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Investing for beginners: How to make one million pounds

Investing lessons are in session

A popular daydream for anyone with access to a compound interest calculator is working out how much interest you’d earn on a million pounds. But how do you make a million pounds in the first place?

You could marry a millionaire, but if you’re the sort of person looking to do that then you’re too busy at the gym or on the ski slopes to read Monevator.

You could win the lottery. Good luck! Mathematically it’s illogical to even try, but £2 a week won’t hurt. Or you could buy a few Premium Bonds.

You could start a business, but beware that’s very risky. (On that score, don’t blog to get rich. You’ll starve).

Some people make by developing property. However once you get beyond owning your own home this is really another form of business.

That leaves saving your surplus income and investing it to make your million.

How realistic is it to become a millionaire this way?

Make a million pounds by saving and investing

Saving and investing your way to a million pounds may seem a daunting task.

For most of us, it is. But it is far from impossible.

How you make your million by investing depends on three factors:

  • The amount you save every month
  • The rate of growth of your investments
  • The length of time your money has to grow

Let’s ignore another factor here, which is tax and pensions. If you’re a taxpayer, the Government gives you tax breaks which effectively increase the size of your monthly savings without you having to save any more money. You’ll reach a million quicker, all things equal. But the downside is your money is locked away in a pension. You’ll be taxed on the income when you withdraw it, too.

Everyone’s tax situation is different, so in articles like this it’s best to ignore tax. But you shouldn’t when doing your own sums!

What will you earn on your portfolio?

The rate of growth in your investments (also known as the return) will depend on where you put your money – and how lucky you are!

There are no guarantees and much swearing and death threats discussion about what is likely. But just to give you a ballpark idea of long-term expected returns:

  • Cash and government bonds could earn 2-4% a year
  • Corporate bonds could early 4-6% a year
  • Commercial property might earn 6-8% a year
  • Equities (shares) could earn 8-10% a year
  • Riskier equities like small caps or emerging markets might hit 10-12% or more

These returns are inclusive of inflation, which will reduce the spending power of your money over time.

The important point is cash is the least-risky asset, but it offers the lowest prospective returns. Each successive asset is riskier but a better bet for the long-term.

Put your money into small cap stocks for example and you’ll have to stomach some daunting volatility along the way. However you might be more likely to get to a million before you get a bus pass.

Can you beat these returns by share trading? If you’re an amazing share picker or Warren Buffett you might make as much as 15-20% a year. But very, very few people can do that for long. If you’re one of them, you’ll probably already know it.

Note that most people generally invest in a range of assets for portfolio diversification purposes. This reduces the volatility, but it can be expected to reduce overall returns, too.

It’s also worth knowing that the longer you hold your assets, the more likely you’ll enjoy their average historical return.

Share prices, for instance, jump around all over the place in the short-term.

But as your holding period increases from months to years to decades, your returns tend towards the average.

How much must you save a month to make a million?

The following table tells you how much you need to save every month to make a million within different time periods, and with different rates of growth.

Cross-reference the growth rate in the top row with the  length of time you can endure it until you’ve got your million pounds.

Where time and growth intersects is the monthly amount you’ll need to save:

4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 15%
5 years £15,061 £14,322 £13,621 £12,958 £12,330 £11,449
10 years £6,795 £6,125 £5,516 £4,964 £4,464 £3,802
20 years £2,739 £2,195 £1,746 £1,381 £1,087 £754
30 years £1,455 £1,021 £705 £481 £325 £178

What about inflation? I’ve ignored it here, because this article is about making a million pounds in nominal terms. In reality a million pounds will buy far less in 20 or 30 years. A shortcut is to read the column to the left of your expected returns. So if you expect to make 8% a year, read the column for 6%. This allows a couple of percent for inflation.

Have a play around with different rates, time periods and monthly savings amounts using our calculator.

A million pounds is certainly not what it used to be. However you’ll soon discover it is still very hard for the average person to make a million pounds quickly through investing.

A million pounds is also an arbitrary number. You’re better off working out your own sustainable plan to reach your financial goals – one that you can stick with for the long haul!

Try our millionaire calculator or see the interest on a million pounds.


The quixotic quest to live off a natural yield from ETFs and other passive funds [Members]

The quixotic quest to live off a natural yield from ETFs and other passive funds [Members] post image

The passive investing hardcore can get pretty sniffy about any aspirations to live off the natural yield of a portfolio.

Some Monevator readers may not even be aware of this approach to investing.

This article can be read by selected Monevator members. Please see our membership plans and consider joining! Already a member? Sign in here.

Weekend reading: The 7/93 portfolio

Weekend Reading logo

What caught my eye this week.

Even the most strategically disinterested passive investor – that’s a compliment, incidentally – will know that the biggest US technology firms were what drove global equity returns higher last year.

I featured dozens of links in 2023 to articles charting the rise of the so-called ‘Magnificent Seven’.

Behemoths such as Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, and Alphabet that couldn’t possibly get any more highly-valued. Until they did!

Broaden the lens to the asset allocation level and things were almost as skewed. Not only did a handful of mega-cap equities drive returns – but equities, especially US ones, were really the only game in town.

And let’s not remind ourselves of the nightmare of 2022.

But okay, if we must then you’ll recall it was the year that diversification utterly failed and pretty much every asset went down. Starring, of course, the worst bond bear market in several generations.

Very high inflation and rising rates sent bond yields soaring and bond prices crashing.

This was not unpredictable given the pace of rate rises (which were unpredictable).

But it did make one despair of owning a diversified portfolio, and saw the 60/40 portfolio written off as dead (again).

Last year already proved that particular obituary to be premature (again, again). Especially in the US.

But while an end to the free fall in bond prices didn’t hurt, the truth is the 60/40’s decent showing was in no small part due to those biggest tech companies returning 50-100% or more in a single year.

So diversification worked, but only because it didn’t get in the way of what really worked.

Risky business

This all-conquering short-term dominance of equities is not an inevitable state of affairs, as this graphic from Legal and General’s 2024 outlook explains:

The graph shows that from around late 2001 to 2014, investors were rewarded – on a risk-adjusted basis – for having diversified portfolios, compared to if they’d only held global equities instead.

Since then though, more often than not owning anything but equities has been a drag.

This probably won’t last. Not least because high-quality government bonds now boast nominal yields of 4-5% or more thanks to the big sell-off, as opposed to the 1% or so they touted before it.

But also because sooner or later the global slowdown we’ve been promised for 18 months should finally arrive, even if it’s a mild one – and because central banks are due to start cutting rates regardless with inflation falling.

Given all the argy-bargy unfolding on the geopolitical scene, I’d certainly take a recession as the casus incisus that sends bond yields down and hence lifts bond prices – in preference to the potential casus belli rattling across the news.

Indeed Legal and General’s head of asset allocation says:

…this is, in our view, not an environment in which to bet on the concentration of risk. One might be lucky and avoid a crisis but if not, performance could be terrible.

Instead, we believe it’s a matter of spreading risk over multiple regions and multiple return drivers.

Over a longer horizon, we believe diversification should outperform more concentrated portfolios on a risk-adjusted basis.

The historical average of the difference in Sharpe ratios is in favour of diversification, according to our calculations.

First among equals

As I’ve written before, it’s conceivable we’ve entered a late-capitalism endgame where the half-dozen or so mega-companies that got to scale just as AI arrives have the data pools and moolah to win forever.

In which case prepare for either a terrifying dystopia or Ian M. Bank’s culture, to suit your taste.

It seems safer to bet though that the stock market is having one of its moments. That, magnificent though these market darlings indisputably are – perhaps the best businesses we’ve ever seen – they won’t prevail perpetually any more than Vodafone, Standard Oil, or the Dutch East India Company did before them.

In which case it’s probably best to keep a sense of balance. Not least in your portfolio.

More good reads from this week on the theme:

Have a great weekend!

[continue reading…]


FIRE-side chat rekindled: a year in the country

Our regular FIRE-side chat image shows a crackling wood fire

Remember Jake, who used geo-arbitrage to escape the rat race? We’re back in the Monevator snug to hear from the man himself whether his FIRE reality has lived up to the dream, one year on.

I have often found myself reflecting on life during the last 12 months. Especially so at a funeral I recently attended.

It was nice to hear all the stories and kind words that people had to say about this individual. Inspiring to hear how positive they were during their lifetime. A glass half-full kind of person.

I have had inflection points like this before. Unfortunately over time the light dims on them.

This time I aspire to be more intentional. There are only a limited number of good healthy years left.

FIRE by the numbers

Financially our first 12 months of FIRE went well. Our net worth on 1 Jan 2024 stood at £964,000.

For the sake of clarity, the net worth in my original FIRE-side chat was the value I took on a random day in early 2023. Specifically our net worth (excluding our house) on 1 Jan 2023 was £845,000.

This net worth figure climbed above £900,000 (again excluding our house) for the first time in June and stayed above that level for most of the rest of the year, with the brief exception of October.

We spent just under £32,000 during the year. That amounts to a 3.77% withdrawal rate.

We had been heading for a 3.30% withdrawal rate with a total spend of just under £28,000. But at the end of December we booked a 2024 family holiday at a cost of £4,000.

One caveat to our 2023 spending is we did not go on holiday. Instead we had plenty of family days out during the school holidays. Although we did book and pay for that 2024 holiday, we’ve yet to enjoy it!

There was approximately £3,000 of spending on a few (hopefully) non-regular bits, including some plumbing and insulation work.

Investing in the face of inflation

All the asset values in our net worth are nominal, and of course our net worth in real terms has been impacted by the recent high inflation.

We are heavily invested in equities, which hopefully will offset some of the negative effects of inflation.

Still no bonds and we’re still overweight America. I know this goes against the conventional wisdom out there. But currently I seem to have a mental block as I can’t bring myself to diversify into bonds and a world tracker. I may have to learn this lesson the hard way.

Having neither worked nor received any salary for a year, it’s a slightly surreal feeling that our nominal net worth has increased during this time – despite 12 month’s worth of spending being deducted.

It’s notable too that thanks to the price of most things we buy going up with high inflation, our bills are bigger than I might have expected had inflation remained subdued.

We are in the fortunate position that we don’t have a mortgage, and thus have not suffered at the hands of higher interest rates like so many homeowners.

Undercover escapees

During the past year I’ve attempted to adjust my mindset towards being more flexible with our spending, as opposed to my previous accumulation, saving, and investing mindset. The decisions and actions we took before are not necessarily what’s appropriate in our de-accumulation life.

I don’t mean spending large amounts of money on unnecessarily expensive items. Rather, spending little and often so we can enjoy days out together as a family, especially while our children are young.

I still look for value for money. But I want to put more emphasis on the joy that our family will gain from these experiences.

We’ve still not told people in our local area of our situation as financially independent early retirees. Only our family and old friends are aware we’re no longer working.

Most of the people we know in our local area are parents whom we’ve met via our children. I’ve observed the way some of them talk about money, finances, and wealthy acquaintances. The impression I have is that a lot of our new network are middle-earners who appear to put more emphasis on spending money, rather than saving and investing.

I think some may have mindsets too entrenched to appreciate the long-term hard work, planning, difficult decisions, grit, and delayed gratification that helped us arrive at where we currently are.

In contrast, having lived through it I’m obviously well aware of all the work I did that provided the money that I then invested, which in turn enabled me to leave that world in the rear-view mirror.

During the last couple of years at work I had an on-going internal debate of when enough was enough. I could have carried on for another year or two for the extra money, or because I was scared and fearful of the risks involved. But mentally I felt I was in the fast lane to burnout. I needed to end the journey.

Going with the flow

It’s surprisingly difficult to explain how we’ve spent our time since I left work.

Our days are still structured around our children and the school run. Which, for example, stops us from spending the whole day away from home. But I really treasure the time on the school run. Children grow up so quickly and I missed this in the early years.

Some of my time has been spent recovering from the stress, anxiety, and tension that I felt daily while in the corporate world. I’m learning to try and look after and understand myself more. To be kinder to myself, to not to be so self-critical, or to put myself under unnecessary pressure. I keep reminding myself that I can slow down.

There are some days when I don’t want to do anything, so I don’t. My mood may be low. Doubts and negative thoughts can creep in. Then there are other days when I feel the need to accomplish something. It’s nice to be able to listen to my body and mind when deciding what to do for the day. Rather than having the decision taken out of my hands by the corporate machine, as in my previous life.

I often spend time outside in the garden tidying up or going for walks around the local area. This enables us to enjoy the simple pleasure of observing the changing seasons. I’m fishing again, which is a wonderful way to spend time outdoors close to nature. If the weather restricts me to indoors, I will potter about, listening to music, reading, catching up on Monevator articles, doing household admin (I still write to-do lists), planning little projects. Sometimes I like to just sit down in peace alone with my thoughts.

This may not sound as exciting as some envisage their future post-work life to be. The excitement comes in different forms. Being able to observe our children develop and grow – witnessing those moments that bring them joy and intrigue without the interruption of the next urgent work emergency – is priceless.

Five things that went as planned

Financially we were fortunate that the winds of the American markets were behind us in our first year. This helped ease the initial fears of dealing with the de-accumulation phase and sequence of return risk.

My wife and I are in this together as a team. We have a joint objective to enjoy and make the most of our new family lifestyle.

In moments of contemplation, I’ve realised that giving up employment is not as scary as I had built it up to be. It’s easy to focus on the worst-case scenarios and ignore the potential benefits.

There is a feeling of freedom to finally have control and independence over our time, finances, and our direction of travel as a family.

The work-related stress has disappeared and hopefully over time this will benefit my long-term health. I sometimes smile to myself at a distant memory of a former boss misunderstanding me once again.

Five things I’ve learned or recalibrated

I had a fear that my work had become the main part of my identity over such a long period of time. It was a very stressful and demanding role that I found little enjoyment and even less meaning in. The jury is still out as to whether I’ve managed to re-discover who I was before my sentence in the corporate world.

There is not as much time available as you dream there will be, especially with children. I have multiple ever-increasing to-do lists on the go at the same time. I’m not sure how we ever managed pre-FIRE!

I’m still trying to understand if I need more structure in my day, in addition to the school run. Fortunately, there are no imposed deadlines on discovering what works in my new reality.

I suspect I haven’t fully decompressed since leaving employment. Being able to relax is a skill I am slowing re-acquainting myself with.

I wrestle with the dilemma of whether I should tell people that I’m no longer working. I have almost been caught out on a couple of occasions when people have asked how work is going, or whether we have any time off over the holiday period.

Closing thoughts

After a long and sometimes frustrating journey, we arrived at destination FIRE. And just like that, we are already advancing into our second year of early retirement.

We have the freedom to live the life we want on our own terms. There are potential risks on the horizon and plenty of challenges to overcome. But we feel we’re in a better place to prosper as a family.

Thanks so much to Jake for letting us know how he’s faring with FIRE. It’s good to hear from the other side of the rainbow! But what do you think readers? Should we make such occasional post-FIRE follow-ups a feature of the FIRE-side chats, or would you rather we focused on new stories? Please let us know in the comments below, along with any reflections or questions about Jake’s experience.