If you just got another pay rise yet you don’t seem any happier than when you were a student, this article is just for you.
The 10% tax rate paid by entrepreneurs applies to the first £2 million of business assets sold.
Do you have a childhood belief or some other hang-up about money that’s restricting your income?
Love your job but hate your salary? It is possible to earn more money without getting a new job, but you’ll need to work on yourself first.
£1 million in the hand is easily worth £237 million in the bush, especially when the bush is as thorny as this one.
If you think the new Apple iPad is the biggest opportunity in computing since the Mac or PC, move fast to make money.
A competition is underway to find the most lucrative Shopify store. UK residents can’t win the $100,000 prize, but we can win something bigger.
What does it really take to developer and release an iPhone app for profit? I don’t know, so I asked a man who does.
Developing iPhone apps seems a potentially low risk way to make decent money. But what’s the reality behind the hype?
I was talking to a friend last night about what I’m currently doing with my life, and discussing whether either of us fancied starting a new business in the teeth of the recession. He told me – not for the first time – that he was getting itchy feet, and that he felt in a [...]
Just as compound interest multiplies your savings pot, so climbing the corporate pole will boost your income after a few years.
To earn even £35,000 a year through passive investment income will be an impossible task for most of the population
There’s not much money to be made reminding people that their career and salary could be their number one financial asset.
Don’t dismiss the benefits of earning a few bob from a passive income project. Income generating assets are expensive!
(Image: WRI) Like the vast majority of the 100 million bloggers in the world, I earn less than a dollar a day from my own blogs. That’s an average figure. Some days I earn more, many less. But it currently averages out to about a dollar a day. Blogging for money is a terrible idea. [...]
This is the third article in a series on the key UK personal tax changes from April 2008. For the others, please see the introduction. Basic rate of income tax has been cut to 20% At last, something to cheer about! The world economy is in turmoil, banks are going belly up, and stock markets [...]