Maybe you could concentrate on making more money on your own terms instead?
Reggie Perrin walked into the sea to escape the pointless rat race, but most people simply retire. However there is another way.
Do you know how much you’re allowed to keep of what you earn? The answer might surprise you.
Do you need to cut back on your salary sacrifice tax breaks? You may well do if your scheme exposes you to a slew of benefit-slashing side-effects.
Update in Spring 2020: As a result of the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, all peer-to-peer lenders are having liquidity problems – in other words investors are not able to immediately get their money out even from so-called ‘Instant Access’ or similarly branded accounts. Ratesetter is no different. Nobody has lost any money with Ratesetter yet as [...]
Don’t feel pressured into starting a business as the only route to wealth. Statistically it’s more likely to be a route to grey hair and debt.
Taxes are going up on those of us who work out of limited companies. Time to take Friday’s off?
I’ve hit upon a motivational technique that’s really made a difference to my earnings and my outlook that is quick to do and well worth trying.
You’re on your own kid. As Bob the programmer who outsourced his job to China has proved.
There are many different types of entrepreneur, which is good news if you plan to make your fortune and you can’t stand Richard Branson.
There’s no one checklist that you need to tick through to become an entrepreneur. Read widely and discover kindred spirits who did it YOUR way.
A special guest star writer, The Money Blogger, tells us what she learned from starting a business on eBay and Amazon without really meaning to.
Working 9-5 was a song by Dolly Parton. She didn’t know how lucky she had it in skipping the daily commute.
People have been doing rubbish jobs and hating it for hundreds of years. Modern office angst is nothing special.
There are still plenty of opportunities to be exploited on the Internet, say the people behind CrashPadder, a fast-growing homestay website
Even the lowliest jobs now come with dispiriting baggage, ridiculous hurdles, and tedious internal politics.