If you knew the date and age you’d die at, it would enable you to plan very precisely for the future.
Nobody ever won a girl or wrote a pop song by thinking long term. But being a little bit boring goes a long way.
My friend suspects I’m wealthier than him just because my money is in shares, while his is in property. He’s wrong.
The world of chasing endless beauty queens in the absence of all other kinds of women or relationships isn’t for me.
Once you’re aware of the process of your perception of the value of money changing over time, I believe you can take steps to try to master lifestyle inflation.
I have made financial mistakes just like anyone else – but maybe not the same mistakes.
The difference that spending £100 a month less on clothes in your twenties and investing it will make to your future is incredible.
Don’t dismiss the benefits of earning a few bob from a passive income project. Income generating assets are expensive!
I accept it’s normal to feel frustrated, angry, or even downright stupid when you lose money on your investments. But what about guilt? My portfolio’s fall from its peak value in summer 2007 to a low in October 2008 represents a big loss for a 30-something private investor like me: at least a couple of [...]
What follows is a personal post, but I believe it’s relevant to investing. I won’t be discussing underpriced stocks or earning more money. Instead I’ll share something that for me puts the business of personal finance into perspective. Call it an end of year message. I’m visiting my parents. In the next room, my gentle and intelligent [...]
Anyone who reads personal finance blogs is clearly more interested in money than the average person. If you write a personal finance blog, you’re even more interested in money (even if blogging won’t make you any). Can you be too interested? Are we deluding ourselves into thinking we’re being economically literate, whereas really we’re just [...]
In this post, I’ll outline three methods I’ve successfully used to stop me spending money on stuff I didn’t really need. Warning: All three methods are a bit unusual! 1. Reserve it on Amazon Nearly everything is cheaper to buy online. If I’m out shopping and I see something I like, I try to: Postpone [...]
Fable II is a video game, in which you play a hero and business mogul. In this post I’ll explain what it can teach you about making money. Lesson 1: Jobs mean money, but gosh they can be dull You begin Fable II as an orphan with a dog. Slaying bandits and collecting gold to [...]
(Image: annia316) I love animals, and I’ve kept pets since I was a child. They’re funny, sometimes loyal, they make me happy, and they keep me in touch with nature. Over the past 20 years or so, though, pets have turned from being relatively cheap additions to the household into major moneypits. I’ve succumbed myself. [...]
Do you have the vision, determination and commitment of swimmer Michael Phelps? You might not have his 6′ 4″ tall frame and dolphin-like body, but even as investors we can learn from his stunning achievements. I let go of my Olympic dreams when medical complications sent me to hospital aged 18. Before then, I’d been [...]