Coming across a cache of documents dated to the start of my investing journey made me melancholy…
Will you be one of those misers found dead in a bed with his nose touching the ceiling because of all the money stuffed under the mattress?
Have you ever wondered who you’re borrowing money off when you go into debt? If you think you’re being given money by a bank or credit card company, think again.
Our writer on (and nearly in) retirement goes back to school without leaving his home office…
How long does it take to save a million pounds and will I be making my roll-ups with £50 pound notes when I get there?
Simple strategies for spending more time on holiday for less money while enjoying it more.
Finding it tough to reach financial independence? A fellow, weary traveller reaches out.
If you want to achieve a big goal (financial or otherwise) making it something you can get your head around first.
Taxes are going up on those of us who work out of limited companies. Time to take Friday’s off?
Don’t put off your rainy day fund for a rainy day. Start being the person you want to be right now.
Understanding investing and the stock market can be the key to unchaining yourself from conformity.
Yet another story about a venerable old millionaire who people presumed was poor while he was still alive. In The remarkable life and lessons of the $8 million janitor, the Washington Post tells us: Despite his relatively modest wages, Read left an estate with “stock holdings and property” valued at nearly $8 million One of [...]
Hearing a few differences of opinion might be confusing in the short-term, but I believe it’s the way to long-term wisdom.
A very unwelcome wake-up call reinforces The Greybeard’s determination to generate a retirement income from investment trusts.
Work is deadly. So is living, but for most of us it’s a lot more fun, so get the balance right.
Capitalism isn’t in crisis — it’s still in the ascendency. Learn how to make money work for you to thrive in this modern reality.