in the markets from the safety of a coffee shop. (Because – oh yeah – I bought a flat!)
A simple illustration of the benefits of a secure income in retirement, plus the rest of the week’s good reads!
Mifid II reveals that fund charging has hidden depths, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Be mean with your investing fees, not with your advice. Plus the rest of the weeks good reads…
Are we all spending too much time thinking about money? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Don’t be deluded: Most assets won’t diversify your portfolio. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Tons of research into our economic future under various flavours of Brexit, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Signs that UK buy-to-let investors are finally cashing out, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Predicting the bond market is as hard as any other aspect of active investing. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Look for lower expense ratios not higher star ratings when picking funds, plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
What investments should you buy if the robots are coming for your job? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
London property prices versus the cost of buying in South Wales, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
What caught my eye this week. I enjoyed the following comprehensive map of all the biases we face when using our brains. (Click through for a high-resolution version, the link is at the top of the page you’re taken to). It’s pretty clear that to err is human. And pretty amusing to remember all the [...]
I think big investment trusts have their place, but they shouldn’t oversell their benefits compared to ETFs…
A quiet week on Monevator, but never mind because here’s a ton of stuff from across the Web to dive into!
Many active investors say passive investing is making the market stupid. So why are they still losing to it? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Some thoughts on managing the lottery of sequence of returns risk, plus the rest of the week’s best reads.
There were no new posts on Monevator this week, but luckily the rest of the financial web kept churning out the content…
The average Monevator reader is a Mensa level financial genius, relatively speaking. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Getting invested is more important than being perfectly invested, plus the week’s other great reads…
*Dons retardant suit and readies fire hoses* The case for 100% inheritance tax, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
People need to start taking responsibility again for their own financial decisions, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Markets have been volatile forever, so don’t blame ETFs. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Don’t try to trade factors unless you like losing money, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Keeping fighting the fund managers, says Merryn Somerset-Webb. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Value shares started smacking growth about in 2016 after years of being the underdog, but in 2017 growth has got back into the ring with a bang! Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
A bunch of post-election analysis with a bias towards Brexit and investing in this week’s weekend reading…
Thoughts a week before the General Election, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Our articles from this week, plus whatever else caught my eye. From Monevator We’ve another freshly laundered broker comparison table for you – Monevator Lars Kroijer makes the case for DIY financial modelling – Monevator Out of the archive-ator: How to work out which platform is cheapest for you – Monevator News Note: Some links [...]
Boomers versus millennials versus fancy brunches, plus the rest of the weeks good reads…
Tons of links this week but no commentary from me as I’m behind schedule. Get stuck in!
Bonds aren’t as bad as you probably think they are, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
The key to investing is to just keep investing: A new take. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Death to the Lifetime Allowance, cries the former Pensions Minister Ros Altman. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Two new government reports have suggested many people working today may not get the State pension until they’re 70. Plus plenty of other good reads…
The returns of the world’s greatest investors, plus the rest of the week’s best reads…
Why is the Nest workplace pension scheme making active bets with its investors’ money? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Buffett’s annual letter is always a treat, but there’s plenty more to read while we wait for it…
Why I’m going to delete more off-topic comments on Monevator. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
High house prices are making some of us much poorer, relatively speaking. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Good reads from around the Web. Well here we are, one month into the year of the people Taking Back Control. Isn’t it going well everyone? In the UK the people have Taken Back Control and given it to a handful of Tory MPs. This right-wing minority of a centre-right party will now unilaterally establish how [...]
Good reads from around the Web. Last weekend we saw a graph illustrating how widely the returns from key Smart Beta investing styles varied in 2016. I argued this potential for rubbish short-to-medium term returns meant factor investing was “not easy”. Coincidentally I came across some more evidence this week in an excellent study from [...]
Pursuing additional returns from factor investing will require tough nerves. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Some interesting tidbits on UK household wealth, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Why nearly everyone did well with their portfolios in 2016, plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Good reads from around the Web. I have relished the resurgence of board games over the past decade or so. As somebody who turned over a few Monopoly boards as a kid and eventually ran out of people who would play with me, it was a second chance to be a better sport. But more [...]
Professor David Blake from Cass Business School on the perils of active funds, plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Would you sell your final salary pension scheme? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
London property prices are now so high as to almost defy rational comment. Plus the week’s good reads.
Weekend reading: FCA tackles asset managers in new report, but investors are doing it for themselves
The FCA has published a critical report of the UK asset management industry, but we think investors should be doing it for themselves. Plus the week’s good reads…
The High Court says Parliament must vote on Article 50, and the mob goes mad. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Good reads from around the Web. The US investment advisory firm Research Affiliates made headlines this week when it predicted that American savers have a 0% chance of hitting their desired 5% or greater annual returns from a standard 60/40 portfolio over the next decade. From Bloomberg: Research Affiliates’ forecasts for the stock market rely [...]
One man’s multi-billion adventure in index funds, plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
The Bank of England’s inflation target isn’t sacrosanct says its boss, plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
The young get poorer, the old get richer, and property is mainly to blame. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Good reads from around the Web. I like to see the rich being profligate with their money. That’s because I’m pretty worried about a structural shift to increasing inequality in the West, due to everything from technology and network effects to taxation, globalization, and even shifting social mores. The relentless troops of Trustafarians launching Fintech [...]
Retiring early is not all it’s cracked up to be, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Do you have a favourite foreign personal finance and investing blog? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
A long-time UK personal finance blogger has achieved financial freedom! Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Theresa May’s speedy elevation takes some tail risks off the table, but what will it mean for our finances? Plus the week’s best money and investing reads…
Inching towards a better understanding of why we’re Leaving the EU, plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Brexit, Brexit everywhere, and barely time to think. Plus a few articles that weren’t about the EU Referendum…
I’m depressed by the Brexit result and how it came to pass. Feel free to skip to the week’s good reads.
Good reads from around the Web. I have often sung the virtues of cash, which – despite my love affair with shares – I consider the king of the asset classes. For example, I have been happy to suggest new investors start with a 50/50 cash and share portfolio, rather than bothering with bonds. And [...]
The idea of the octogenarian Soros striding back into his family office for one last fight with the markets makes good copy, but offers little instruction to the average investor.
Why getting your asset allocation approximately right will do you fine, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Good reads from around the Web. A wildly disproportionate number of Weekend Readings have focused on market volatility. And today’s post of the week by Morgan Housel for the Motley Fool US joins this innumerable crew. Is there a more important subject in investing? Perhaps keeping fees low, perhaps compounding regular savings for the long-term [...]
How would we pay for the useful bits of active investing if nearly everyone invested passively? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
What the past might tell us about the future for shares and bonds, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
What will the robot advisers have to say at the end of the world? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Ostensibly about retirement strategies, but really a discussion about investing philosophy. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
An interview with Todd Wenning, author of Keeping Your Dividend Edge, and the week’s good online reads…
If you want to end up financially free then first you have to start. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Good reads from around the Web. I haven’t agreed with everything written by Cullen Roche of Pragmatic Capitalism over the years – for me he doth protest too much when it comes to dissing passive investors who dare to call themselves that – but I have linked to him plenty of times. The man undoubtedly [...]
You can’t make an early retirement omelette without breaking a few investing eggs. Or something. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads!
Plenty of good reads around the Web, although you’ll have to DIY the Saturday papers this weekend…
In 30 years time you probably won’t care that the market crashed, but you might have other problems…
Good reads from around the Web. Until you pay attention – as more of us have with ongoing the oil price crash – it’s hard to fathom just how volatile commodities can be. Even veteran investors who have a handle on the ups and downs of the stock market can turn seasick looking at a [...]
Why admitting your mistakes and moving on is vital to long-term investing. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Good reads from around the Web. Are you lucky or skillful if you succeed at something? A pragmatic test – courtesy of author and banker Michael Mauboussin – is to see whether you can lose at the activity on purpose. I’ve held a tennis racket on about 10 days of my life on Earth, and [...]
Are UK personal finance blogs a dying breed? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
George Osborne is sending out mixed messages on the housing market, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
A few thoughts on the passing of investing legend Jim Slater, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Is happiness through wealth a zero-sum game? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Some well-rounded investing advice for life, plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
More evidence that Martin Lewis doesn’t just know how to save and make money. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Why you might want to hoard your – er – hoard instead of topping up your State Pension, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Why you should giveaway your money while you still can, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Why you should forget about investing in the stock market, plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Good reads from around the Web. Alas I was detained this week by a gentleman from Porlock, as we failed poets say. Hence this rather late Weekend Reading. If some of you took matters into your own hands to scavenge for scraps of bloggage or rinds of rant for yourselves, I understand. I’m hurt. But [...]
The Safe Withdrawal Rate is anything but safe, plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Investors will experience very different markets depending on when they were born, but the principles don’t change. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Just when you think UK house prices can’t get more ridiculous, they do. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Good reads from around the Web. There are many reasons to be terrified of the prospect of Donald Trump as US President, but passive investors might add his random-looking stock portfolio. According to recent filings required by the US electoral authorities, Trump has a multi-million stock portfolio divided between several brokerages and scattered across dozens [...]
Some thoughts on bulls, The Bear, cycles, and market timing. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
On missing out on the London property lottery, plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
The China market meltdown, a big Summer Budget recap, and the rest of the week’s good reads.
Has the Government modified its silly inheritance tax plans? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Performance chasing works no better with Smart Beta ETFs than any other active fund strategy. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Capitalism ensures the big behemoths will regularly be brought down to size by newcomers, but would you invest based on this information? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
How investing predictability and upsets are all relative, plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
How life is changing for the almost comfortably off, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
You can now read Monevator more easily on a mobile! Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Larry Swede takes active propaganda to task, plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Embrace the world like a buccaneer, not as a sailor who thinks the world is flat. Plus some less gnomic reads from around the Web.
Good reads from around the Web. When my co-blogger The Accumulator and I debated why I am an active investor despite believing most people can expect to be better off by investing passively, I explained it was partly because I love it. The big benefit of enjoying what you do is that it can be [...]
The ETF business is booming, but arguably for all the wrong reasons. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Why the stock market isn’t a movie, it’s a multi-part soap opera with cliffhangers. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Why you’re not really taxed 10% on your dividends, plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Mr Money Mustache looks down on wealthy idiots, plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Why high fees can undo even the best asset allocation decisions, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Scott Adams — the creator of Dilbert — explains investing, plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Why young janitors (and the rest of us under 45) should pray for a stock market crash. Plus other good reads from around the Web.
Good reads from around the Web. I really enjoyed today’s spirited column by Ken Fisher in the FT [Search result] on the doomster-ism implied by the negative bond yields we’re seeing across Europe. Monevator started life a year before the financial crisis, and its early articles were often trying to help people understand that the [...]
Soon the only place you’ll be able to shout as you go about your trading is at a fish market, and that’s a little sad. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Financial sages were rarely quoted, but they’re making up for lost time. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
See how tall your stack needs to tower before it can earn as much as Mr Average, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
What’s up with the manic stock market and the crazy Swiss? Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Don’t worry about the minutia in passive investing — unless you want to, of course! Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
I don’t know what 2015 will hold for 2015. But I know a man or two who doesn’t, either.
It’s a time to sit back, relax, and wish it was still June and that you were actually going to get all that stuff done by December 2014.