Everyone will face spending shocks in retirement – and our model portfolio has just hit its first bout of unexpected turbulence
Inflation is down and the correction in bonds means expected returns are higher, too…
Find out if your pension is protected from the minimum pension age increase and if your pension will close again after you’ve accessed it
Reggie Perrin walked into the sea to escape the pointless rat race, but most people simply retire. However there is another way.
In part one of his guest series, Jacob explains how early retirement and living on less isn’t just a self-orientated decision. The planet can’t go on like this, either.
A rapid fire rundown of how to calculate when you’ll achieve financial independence. The same plan could be adapted to any long-term financial goal.
The good news is you’re living longer. The bad news is the government wants your pension fund to be in bonds. We need to think harder about longevity.
Inflation is rampant and a convenient scapegoat is needed. I know, let’s blame early retirees!
How your major assets are included and excluded from the means test for social care funding
Some of the finest minds in finance profoundly disagree about what return we can expect from our investments in the decades ahead, so err on the side of caution.
How to deal with the financial black hole of long-term social care – part 1 of our mini-series.
How big does my pension pot need to be before I can retire? This is the simplest and the best way to work that out.
Everyone says you should buy your rental properties via a limited company these days. But in reality the decision is more subtle…
Shifting to a spending mindset to run down your capital, plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
The last instalment of our epic ISA / SIPP FI series looks at when you should use cash to bridge the gap to your pension.
The miracle of compound interest could really work some magic if we all became centenarians…
A complete walkthrough of the calculation for maximising your UK tax shelters to achieve FI in the fastest timeframe.
Standard financial independence plans don’t take into account how to best use your ISAs and SIPPs to retire early. We right that wrong. Part three.
Standard financial independence plans don’t take into account how to best use your ISAs and SIPPs to retire early. We right that wrong. Part two.
Most financial independence plans don’t take into account how to best use your ISAs and SIPPs to retire early…
The FIRE debate goes into its final round. Will TI and TA make up or go out in a blaze of grenade-lobbing glory? Does this question even need answering?
The Accumulator reacts to The Investor’s withering fire about FIRE. Meanwhile, TDM starts a peace and love movement to try and keep Monevator together.
Our FIRE debate heats up as The Investor threatens The Accumulator with his elephant.
The Monevator team debate FIRE. Is it worth the pain? Is it more myth than reality? The Investor, The Accumulator and The Details Man make their case.
Annuities aren’t sexy and in recent years the payouts have been miserable. Still, they offer retirees a secure income no other investment can match.
As yet another would-be extreme early retiree has qualms about jumping off the end of the diving board, it’s worth considering why…
The book that’s a godsend for anyone trying to work out how to live off their money in retirement.
I don’t like the rampantly popular FIRE acronym because I believe it gives a limiting view of the possibilities of financial freedom. So there!
Few people like to think about getting older, but you should try to do so when you’re rebalancing your portfolio.
How long does it take to save a million pounds and will I be making my roll-ups with £50 pound notes when I get there?
Ostensibly about retirement strategies, but really a discussion about investing philosophy. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
The Greybeard reports back with the results of his deep dive into the best investment trusts for retirement income.
Reduce tax in retirement with this Monevator assortment of legal moves to stay one step ahead of the taxman.
The Greybeard is betting on income investment trusts as his retirement vehicle of choice. Here’s why.
Property may seem an appealing way to generate an old-age income, but swapping your pension for a BTL has serious tax implications.
A low cost SIPP deal that enables you to get saving for your pension even with meagre sums.
Work is deadly. So is living, but for most of us it’s a lot more fun, so get the balance right.
Most of us are taught as children that work is a healthy, enjoyable thing. And it can be – especially if you’re on the receiving end of someone else’s labour. It’s also undeniable that unemployment has blighted generations, leaving entire communities such the former industrial heartlands of the North and Wales drifting for generations when [...]
Just when you thought you almost knew what you were doing with pensions, new research directly contradicts the old ‘your age in bonds’ rule. Pah!
Research suggests a blend of level annuities and equities is the best asset allocation for a retiree, but an escalating annuity offers more security.
Annuity? Index-linked government bonds? robbing a bank? Exploring the best option for making sure you never run out of retirement income.
Focussing on your most important goal in retirement is the first step in building a secure retirement plan.
A DIY investor who cares can be much more useful to a relative on the verge of retirement than professionals concerned with their bottom line.
The FSA has drastically cut its projected growth rates for investments. Are you saving enough to meet your pension forecast in a low-growth world?
How to use a pension calculator as a quick and dirty way of identifying the holes in your retirement plan.
It’s the age old question — do you buy a bikini or new pair of Ray-bans now, or do you put the money aside for a nice cardie or a new pair of glasses when you’re 70?
There’s little as daunting in life as thinking seriously about living in old age when you’re still young enough to do something about it.
How much income will you need when you retire? Pieces of string come in all different lengths, but here’s a few pointers to working out your requirements.
This week we’re rustling up a retirement plan and asset allocation using a few simple principles and a retirement calculator.
£20 is all you need to start saving into this bargain of a stakeholder pension. There’s more to pensions than SIPPs!
If you want to retire much earlier than the rest of the population, then you’re going to have to do things different.
The best way to save money every day is to make big decisions that change your lifestyle automatically and forever.
The difference that spending £100 a month less on clothes in your twenties and investing it will make to your future is incredible.
What follows is a personal post, but I believe it’s relevant to investing. I won’t be discussing underpriced stocks or earning more money. Instead I’ll share something that for me puts the business of personal finance into perspective. Call it an end of year message. I’m visiting my parents. In the next room, my gentle and intelligent [...]
There are no true short cuts in investing, but I believe there are some subtle benefits in targeting income when making your investment plans.
The inspiration behind Monevator.com is a family member close to my heart. He retired a few years ago at 64 years of age. He’d managed to retire a year early. He’d wanted out for a decade beforehand, but he couldn’t afford to leave. If money was tight, why did he cut and run at 64, [...]