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Pension drawdown rules: what are they?

I have always found it hard to keep a grip on the pension drawdown options. There are so many fiddly yet peskily important details to forget about.

So today we’ll try to capture all the crucial drawdown details in one place for future reference.

Let’s take it one step at a time…

What is a drawdown pension?

Going into pension drawdown is one of the options you have when taking money from a defined contribution pension of some description.

Defined contribution pensions have more aliases than a criminal mastermind, including:

  • Personal pension
  • Workplace pension
  • Occupational pension
  • Stakeholder pension
  • SIPP
  • Master trust pension

There’s even more out there if you look for them!

Meanwhile, a defined contribution pension is best described as not a defined benefit pension.

A defined benefit pension offers you a guaranteed income for life.

A defined contribution pension does not, and so is not as good. It is however typically cheaper and less burdensome for a company to offer to its workers than a defined benefit jobbie. Which is why defined benefit pensions are nowadays rarer than unicorn milk in the private sector.

If you’re under 60 and you work in the private sector, you most probably have a defined contribution pension.

This article focuses purely on your options if you hold a defined contribution pension. Mostly because that’s the type I have too – and because I have to draw the line somewhere.

I’m also going to assume that the earliest you can retire is age 55 (going up to 57 from 6 April 2028) and that you don’t have any other pension bells and whistles like lump sum protections and the like.

We can investigate the exceptions and edge cases together in the comments.

Pension drawdown: take a step back to go forward

When you crack open your pension pot, you can take some of your savings as tax-free cash (TFC)1 – which is every bit as good as it sounds.

The rest of your income needs are serviced by taxable cash.

There are three main options for releasing the taxable wedge from your pension, and we’ll come to those in a sec.

How much tax-free cash?

You can take up to 25% of your pension savings as tax-free cash.

Your tax-free cash is currently capped at £268,2752 (known as the lump sum allowance) or 25% of the lump sum and death benefit allowance (LSDBA) of £1,073,100.3

You can take your entire tax-free cash allowance in one go, or in stages. It’s up to you.

Options for your taxable pension savings

For every £1 you take in tax-free cash, you have to decide what to do with the other, potentially taxable £3:

Pension drawdown – you can take a flexible income from your pot while the rest of your funds are typically left invested.

Buy an annuity – you hand over a sizeable chunk of your loot to an insurance company. It then pays you a regular income for as long as you wear this mortal coil.

Cash grab – you can take your entire pension as cash NOW. Or some of it. This is the Lamborghini option. Or a Vauxhall Corsa in my case. HMRC will send you a birthday card if you go down this route. Sorry, that should read enormous tax demand.

Have it your way – mix-and-match the three options above, in any combination you like, Burger King-style.

Your provider may not offer all or even any of these options. In which case you can transfer your pension to someone who will.

Okay, I’d love to talk about pension drawdown now. But, to do that, I’ve gotta get some more confounding terminology out of the way…

Crystallised versus uncrystallised pension

There’s no escaping this.

Your pension stands astride a boundary. Not the line betwixt good and evil but between uncrystallised and crystallised.

Uncrystallised pension savings refer to pension assets that are not ‘in play’. They remain invested in your pension pot, poised in a superposition. All options are still on the table, because you haven’t yet entangled them in a withdrawal event. [Editor’s note: Great thinking @TA – using a quantum mechanics metaphor to simplify pension chat!]

Crystallised pension savings are assets that are ‘in play’ because you’ve withdrawn money.

For example imagine you withdraw 10% of your £500,000 pension as tax-free cash.

This crystallises £200,000 like so:

  • £50,000 in tax-free cash
  • A further £150,000 of pension savings that require you to select from the options described in the previous section. (This is the taxable £3 bound up with every £1 of tax-free cash you took).

To recap: your remaining £150,000 of crystallised funds can be put into drawdown, some portion can be used to buy an annuity, or you can stuff the lot into a holdall before going on the run from HMRC.

All that means that £300,000 of our original £500,000 pension is still uncrystallised. And 25% of that £300,000 can still hatch as tax-free cash.

Crystal clear-ish

Perhaps the best way to think of the metamorphosis between uncrystallised and crystallised pension is that income is taken from the crystallised portion and may be subject to income tax at your marginal rate.

A diagram showing how the pension drawdown rules work

Lots of sources describe crystallising pension assets as ‘cashing in’ your pension. This doesn’t make sense to me. You can leave crystallised funds invested and untouched for the rest of your life if you want.

Importantly, when you crystallise an amount, you lose your right to its associated 25% tax-free cash if you don’t take it at the time.

Incidentally, your pension is not subject to Inheritance Tax – no matter which state it’s in.

Pension drawdown rules

At last! With that foundation course out of the way, we can move on to the actual pension drawdown rules.

Pension drawdown is extremely flexible, subject to the confines of your provider’s scheme.

If you take 25% of your pension pot as tax-free cash then the remaining 75% can be put into drawdown as discussed.

From there, you can start taking an income from these crystallised funds. As frequently as monthly if your broker’s particular platform is game.

That’s one way of doing it.

However a better way for many people is to periodically take tax-free cash in chunks. For example, in amounts that don’t exceed your annual ISA allowance, so you can then tuck the cash away in an ISA where it can continue to grow tax-free.

This approach is known as phased drawdown or partial drawdown, because every tax-free withdrawal also crystallises additional assets in the 3:1 ratio described above.

Phased or partial drawdown

Phased drawdown isn’t a special pension drawdown mode you need to unlock. It’s just a name given to drawing down in stages, as opposed to taking all of your tax-free cash in a one-er.

Here’s an example of phased drawdown:

A table showing how the pension drawdown rules work

I’ve streamlined this example. There’s no need to crystallise the same amount every year with phased drawdown.

I’ve not stuck to my sustainable withdrawal rate in this example either. And it illustrates a mild investing nightmare, as the portfolio has gone sideways for two years on the trot.

Remember that any amount of the £30,000 crystallised segment can be taken as income too (or none of it), but these withdrawals are subject to income tax once you’ve smashed through your personal allowances.

Phased drawdown has two advantages versus the other method of withdrawing from your pension in stages: the uncrystallised funds pension lump sum (UFPLS).

Firstly, phased drawdown doesn’t trigger the Money Purchase Annual Allowance (MPAA) rules. Just so long as you don’t take an income from your crystallised funds.

In other words, you won’t limit tax-relief on your future pension contributions if you can live off your tax-free cash and/or other income sources for a time.

Secondly, tax-free cash from drawdown isn’t restricted to 25% of the standard limit if you have pension protections that exceed that limit.

Capped drawdown

Capped drawdown was a more restrictive set of pension drawdown rules that applied before the shackles were loosened.

You can’t choose capped drawdown as an option anymore. You can decide to remain on it though.

Pension drawdown tax

Any money withdrawn from your pension drawdown assets (aside from your tax-free cash) is subject to income tax as normal.

These withdrawals count as non-savings income that is taxed in the same way as wages from a job.4

The first £12,570 taken from your pension drawdown balance is tax-free due to the personal allowance. All the usual tax bands and rules apply thereafter.

Treat the family by dying before age 75

If you die before age 75 then any beneficiary can take an income from your drawdown pension tax-free. This is known as beneficiary drawdown but it isn’t available from all schemes. The same goes for annuities.

If you die before age 75 then any lump sum payments in excess of the lump sum and death benefit allowance are taxable at your beneficiary’s marginal income tax rate.

After age 75, all payments are made at the beneficiary’s marginal income tax rate.

Obscure exception 1: Income tax is payable at the beneficiary’s rate if you die before age 75, and payments are taken from uncrystallised funds that are not designated for drawdown within two years of the scheme administrator knowing about your death.

Obscure exception 2: Income tax is payable at the beneficiary’s rate if you die before age 75, and a lump sum is taken beyond two years of the scheme administrator knowing about your death.

Obscure exception 3: Income tax is payable at 45% on lump sums paid into a trust, if you die after age 75.

Note: Taking income from an inherited pension does not trigger the Money Purchase Annual Allowance.

Emergency tax on pension drawdown payments

Tax on pension withdrawals is deducted by your broker/scheme provider using PAYE.

Your first drawdown payment (or any that are deemed to be ad hoc) is likely to be taxed using an emergency tax code rather than your actual rate.

Look out for an ‘M1’ suffix on your tax code e.g. 1257LM1.

This indicates your payment is taxed on a Month 1 basis.

The M1 means HMRC will multiply that payment by twelve as they assume that you’ll receive the same amount of income every month.

For instance, if you take £20,000 (above and beyond your tax-free cash) to cover the year, HMRC will calculate that you must be living it large on a £240,000 annual income.

Obviously paying tax at that rate is going to take a massive bite out of your £20,000 income apple. It could be months before you’re refunded by HMRC.

It’s a patently ludicrous situation.

You can reclaim the tax (see below) but that takes time.

Cracking the code

After that initial tax bill shock, you’re on HMRC’s pension payment radar. They should issue you (and your pension provider) with a tax code that’s based on how much tax you’ve already paid this tax year.

Now you’re being taxed on a cumulative basis, which is how we’re all used to being treated when we’re paid a monthly salary.

A standard tax code like 1257L shows you’re being taxed on a cumulative basis i.e. the M1 has been lopped off.

With a cumulative basis tax code in play you should be taxed properly on any regular withdrawal schedule agreed with your pension provider.

So if they offer you payments on, for example, a quarterly or annual regular withdrawal schedule, HMRC should tax those on the basis that they amount to 25% or 100% of your annual income.

Any under or overpayments of tax will be clawed back or refunded through your future regular income drops, and HMRC will automatically issue new tax codes to your provider to make it so.

As mentioned, ad hoc payments are always treated on an M1 basis, so they have the potential to knock things sideways tax-wise.

Quilter has provided an excellent explanation of how pensions and PAYE interact. Many thanks to Monevator reader Tricky for linking to this in the comments.


I’d recommend having a conversation with your broker about how you can duck the emergency tax bullet – but it seems to be unavoidable because this is how PAYE works.

There do seem to be two ways to mitigate the tax hit on your first pension payment:

  • If you plan to take a regular drawdown income then ensure your first taxable payment is only for a small amount – such as £100. The emergency tax rate will apply to this amount and HMRC will then issue updated tax codes that adjust for your subsequent, larger payments throughout the tax year.

This way, HMRC is effectively reclaiming the correct amount of tax from you. There’s lovely!

  • If you’ve been issued a P45 for the same tax year as your first drawdown payment then ask your broker if that will enable them to apply an accurate tax code from the start.

Choosing your regular income schedule

Perhaps your broker manages their system on a VIC-20, or you want payments aligned with the lunar months?

Either way, your pension provider may not be able to provide you with a satisfactory schedule of regular payments.

In that case, my personal preference would be to sell down enough bonds and equities to cover myself for the time period in question e.g. a year. Then I’d park the cash in my pension – possibly using a money market fund if my broker’s interest rate is rubbish. Finally, I’d take monthly payments (or whatever schedule the provider can offer) from that cash balance to keep things square with HMRC.

Relatedly, Monevator reader Gizzard points out that some lenders will only look at monthly income payments when assessing your credit worthiness. So your clockwork annual payments may get disregarded as ‘unusual’ lump sums.

Reclaiming tax

Just for fun, HMRC have three different tax forms on the go for reclaiming tax on pension withdrawals. Choose from:

  • P55 – if your withdrawal hasn’t emptied this particular pension and you don’t intend to take any more payments from it this tax year
  • P50Z – if you’ve drained this pension dry and aren’t working
  • P53Z – you’ve tapped out this pension and are still working

When you plan to take multiple withdrawals from a pension then HMRC will revise your tax code later in the year for under/overpayments. Thus we’re spared another tax form.

Pension drawdown charges

You shouldn’t have to pay anything for drawdown services these days.

See the SIPP row / Fee notes column of the Monevator broker table to find drawdown and UFPLS fees.

Fidelity, AJ Bell, Aviva, and Hargreaves Lansdown all charge nothing for drawdown. And they cap their platform charges at a reasonable rate if you choose an ETF-only portfolio.

Small pots

The small pots rule allows you to empty three defined contribution pensions worth up to £10,000 each but with two additional bonus features that you may wish to know about.

Firstly, the small pots rule works like the cash grab option we described earlier:

  • You can withdraw all the cash from any of your pensions in one go
  • Up to 25% is available as tax-free cash
  • The remaining funds are subject to income tax as usual

However, you must empty a small pot completely when using this rule. You can’t leave the money hanging around, so watch out for any tax consequences that follow from withdrawing your 75% taxable cash.

The two small pots bonus features are:

  • It doesn’t trigger the MPAA limit that caps tax relief on future pension contributions.
  • Small pots’ 25% tax-free cash does not use up any of your normal tax-free cash because small pots aren’t tested against the lump sum allowance.

So you may be able to rearrange your pensions to squeeze out another £7,500 in tax-free cash using small pots.

Check with your pension provider to ensure your scheme is eligible for the small pots rule.

You may well pay the wrong amount of tax initially on a small pots withdrawal as the basic rate is automatically applied to the taxable element – regardless of any other tax you’ve paid in the year.

The rules are different if your defined contribution scheme is classified as an ‘occupational pension’ scheme, although few are, apparently.

Pension Wise

Finally, if you would welcome advice on how to make the most of your pension then know that you are entitled to a free Pension Wise advice session.

Doubtless even grizzled Monevator mavens would benefit from the chance to clarify things. You can also attend an appointment on behalf of a family member or a friend.

Given the life-changing nature of these decisions, I’m very glad that Pension Wise exists to offer a guiding hand. Even if only for 60 minutes.

As for us, that’s it for our tour of the pension drawdown rules.

Complexity seems to be the necessary by-product of the UK’s flexible pension system. I hope this piece goes some way to clearing up the fug surrounding it.

But let us know what we’ve missed in the comments below.

Take it steady,

The Accumulator

PS – check out HMRC’s pension tax manual if you’re having trouble sleeping at night.

  1. Also known as the pension commencement lump sum or PCLS. []
  2. Unless you’ve already locked-in a higher lump sum or lifetime allowance limit. []
  3. The pale shadow of the Lifetime Allowance. []
  4. Though pension withdrawals do not count as earnings that determine how much you can contribute towards a pension. []

UK tax brackets and personal allowances

Know your tax bracket and personal allowance to learn what income is yours to keep

Hey, do you know your tax bracket? I’m talking about the crucial bands that determine whether you’re a basic (20%), higher (40%), or additional rate (45%) taxpayer.

Everyone knows their height and their shoe size. To be frank, most teenage boys spent a furtive moment with a ruler.

But many of us have no idea where each tax bracket starts and ends. Nor where our income falls within these bands.

It’s pretty ironic. Think about how much time we spend at work, wishing we earned more money. Not to mention all those debates about public services, taxes, and spending.

Perhaps the freezing of personal tax allowances in recent years has made people a little more aware.

Yet I suspect many people still don’t know how much of their own salary they get to keep.

Let’s begin with the hard numbers. Then we’ll get into what your tax bracket means for your take home pay.

2023/2024 UK tax brackets

The rate of tax you pay depends on your total income from all sources. This includes salary, interest, dividends, pensions, property letting, and so on.1

You add up all this income to get your total income figure.

You then subtract your personal allowance from the total to see which tax bracket you fit into. More on that in a mo’.

For England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, the income bands after allowances are currently:

Income Tax Rate 2023/2024 2024/2025
Starting rate for savings: 0% £0-£5,000 £0- £5,000
Basic rate: 20% £0- £37,700 £0- £37,700
Higher rate: 40% £37,701-£125,140 £37,701-£125,140
Additional 45% rate £125,141 and above  £125,141 and above

Source: HMRC

Note: If your non-savings taxable income is above the starting rate limit, then the starting savings rate does not apply to your savings income.

Scotland has its own (similar) tax rates. See the Scottish Government for the gory details.

If you prefer to think in terms of tax bands – that is, before deducting the personal allowance – then for England, Wales, and Northern Ireland these are:

  • Personal allowance at 0%: £12,570
  • Basic rate 20% – £12,571 to £50,270
  • Higher rate 40% – £50,271 to £125,140
  • Additional rate 45% – £125,141 to the moon

Again, the higher rate threshold has been frozen until 2028.

Complicating factor alert! If you earn over £100,000 you’ll pay a marginal rate of 60% on some of your income. What joy! More on that below.

2023/2024 personal allowance

The tax year runs from 6 April to 5 April the next year.

All of us have a basic level of income – whether we’re employed or self-employed – that we can earn during this period before we have to pay income tax.

But after your allowance is used up, the government starts taking its due via income tax.

The personal allowance system was simplified a few years ago. Everyone now starts with the same personal allowance, regardless of age.

  • For 2023/24, the personal allowance is £12,570.

Your personal allowance may be bigger if you qualify for Married Couple’s Allowance or Blind Person’s Allowance. It’s smaller if your income is over £100,000. We’ll get to that in a minute.

Note the £12,570 personal allowance is the same as in 2021/22, and it’s frozen until 2028. This is purportedly to raise revenue to pay for the extra State spending during the pandemic.

Freezing the allowance means that as your salary rises over the years, proportionally less of it is covered by the tax-free band. You’ll therefore lose a greater share of your income to tax.

Blind Person’s and Married Couple’s allowance

There are two other personal allowances you might qualify for:

  • Blind Person’s Allowance – £2,600
  • Married Couple’s Allowance – £1,260

These are added to the standard personal allowance, if you qualify. They can give you or your spouse a slightly higher personal allowance.

  • MoneySavingExpert has a good guide to the Married Couple’s Allowance.

The 60% tax trap for those earning £100,000 or more

If you’re on a much-coveted six-figure salary, I’ve got some unpleasant numbers for you.

Anyone with an income of over £100,000 sees their personal allowance reduced by £1 for every £2 of income above the £100,000 limit.

This effectively increases the marginal rate of tax you pay between £100,000 and £125,140 to 60%.

For income above £125,140, the 45% additional tax rate applies.

Ironically then, you’re taxed at a lower rate on earnings on your income over the £125,140 level. That’s because your personal allowance has been totally whittled away by this point.

The effective 60% marginal rate payable on that specific £25,140 chunk of income above £100,000 is far higher than the official tax rates would indicate.

The child benefit booby-trap

Got kids? There’s a similar effective hike in the marginal tax rate when either parent earns over £50,000 a year and so is disqualified from claiming child benefit.

See if you can increase your pension contributions in order to keep your child benefit and so avoid being penalised.

How tax brackets work to determine the tax you pay

Let’s run through a couple of examples to show how this all works.

Basic rate payer

Let’s say you will earn £45,000 in 2023/24 from all sources. Your taxable income is £45,000 minus your personal allowance of £12,571.

So £32,429.

This put all your income in the 20% tax bracket, as it’s less than £37,701 in the first table above.

In practice you’ll pay no tax on the first £12,571 you earn, and 20% on the remaining £32,429.

You’ll therefore pay £6,486 in tax on your income.

Higher rate payer

Now let’s imagine your total income adds up to £60,000.

By the same method (£60,000 minus £12,571) your taxable income is £47,429.

The first £37,701 of this will be taxed at 20%.

The rest – £9,728 – is taxed at 40%.

You’ll pay:

  • Basic rate tax of £7,540
  • Higher rate tax of £3,891
  • Total tax paid is £11,431

In nearly all cases you’ll also pay additional and hefty National Insurance contributions.

National Insurance

National Insurance is in practice an extra tax you pay on your earnings. It comes with its own fiddly rules – and in recent years the Government has been prone to messing with them.

That’s probably because people find it even harder to keep track of what they’re paying in National Insurance than with income tax. National Insurance rates are therefore less politically hot than income tax rates.

The big news recently was that the main National Insurance rate for employees was cut from 12% to 10% on 6 January 2024. Class 2 National Insurance contributions for the self-employed will be scrapped in April, too. 

Yet only a couple of years ago, National Insurance rates were increased by 1.25%. Ostensibly this was to pay for the NHS and social care.

So you can see the Government has mostly just reversed its own hike made in April 2022.

One recent-ish change was more sensible. From 6 July 2022 the personal allowance became the threshold for starting National Insurance payments. This means everything you earn within the personal allowance is now 100% yours to keep – with no tax or National Insurance to pay.

A welcome piece of simplification in a sea of complexity.

Indeed, anything else we write here about National Insurance will not be exhaustive enough to stop someone saying “what about X?” in the comments.

Don’t blame us! Blame the labyrinthine UK tax system.

National Insurance rates

Just briefly then, most employees currently pay what are called ‘Class 1’ contributions at the following rates:

Your salary 6 April 2023 to 5 January 2024 From 6 January 2024 to 5 April 2024
£242 to £967 a week (£1,048 to £4,189 a month) 12% 10%
Over £967 a week (£4,189 a month) 2% 2%

Source: HMRC

Your employer also pays National Insurance contributions, based on your salary. This gives rise to the technique known as ‘salary sacrifice’.

With salary sacrifice you give up some pay in return for some other benefit – usually pension contributions. You get the benefit, and you and your employer also pay less National Insurance.

Self-employed people make different contributions, depending on profits. These are typically worked out via your self-assessment tax return.

As I’ve already moaned, it’s all an extra hassle to keep tabs on.

In a sensible world National Insurance would be merged with income tax. This doesn’t happen because (a) supposedly the money it raises is set aside for state pensions and other welfare funding (it’s not really) and (b) no UK government wants to been seen introducing an income tax rate that’s transparently above 50%.

Your tax bracket determines your take home pay

Like many students, I was philosophically a left-wing tax-and-spender.

It was a pretty low-stress position to hold when I paid no taxes!

But then I got a job.

Suddenly I saw how much money would be taken out of the meagre pay I received for ramming my head repeatedly into the coalface for 40 or more hours a week. Financially, I turned more to the right.2

As my dad used to say, quoting someone else:

If you’re not a socialist at 20 you haven’t got a heart.

If you’re not a capitalist at 30 you haven’t got a head.

I’d add: if you don’t know your tax bracket then you haven’t got a clue.

Most of us care most about how much of what we earn we get to keep. Not so much about how we’re helping to fund the NHS or to pay interest on the UK’s national debt – vital though both may be.

When we start working – and we start paying taxes – we’re shocked by how much less of our pay we actually get to keep.

Beyond the sticker shock

But knowing your tax bracket is about more than just stopping you from fainting when you open your payslip.

Because armed with this knowledge, you can also be more strategic about adding money to ISAs and pensions.

As we’ve seen, the tax system gets progressively more punishing as your salary passes through various thresholds. You might therefore prefer to put more of your more higher-taxed earnings into a pension.

Thanks to pension tax relief, this way you sacrifice less of a share of your post-tax disposable income, while building up a bigger retirement pot.

A fiscal drag

The tax take from British workers has been rising for more than a decade.

This was partly achieved by ‘fiscal drag’.

Fiscal drag sees rising salaries pulling more workers into the higher rate tax bands, because the tax band thresholds and allowances are frozen or only raised by a bit – despite high inflation.

After the financial crisis of 2008/2009, the threshold for higher rate tax was even explicitly lowered, despite inflation running over target. That move dragged millions more people into the higher rate tax bracket.

National Insurance rates rose for higher rate tax payers. And the wheeze that slashed the personal allowance for those earning over £100,000 was introduced.

True, the additional rate of income tax was cut from a short-lived 50% to 45% in 2013. And eventually both the personal allowance and the higher rate tax threshold were lifted.

But as we’ve seen they’ve since been frozen – and they will stay frozen for years to come.

In short, if you remember the arcade game Frogger, that’s a good analogy for the ever-changing UK tax landscape.

Bring me higher (tax) love

Some may quibble with my simplified narrative. But it’s directionally correct.

See this graph from the IFS, and pay particular attention to the yellow line:

Source: IFS

You can see that the numbers paying higher rates of tax (yellow line) has hugely increased since 2009 – let alone 1990.

Perhaps that’s fine. As well as the freezing of tax bands, you could also argue it’s a reflection of rising wealth inequality.

We can debate that another day. I’m just pointing out how things have been going – and what might happen next.

We’re living through a period of historically high inflation. After peaking in double-digits, inflation is still above target at over 4%.

Yet both the personal allowance and the threshold for higher rate tax are frozen until 2028.

Unless the government changes course, this will drag even more workers into paying higher and additional rate taxes over the next few years.

A higher calling

If you’re a higher earner wondering why you’re not feeling as wealthy as you think you should, higher taxes may have something to do with it.

Okay, and higher mortgage rates, inflation, and energy bills.

(Not to mention hedonic adaption! But let’s stay on-topic.)

The truth is being a higher rate tax payer is no longer enough to classify you as wealthy.

Yes, I’m well aware that the median annual income in the UK for full-time employees is still less than £35,000 – well below the higher rate bracket. Nobody needs to get on a soap box to shout at me.

I’m not saying life is fair, either, or that income inequality isn’t a problem. (My voting record reflects my views.)

But the fact stands. Paying higher rate tax hardly makes you Bertie Wooster these days.

Resistance is tax-efficient

I’m all for taxing, spending, and the UK offering a decent welfare safety net.

But I’m not going to leave a tip.

I’m a law-abiding citizen. However there are sensible and legal steps you can take to mitigate your total tax bill.

Use as much of your ISA allowance and/or a pension to shelter your savings as possible. Take steps to manage capital gains tax. You could also consider VCTs and EIS schemes if you’re up for the research, extra costs, and greater risks.

Higher rate taxpayers should consider making maximal contributions into their pension. Most people are now allowed to pay up to £60,000 into a pension in a year3, so there’s a lot of headroom.

If you can cut your spending by enough to make big contributions, you might be able to get the higher rate tax you’d otherwise have to pay entirely wiped out by tax relief. Depending on how much you earn, of course.

Large pension contributions can really accelerate the growth of your retirement pot too. Just remember you’ll almost certainly have to pay some tax when you withdraw a pension income later.

Changes over the past decade have made pensions much more attractive than they were. Even I, a former pension-phobic person, would prefer to lock away some of my money for many years in a pension than chuck it away by paying 40% or 45% tax on it today.

The bottom line is taxes are continuing to rise. Take cover, or take the pain.

Note: This article was updated in February 2024 with the latest UK tax bracket and personal allowance numbers. Comments below may refer to old rates. Check the dates if unsure.

  1. There exist allowances and reliefs for some of these income sources, such as dividends and savings. These can reduce how much of that income is taxable. []
  2. To be clear, I’ve no problem with a reasonable level of taxation, public spending, and redistribution. It’s more that back then I had no idea what was already being taxed and spent! []
  3. Or 100% of income, whichever is lower. []

Weekend reading: five graphs that justify the gloom

Our Weekend Reading logo

What caught my eye this week.

I have often been chided for being too negative over the past few years – both in comments on Monevator and elsewhere.

Just last week, regular reader SLG asked:

It might just be that my complainy pants news filter is set too high to assess the state of the nation but are you sure you’re getting a balanced reading breakfast to keep your glass topped half way up @TI?

That was in response to a post where I was indeed being negative about the returns from investing lately – once you excluded the big gains from the so-called ‘Magnificent Seven’ US tech giants.

Well, investing returns – equities and bonds alike – have been mediocre-to-bad since I first got negative in late 2021 and then more so. Especially once you adjust for inflation.

I do understand this is in on top of my multi-year negativity about the rubbish results from Brexit, though.

Eeyore stories

Let’s be clear. I wholeheartedly agree there’s plenty of great stuff going on in the world, from new vaccines to the renewable energy cost collapse to the ongoing joys of K-Dramas.

But (geo) politically and economically it’s been rough sledding. Better, in some respects, than it might have been, especially when it comes to the US economy. But thin gruel elsewhere at best, and war at worst.

Here are five fairly random graphs I came across just this week that shine light on the gloom.

Graph #1 from: Britain has been reduced to Trabant-status among the West

In this Telegraph article the author rightly accuses the British State of self-harm against its own economy and citizens, but studiously avoids mentioning Brexit as one of the causes. (See Goldman’s latest estimate on the damage from Brexit in the links below).

Anyway his graph illustrates why workers feel they’ve not gotten any richer for many years.

It’s because they haven’t. That’s a fact, not me being negative.

Graph #2 from: UK economy falls into recession

Here we see the UK economy has stagnated for two years – and was in recession for the second half of 2023.

That’s a fact, not me being negative.

Graph #3 from: What is the UK inflation rate and how does it affect me?

Households are living through the worst inflation shock for generations. January inflation unexpectedly held steady – a small rise was forecast – which was welcome. But inflation is still double the official target rate.

Inflation should fall fast from here (more global strife notwithstanding).

But the pain is real and it will have lasting consequences.

Graph #4 from Where UK house prices officially fell the most in 2023

Falling house prices are good news from the personal perspective of priced out would-be buyers. You can argue too that a permanently lower level of prices would help the economy, by aiding mobility or redirecting investment to more productive areas.

Nevertheless, their own home is many people’s biggest investment and asset. Lower prices make them and the country poorer.

Property prices fell in 2023 as mortgage rates leapt higher.

That’s a fact, not me being negative.

Graph #5 from Decarbonsation, an annually-updated presentation by analyst Nat Bullard

You may be a Blimp-ish climate change denier – aka scientifically wrong – but for the rest of us, this is grim viewing.

Happily there’s far more positive visuals showing progress in the fight to curb carbon emissions if you click through the rest of Nat’s presentation.

But that’s for the future. Right now things are bleak.

When the facts change I’ll change my mind

I’m not having a go at any reader who feels Monevator has been a bit morose in recent years. Reader SLG above was perfectly civil about it – and I appreciated their nice words about the effort that goes into compiling these weekly links, too.

I am fed up with the negativity myself. The difference is I believe it is out in the world, and that noticing it is warranted.

Putting your fingers in your ears doesn’t make it go away.

Coming out of the financial crisis Monevator was sometimes accused of being a haven for happy-clappy permabulls. I look forward to getting there again.

And as I’ve already said, it’s true things could be worse.

The greatest architects of Britain’s self-harm – among the worst set of politicians we’ve seen in power in the UK for hundreds of years – are no longer fully in charge. The virus that was responsible for even more of the recent misery is a fading memory. Wars lamentably rage on, but so far they’ve not metastasised a into wider conflict.

Oh and at least it’s not the 1970s, as a wonderful series of podcasts from The Rest Is History this week reminded me. Start with that first podcast covering 1974 and work your way through the darkly comic chaos.

We survived the 1970s and we will get through this. Poorer, but who knows maybe wiser for the journey.

Have a great weekend.

[continue reading…]


FIRE-side chat: why escape from work you enjoy?

Our regular FIRE-side chat image shows a crackling wood fire

Long-time Monevator reader @old_eyes has enjoyed a stimulating career and a healthy income. Sound investing decisions have put his household on a firm footing as he and his wife enter their 70s. The challenge though is that they need to support TWO households. Please enjoy the latest in our series of real-life FIRE profiles.

A place by the FIRE

Hello! How do you feel about taking stock of your financial life today?

I feel that I have reached a good place, with financial independence reasonably secure. There is always the risk of some left-field catastrophe, but if the world continues its journey with a recognisable financial system, we should be okay. So now is a good time to look back on the journey and ask how we got here.

Whether there are any messages for other members of the Monevator community seeking FIRE, I don’t know. I was a late starter with serious saving and investing, didn’t really retire early, and I have not done anything clever or special.

I am also acutely aware how lucky I have been, not only in having a good and satisfying career, but also in being born at the right time. A time when defined benefit pensions were the norm, student debt was unknown (apart from sometimes having to grovel for a tiny, tiny overdraft), and homes were an understandable multiple of earnings.

It is a very different world for the next generation.

How old are you?

I am 69 and my wife 70. We have been together for 46 years and married for 40. (It’s a shock to write those four numbers down!)

Do you have any dependents?

We have two sons. The older is 37 and on the autistic spectrum, the younger 34.

Our older son is totally dependent on us. He has never worked and is extremely unlikely to ever work. He also has some health issues arising from an auto-immune disease.

We have been able to buy him a house in the centre of Liverpool. There he can live independently, something that would be impossible in our rural location. We cover all his bills as the state is unable/unwilling to do very much for him. So, we are effectively running two households. It is better for him to be where he can walk or get public transport to wherever he wants to go, and where there are accessible services and amenities. However, it does increase the costs.

His situation has a big influence on how we think about our savings and investments. They must support him after our deaths for the rest of his life. It is not just financial independence for us, it is lifetime financial independence for him. We can’t see the state becoming more generous to the unfortunate in the foreseeable future. Ours does not feel like a very caring society, and with fewer working people available to support those retired on unable to work, it is hard to see that changing.

Our younger son is married to an American and lives in the Bay Area with their young daughter. He works in marketing and communications for the tech industry. We have had to get used to the ferocious turnover rate that characterises that sector. From one call to the next we are never sure who he is currently working for – or whether he is currently working at all.

Where do you live?

We live in North Wales in a very rural area. It sounds out of the way, but we are an hour from Liverpool, an hour from Manchester and an hour from Snowdonia (Eryri). Unfortunately, rural transport is dire, so we are a two-car family.

When do you consider you achieved Financial Independence?

In 2016 at 62, the job I was then doing vanished out from under me. We looked at the numbers and realised that we had enough for financial independence now, and with a good chance of meeting our remaining financial goal of leaving a legacy for our autistic spectrum son.

I wasn’t aiming at a particular number. I knew I didn’t really want to go on until state retirement age, and the restructuring at work provided the incentive to consider whether I had reached FI. It looked okay so I pulled the trigger. Now I did not need to work anymore.

What about Retired Early?

I ran my own consulting company from 2001-2012. It was quiet across 2012-2016, whilst I was doing a last corporate stint, but picked up again after 2016. Now I have achieved FI, I am much more selective about who I work with. It is now almost entirely not-for-profits working in areas I think are important.

I try not to work more than a couple of days a week, but there are occasional intense bursts of activity. 

I am still enjoying the work and will stop when I have had enough. Unlike @ermine, I never had a burning desire to get the hell out of it. My career was pretty pleasant, and although I suffered under stupid management from time to time, I always felt the work itself was satisfying.

It would be nice and neat to carry on to 2026, the 25th anniversary of founding my consultancy, but I am not sure I am motivated enough. I expect to quietly fade from view.

Assets: definitely maybe 

What’s your current net worth?

I always find net worth a tricky question to answer.

Well, what are the main assets that make up your net worth?

We have £630,000 in cash and investments (with currently about £64,000 in cash-like assets). Almost all now in ISAs and a small SIPP for my wife.

If I closed my company down today, there is probably about £110,000 that could be taken out (after corporation taxes, but before personal taxes).

I have two defined benefit pensions, a full UK state pension, and a small Dutch state pension (I spent five years in the Netherlands working for a multinational). They currently total £96,000 p.a., so applying the 20x rule for Lifetime Allowance calculations, they are worth £1.92 million. 

Is that part of net worth? I can’t do anything else with it except to take the income. If I still had a regular paying job, I would not multiply my salary by 20 and call that the cash equivalent. It would just be income.

Our house has not been on the market since 1986, so current value is a guess. Conservatively, £400,000. It’s a large house, but in a cheap part of the country.

My wife owns the house in Liverpool where our autistic son lives, bought with a legacy from her deceased father. She has about £80,000 in cash savings left over from that legacy, plus a full UK state pension and the same small Dutch state pension. The house will be passed onto our son. We are currently working out how best to do that.

We try to keep her pension and cash savings out of our thinking. It is her ‘mad money’ for when she wants to run away and join a circus. If we had to dip into it, I’d want to replace it as soon as possible.

What’s your main residence like?

We live in what was a two-up, two-down 17th Century stone farmhouse, that has been extended over the years. It once had stone shippons on each side – cow or animal barns, beudy in Welsh – and we still have some of those heavy stone walls inside the house. We added our own extension when I started working from a home base in 1998, and then a couple of heated conservatories for the gardener, my wife.

Some land also came with the house, and we manage that for wildlife. It was an accidental purchase, we were not looking for a smallholding, but it came with the house we loved. We have had fun digging ponds, planting trees and trying to keep back the blackthorn.

We own the house and land outright, having finally paid off the mortgage in 2010.

Do you consider your home an asset, an investment, or something else?

I’ve never been able to think of our home as an asset or an investment. It clearly is the first and probably the second, but it is not an asset I can use except to live in or borrow against. If I sell, I must replace it with something equivalent. We may downsize later, but that would likely be at a point where we need better access to urban areas and public transport. Such a property would be higher cost per m2.

Judging by the prices of comfortable and conveniently placed bungalows in our area, we would release very little by ‘downsizing’. Yes, I know there are imputed rent savings and all the rest, but I don’t think working that out would help me decide how to save, invest and spend.

Earning: good chemistry

What’s your line of work?

I never had a clearly defined career path. I was always envious (perhaps wrongly) of friends who knew exactly what job they were after, and how they expected their working life to play out.

What I did have was a passion for chemistry. I don’t know where from, but at a very young age (about seven) I was playing ‘chemistry’ with food dyes, water, and various glass bottles in a plastic washing up bowl. By 12 I had a modest chemical laboratory in my bedroom. I think it was the atavistic thrill of creating dramatic colour changes, setting fire to things, and making them go bang.

The passion stayed with me, and I studied chemistry at university without much idea what I would do with such a degree. Finding out that corporates wanted a PhD if you were going to lead research, I started one. Somewhere in the next three years, I decided I really wanted to be an academic, and – PhD in hand – I got a post as a lecturer at my local university.

That was in 1980, just at the start of the Thatcher cuts. (Starting salary £11,000.) A torrid time to be trying to build a reputation and career but I was fairly successful, and by 1986 I had a research group of 12. Unfortunately it was costing me two days a week hustling for money to feed them. I wasn’t sure I could make the impact I wanted staying there.

So, in 1986, I took a senior job with the corporate research group of a multinational. (Starting salary £24,000). I was still spending a couple of days a week on admin, politics, and pitching for budgets, but now I had a team of over 100, more capital to spend, and some really juicy problems to tackle.

In academia, you are often wandering around with a solution asking: “does anyone have a problem that matches this?” And if the problem you are working on is too difficult, you just redefine it. In industry, the problems are real, and will not go away. I liked that.

In 1993 I got a job as R&D director for one of the multinational’s subsidiaries in Europe. (Base salary £99,000). I thought it would be an extension of what I had already been doing, but it was not. Now I was sharing responsibility for the profitability of the company with a whole board of very business-focused people. They taught me a huge amount about what does and does not work in business. I learned that corporate R&D is not the real world. You are still insulated from day-to-day decisions.

In 1998, M&A activity saw the subsidiary I was in transferred to a new owner. There was a lot of fascinating work looking at the jigsaw pieces we had once the dust had settled, wondering what business configurations could be viable. As we sorted it out, I returned to the UK to become Director of Sustainability, working out how we would adapt to the net zero future that was already on the horizon.

Despite this very interesting work, major reorganisation was looming. The acquirer had overstretched themselves and needed to cut costs. As the focus shifted relentlessly to the short-term there was no interest in the longer-term strategies I was promoting. Job satisfaction ebbed away and in 2001 I accepted an offer of voluntary redundancy. (Base salary at that point £89,000).

Now I had to work out what to do next.

Did you leap straight into business for yourself?

My father was a serially unsuccessful businessman. He was okay at the technical side, but hopeless financially. He became a very unhappy man, and I had a very fraught childhood as a result. I swore I would never subject any family I had to the same stresses.

So my first thought was to get back on the corporate horse, but some very senior mentors told me that although I could easily go straight back into another corporate job, it would not make me happy. I was best at starting things, not at running them operationally. In five years’ time, I would be facing the same situation. Why not use everything I had learned about R&D, innovation, and sustainability as a consultant?

It took a lot of people a lot of time to persuade me that I was not my father, and that I could succeed. My wife had stopped working when we had children, so financial stability rested on me. I found that scary, but with a redundancy cheque in my back pocket we agreed to give it a go. Fortunately, some colleagues who had passed this way before told me it would be a year before I got new clients without the help of previous networks, so I did not panic when that turned out to be true. On 11th September 2001 I was on my way to a meeting with my first potential client, when I noticed people crowding around a shop window. TVs were showing planes crashing into skyscrapers. My meeting was cancelled, and nobody answered the phone for the next six months.

Despite my caution, within a year I started a second business with an ex-colleague targeting a different consulting market. That went reasonably well, but we both had other companies and in the end could not give it the time it needed. In 2009 we stopped.

But my own business grew. The first target was to rebuild the redundancy payment I had started with as a cash buffer. I always felt in the early days that I would be rumbled as a fraud and the work would melt away. The second task was to overpay the mortgage. We had previously experienced two bouts of very high mortgage rates with a new house and a new family. I wanted to reduce outgoings where I could.

I discovered a lot of business problems look the same, no matter the sector, so I found myself working with different organisations, both private and public. One was a government department setting up a new arms-length body. That body started off as a client, became a major client, and ultimately my only client. I did point out that paying a daily rate did not make sense when they had an insatiable appetite for my time. Their response was they liked the flexibility, and probably wouldn’t need me next month. They always did. 

This went on for a couple of years until, in 2012, the government had one of its regular spasms about the number of consultants and contractors they used. I had to choose between becoming full-time staff or stopping work with them altogether. I thought the work was important and worthwhile, and the pay was acceptable (£85,000), so I took the job. I expected to do it for a few years until I had achieved my goals. In the end it was four years, and I left in 2016 to pick up the threads of my consultancy work again.

Since then, I’ve been working with a small number of clients. All in the public sector or not-for-profits.

One of my bosses described my career as “zig-zagging its way to success”, and that is what it felt like. I always felt that each career decision was the last one I would need to make – and I was always wrong.

What is your annual income now?

My current income is £96,000 in various pensions, plus a small salary and dividends from my consulting company. This is right up against the £100,000 tax trap where the marginal rate jumps to 60%. I try and keep to that figure as a limit, but I’m usually a bit over. I would prefer a more logical and progressive tax system – bring the 45% rate down to £100,000 if we must – but I’m not going to complain too loudly. It is a nice problem to have, and we all should contribute.

I may take advantage of the relaxation of the Lifetime Allowance for pensions next year to increase savings a bit further.

How did your salary progress over the years?

Over my career, my salary started at £11,000, peaked at £99,000, and by early retirement in 2016 it was £91,000. These are base salary numbers, excluding any benefits packages or bonuses.

From 2003- 2012 I was taking what I needed from my business as a salary, adjusted to provide roughly £4,000 a month after tax into my bank.

I was also taking the maximum amount of dividends that were tax-free, and from 2010 paying into a private pension.

When did you first start thinking seriously about money and investing?

In 2001 I left the corporate world, and realised that I was now responsible for delivering a sustainable financial future for my family. Up to that point I had always had a ‘regular’ job and assumed that the company pension would meet our future needs.

I had a deferred pension, which provided a base from which to build, but I realised I would probably need more. The first few years of running my own company were just scrabbling to keep all the plates spinning and learning how to be a consultant.

Was pursuing financial independence part of your career plans?

There was no thought of FIRE until I left the corporate world in 2001. In each job I thought that was me sorted until retirement. I had always relied on the prospect of a corporate pension.

I learned about ‘drop-dead’ money from James Clavell’s Noble House in the 1980s. It stayed a dream in the back of my mind, but I did no serious thinking until about 2010.

Did you learn anything about building your career that you wished you’d known earlier?

Understanding that I was not my father much earlier could have helped me. I could have been more flexible in my career if I had more confidence. But my terror of not having a steady income kept me around large corporates.

On the other hand, working in those large corporates taught me so much of what I have used since. I wasn’t unhappy, and I might not have been ready to branch out earlier.

Saving and spending matters

What is your annual spending and how has this changed over time?

I find it easier to think on a monthly basis. After tax I have £6,200 hitting my bank account each month. About £4,000 goes straight back out in the costs of running two households. So £2,200 a month, or £26,000 a year, in discretionary spending. That goes on major holidays, like visiting our son’s family on the West Coast, our hobbies, repairs and upgrades to the homes (recently a new heating system, PV and battery for our main home, and air-con for the Liverpool house), and savings and investments.

Looking back to when the whole family were living together, the equivalent numbers were £3,000 in regular monthly outgoings and £1,000 as discretionary spend. That included school fees for the younger son and private tutoring for our autistic son.

Income has increased, but although some costs have dropped out as one son left home and education came to an end, inflation and the costs of running two household have pushed up monthly outgoings. We definitely have more headroom now, but we have delayed some spending on the house and travel.

Do you stick to a budget?

We don’t have a budget. Instead, I keep an eye on what is going out monthly in immediate and repeating costs. Things like energy, water, food, telecoms, insurance, council tax, cleaner, gardeners, support for our autistic son, and additional carer costs for my 95-year-old mother.

If it starts drifting up, I check whether it is inflation we will have to live with, or whether we are changing our purchasing habits. That means I know how much headroom there is each month for additional saving and investment or building up the kitty for the next big purchase.

What percentage of your gross income did you save?

I never had a fixed saving percentage. By the time I knew about savings rates, I was running my own business and either taking the minimum I needed each month, or taking chunks as dividends and increasing the pension pot.

Do you have any hints about saving and spending?

For us, saving and spending less come to the same thing. There are two keys – knowing where the money goes, and spending with purpose. We have always had a pretty good idea of what is going out on a monthly basis, and how much headroom we have. A lot of friends and colleagues have very little idea the basic dynamics of their regular expenditure.

We spend intentionally, and I hope thoughtfully, on things that matter to us. When we first married, we made do with a mattress on the floor, but had a very expensive SLR camera and lenses. This shocked our parents, who thought we were not behaving appropriately, but we wanted the camera more than we cared about not having a bed. The important thing was not to try to buy both.

Pay for the needs first and then think hard about your wants. Don’t confuse needs and wants.

Do you have any passion, hobbies, or vices that eat up your income?

Astrophotography is my passion and vice. My pride and joy is an automated observatory I built on our land. It was a cool retirement project. I am also part of a syndicate that rents three scopes at an observatory in Spain that we operate over the internet. Astrophotography is like normal photography but much more expensive.

My wife is a keen gardener, with a very large garden and a small nature reserve. She also holds one of the national plant collections. What with acquiring plants, hiring contractors, and getting help with the heavier garden maintenance, costs of heating conservatories and endless bags of peat-free compost, she probably spends about as much on that as I do on astrophotography.

We spend freely on these activities that bring us joy, but not excessively (at least that is our excuse). As is usually the case, to outsiders it looks like we spend a great deal on these hobbies, but we both know people in our respective communities that spend many multiples of that.

That’s how we work it, one major vice each.

A galactic budget: The Orion Nebula, as captured by @old_eyes.

Investing: passive all the way

What kind of investor are you?

My first steps into investing were rather unguided. In 2010 my business was stable enough to give me a good cash buffer and something left over to invest. I went to an IFA for guidance and started a pension, and an ISA for both of us.

I was aware enough to pay for his advice, rather than allow him to manage my funds, but I did no thinking about where the money was going. In particular, I had no idea what the private pension was invested in, it was just a package from Scottish Widows. There were also a couple of individual shares. (Standard Life demutualisation in 2006, and Royal Mail in 2013).

After that initial phase I just kept paying what I could into the pension pot and added a little to the ISAs. Then I discovered the FIRE community, Monevator and other blogs, and began to think more carefully about where I was investing and reorganising things. I read Rowland and Lawson’s The Permanent Portfolio and based some of my thinking on that.

I ended up with something very similar to The Accumulator’s Slow and Steady portfolio. Initially it was 50:50 growth and defensive (all in funds), but I upped it to 60:40 because of my strong pension position. A rational analysis says I should go further still into equities, but 60:40 is far enough.

But passive. Passive all the way. I have no illusions that I have the time, interest, or expertise for active investment. I don’t think I can beat the market.

Right now, I am simplifying the portfolio as it has become untidy over time with funds from different providers that do the same thing. Rationalising funds, switching to simple global equities and so on.

My wife is very intelligent, but not remotely interested in the mechanics of investment. I need create something that requires the minimum of attention and maintenance, with operational instructions that fit on one side of A4. This is all part of building a ‘dying tidy’ file in case I die first. Something that will tell her or her agents everything they need to know about where the money is and where it gets spent.

What was your best investment?

It is a disappointing answer, but when I rejoined the conventional world of work in 2012, I had the opportunity of transferring the private pension I had built up into the civil service defined benefit scheme.

I had previously been stuffing money into the private pension from the profits of my consulting company. I transferred £177,000 into the civil service scheme and that bought me an index-linked pension of £12,000 p.a. with widow’s benefits.

Given my risk aversion, that was probably the best decision I made.

Did you make any big mistakes on your investing journey?

Most of the apparent mistakes are only visible with hindsight. Why was I in bonds in 2022-23? Answer, because I couldn’t have predicted what happened, and the reasons for investing in bonds are always the same and always valid. It’s part of being a passive investor dummy!

My two mortgages were endowment mortgages, and that caused me considerable heartache. But they were very common at the time, almost the default. I did not know enough to check the assumptions the brokers were making, and they were the only products that were offered to me.

What has been your overall return?

I don’t have much idea for the earlier phase of my investment journey, but I did keep records from 2015 onwards. So I can say that annual return (including fees) was:

Tax YearReturn

I have been putting in and taking out money on a regular basis for chunky outlays: work on our house and the house where my autistic son lives, and various ‘bank of mum and dad’ stuff helping our younger son.

Since 2015 the net contribution to the portfolio is only £8,000, yet the pot has grown by 67% from £374,000 to £629,000. Time in the market counts for a lot.

How much have you maximised your ISA and pension contributions?

From about 2010 to 2016 I was using all our ISA allowances and putting money into pensions.

Changes in the pension Lifetime Allowance pushed me to start taking my first corporate pension in 2013. I took a much smaller lump sum because I wanted to get the maximum regular income coming in. Signs of my continued aversion to risk. That meant I could afford to maximise pension and ISA contributions during the time I was working for a salary again.

Since 2016 there have been modest ISA contributions, as and when the cash buffer was full and there were no big expenditures on the horizon.

To what extent did tax incentives and shelters influence your strategy?

I have tried to make good use of ISAs and pension saving without getting silly. In one purple patch of business, I had more money coming in than I could put into a pension or ISA, so I had a largish slug of bare investments. Conversely, in years when I could not use all our ISA allowances, I moved investments into the sheltered accounts.

Now, apart from the cash buffer, we are entirely in tax sheltered accounts. About 86%.

How often do you check or tweak your portfolio?

I routinely check once a month, but that is really for information only. I don’t rebalance within the portfolio. Only when I am adding or removing money or simplifying.

Wealth: flexible finances

We know how you made your money, but how did you keep it?

Running your own micro-company, earnings are episodic. There is not much opportunity for regular savings and investment. So it was always in lumps. A good quarter or a bonus.

Investment was always into funds and pensions. Funds investment was intended to be buy and hold when possible. We have never invested in property. Too much like hard work.

Which is more important, saving or investing?

I think saving is the beginning of financial independence. That cash buffer is critical for lean periods and big ticket items. Once you have a cash buffer you are comfortable with, investment is possible.

Only you know how big a cash buffer makes you feel secure. 

Investment grows your wealth, but savings help you sleep at night. Apart from a mortgage, we have been debt-free since around 1990. All the major one-off items, from holidays to home extensions and heating systems have come out of the cash buffer. And we always rebuild it as quickly as possible.

We know we are not maximising our investments and growing our pot as fast as we could, but it is comfortable. As for leveraged investments – we leave that to people with much better maths and a much stronger stomach. 

When did you think you’d achieve financial freedom?

I wanted financial freedom, not to retire early but to work in whatever way suited me. I hoped I would reach that point before normal retirement age, but I didn’t have any specific timeline or plan until FI was already in sight. Perhaps around 58. Then I started thinking that 60-62 might be possible.

Are you still growing your pot?

I am still putting modest amounts into our investment pot. As and when cash is available.

So far, our needs can be met with the pensions, and we have only taken money from the investment pot for ‘bank of mum and dad’ stuff.

Do you have any further financial goals?

I have three goals: to leave a sufficient legacy to support our autistic son, to have enough money for quality care if we need it later, and to enable my wife to continue to live comfortably, should I die first (pension income would more than halve, and her costs would not).

How much do we need for that? I don’t know. My gut and back of the envelope sums say I can hit two out of three with the current pot, and when I stop consulting and close the company there should be another injection of cash. If the investments keep pace with inflation, I think we are okay.

What would you say to Monevator readers pursuing financial freedom?

I have three messages, none of them original.

Time matters, but it is never too late to start. I did not start seriously saving and investing until 2010 at age 56. Yes, I had great ‘floor’ in a decent pension, but I also need to leave a very substantial legacy. The pot to provide that has been built over 14 years. In the last eight years it has grown by 67% with only a tiny net cash investment, and a very conservative asset allocation.

Think hard about what you want to do with financial freedom. Running towards something is always better than running from something. I have seen many people stick at a job they dislike until they make their number, leave with a fanfare, and then rapidly decline in mental or physical health because they had nothing else. “I want to achieve FI so that I can…” is a better story than “I want to achieve FI because I hate my boss”.

‘One more year’ is a real and dangerous way of thinking. At every major event in your working life, check whether you have achieved FI and if one more year is really necessary. Too many people shift the goalposts as they get close, partly out of fear of some unknown catastrophe and partly from the absence of a plan for what next. 

You can accuse me of hypocrisy because I have kept on working. Am I not guilty of ‘one more year’? Not really. I sought FI to have the freedom to do what I am doing now. To have the choice. Even if I had a much bigger pot than I need for my financial objectives, I would still be doing the work I am because I enjoy it and I think it does some good.

Any other business

Did any particular individuals inspire you to become financially free?

I had many good mentors and bosses in my career (as well as a couple of real shockers). Each added something particular to my philosophy.

Perhaps the most important influence was a main board director of the multinational I worked for. He was an active mentor from 1990 – 2001. He taught me many things over those years, but the critical intervention was when I was agreeing redundancy in 2001. He took me to lunch, and over a couple of hours gave me a clear-eyed analysis of my strengths and weaknesses, possible future, and introduced the idea of setting up as a consultant.

He also suggested an outplacement agency who would ask the question “what do you want to be when you grow up?”, rather than stuffing me into the first executive position they could find and taking their fee. Without him, the second half of my career would have been very different.

The person who drove my desire for financial independence (safety, in effect) was my father. I saw what living on the edge looked like and wanted out. I saw freedom from want as a solid salary, rather than true FI, and I had modest ambitions, but I wanted ‘enough’ so that I did not have to worry every month.

Can you recommend your favourite resources?

Monevator is always where I start on the web. The mix of learning resources, news, and pointers to interesting things makes it essential. It was the resource that got me organised with a clear plan. I am in ‘maintenance’ mode now, but I still read every post and comments – sometimes in wonder and sometimes confusion.

The only other website I check regularly for updates is Simple Living In Somerset (and before that Simple Living In Suffolk). The grumpy mustelid is a brilliant writer, and their thoughts on living in retirement are entertaining and insightful. Like the IgNobel prizes they make me laugh and then think.

Two books have helped me to understand what I am doing in pursuit of FI, what risks I am taking and why. The first is Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow. This has a lot to say about how we make decisions, how prejudices and biases get in the way, and how we convince ourselves we are being logical when we are not. It is a book I return to often. 

A much more recent book is Morgan Housel’s The Psychology of Money. It came out after I had reached FI and semi-retired, but it was a great distillation of some of my own conflicts over money and security. It helped me to understand my own psychology a bit better, and hopefully improve my decision making.

What are your thoughts around charity and inheritance?

We give regular moderate amounts to environmental and conservation charities, one-off sums to disaster relief appeals, and intend to leave a bequest in our wills to a conservation charity we have worked with for many years.

In an ideal world we are not great fans of inheritance. Wealth ‘cascading down the generations’ does as much harm as good.

In practice our attitude is dominated by the need to secure the future for our autistic son. Once we accept that, we feel we should make some provision for our younger son to avoid family feuds. We have both seen those in action and they are ugly.

Our younger son knows that he is second in the queue and accepts it (I hope!). And with a bit of luck any inheritance will be so far down the line that it will be of more value to his children.

What will your finances ideally look like towards the end of your life?

For all the reasons given, we hope to die with a big enough stash to provide a 40 year FIRE for our older son and a nice surprise for our younger son.

Nothing super-remarkable in this story, as @old_eyes himself says. And yet also once again entirely personal and full of interesting insights – as well as unique challenges. Questions and reflections welcome, but please remember @old_eyes is just a reader, sharing his story, not a battle-hardened blogger like me. Constructive feedback welcome. Personal attacks will be deleted. See the rest of our FIRE studies.