Mine all mine!
financial independence
Reggie Perrin walked into the sea to escape the pointless rat race, but most people simply retire. However there is another way.
A rapid fire rundown of how to calculate when you’ll achieve financial independence. The same plan could be adapted to any long-term financial goal.
The lengths The Accumulator will go to just to avoid going back to work during a cost of living crisis. This is hardcore.
How big does my pension pot need to be before I can retire? This is the simplest and the best way to work that out.
The Accumulator is six months into FIRE. Has he lost the will to live yet? Or is that just his friends because he’s so unbearably chirpy now?
Spend the day locked in the office dealing with BS? Or out on a bike riding in the sunshine? FIRE gives you the power to decide…
Three months in, is The Accumulator bathing in FI bliss or cracking up with existential angst?
The Accumulator sets alight the torch of freedom and goes full FIRE. TLDR: he’s left work for good.
Calculate your personal inflation rate to stop the money monster eating your wealth.
The Accumulator shares his financial origin story and the trauma that put him on the path to FI.
The last instalment of our epic ISA / SIPP FI series looks at when you should use cash to bridge the gap to your pension.
The Accumulator enters the promised land after many years of wandering the desert. But does he really like milk and honey?
A complete walkthrough of the calculation for maximising your UK tax shelters to achieve FI in the fastest timeframe.
Standard financial independence plans don’t take into account how to best use your ISAs and SIPPs to retire early. We right that wrong. Part three.
Standard financial independence plans don’t take into account how to best use your ISAs and SIPPs to retire early. We right that wrong. Part two.
Most financial independence plans don’t take into account how to best use your ISAs and SIPPs to retire early…
The FIRE debate goes into its final round. Will TI and TA make up or go out in a blaze of grenade-lobbing glory? Does this question even need answering?
The Accumulator reacts to The Investor’s withering fire about FIRE. Meanwhile, TDM starts a peace and love movement to try and keep Monevator together.
Our FIRE debate heats up as The Investor threatens The Accumulator with his elephant.
The Monevator team debate FIRE. Is it worth the pain? Is it more myth than reality? The Investor, The Accumulator and The Details Man make their case.
Status anxiety is the enemy of financial independence. Here’s some high-calibre ammo to help you FIRE back.
As yet another would-be extreme early retiree has qualms about jumping off the end of the diving board, it’s worth considering why…
I don’t like the rampantly popular FIRE acronym because I believe it gives a limiting view of the possibilities of financial freedom. So there!
A long-time UK personal finance blogger has achieved financial freedom! Plus the rest of the week’s good reads…
Finding it tough to reach financial independence? A fellow, weary traveller reaches out.
Understanding investing and the stock market can be the key to unchaining yourself from conformity.
Free up cash to invest by casting off social pressure and purchasing substitute goods that cost less and mean more.
It’s easy to berate ourselves for falling short of our ideals but passive investors have plenty of reasons to feel good about themselves.
Do you save too much because your in thrall the compound interest? Even Warren Buffett had that problem, but he’s seen the light.
When saving seems like a slog, cheer yourself up with a few thoughts on just how much you’re benefitting from your journey to financial freedom.