A choice of cheap index trackers to help passive investors craft their portfolios
index funds
With our passive portfolio only inching ahead, so we look back in mock anger at what might have been…
Our portfolio continues to make its comeback, like an aging rockstar who manages to sell-out the John Smith’s stadium in Huddersfield…
Our passive portfolio drifts along in a sideways market. Time to take up tiddlywinks.
The Oracle of Omaha dispenses effortless wisdom on investing strategy, stock picking, and holding on in a market crash.
Building your own passive portfolio? Here’s how to decide whether to use ETFs or index funds at every stage.
An instant diversified portfolio that requires less maintenance than an Easter Island statue.
Once more the contrast between my daily diet of media-amplified fear and the damage done to our Slow & Steady passive portfolio surprises me. The portfolio is down just 3.5% since its peak last quarter. Essentially, we’re back where we were six months ago. That’s despite the arrow-headed threats of stagflation, economic crisis, and a [...]
If the movie Contagion contained a scene showing the hero’s passive portfolio, then it didn’t look like this.
Our model passive portfolio emerges from the rubble of 2020 thanks to a hard hat made of QE.
The market recovery is looking suspiciously V shaped. Can it possibly be true. Or will it soon turn into a W?
The Accumulator confesses to active investing and catastrophically fails to enjoy a year of spectacular investing returns.
The market spins from month to month but our Slow & Steady passive portfolio has still managed to end the quarter a few percentage points up.
Markets are down. Our emergency bond parachute is open. How is our passive portfolio faring against the financial flak?
Every investor has to start somewhere, and your start won’t come much better than buying an index fund.
Our portfolio slows to a crawl. US valuations predict barren years ahead. Is it time to change course?
Our passive portfolio is back off the canvas and shrugging off every blow the forces of pessimism can throw at it.
Our Slow and Steady model portfolio takes a step back in the first quarter of 2018. Hold the smelling salts…
Mr Market has been as easy on us as a camomile cleansing butter this year. Enjoy a rejuvenating rubdown with high returns that soothe like dopamine kisses.
The Slow & Steady portfolio is going down! Time to smash glass and activate our emergency plans? Watch us inaction.
Mr Market invites us round for tea and cake and gives us a foot rub. Are things going too well?
The Slow & Steady passive portfolio leapt up by 25% in the last year. So if you’re a passive investor who stuck to your mechanical guns then you’re probably feeling a lot better off now than back in January 2016. At that point our psyches were screeching like fingernails down a blackboard as the major world equity markets slid into [...]
Our model portfolio soars once again and we scratch around looking for the cloud in the silver lining.
Rebalancing with new contributions is the best way for investors with small portfolios to hit their target asset-allocation without excessive cost.
The nuts and bolts of choosing an investment platform – the accounts to pick, the fees to avoid, and other pitfalls investigated.
The world’s decided not to go into meltdown after all. Our model passive portfolio jumps for joy.
Our model passive portfolio reaches its 5th birthday. Time for cake, presents, party hats and stats.
Our model passive portfolio stares straight ahead as Commandant Market pulls its nostril hairs with sadistic glee.
Our model passive portfolio gets roughed up by Mr Market for the first time in over three years.
Our model passive portfolio is enjoying a day in the sun. All is well with the world. Surely disaster awaits?
Our passive portfolio presses on deeper into the financial forest, ignoring the branches of overvaluation that seem to thicken around it.
Not sure which is the best index tracker? We show you which characteristics to compare.
The market gently wafts our passive portfolio up, like an eagle on a thermal. The only thing to worry about is whether to cut our costs again.
A beginner’s guide to buying your first index trackers. Where to go and what to look out for.
Japan down! Europe up! Meanwhile our model passive portfolio of index funds gently bobs about.
If index funds are good enough for Warren Buffett’s wife, then surely they’re good enough for you.
Our model passive portfolio forces us to take one of the toughest decisions in investing: Rebalancing.
Our little portfolio dozes off while the markets are about as action-packed as a US Government office during shutdown.
The market’s on fire and we’re dancing like chimps on heat around our model passive portfolio.
Our model passive portfolio ends the year in triumph but we must still sell most of the funds.
Vanguard is the home of cheap index funds. But for passive investors in the UK, it’s not as simple to buy Vanguard as you would hope.
The RDR is meant to improve an investors lot, but it spells cost hikes for savvy DIY-ers who’ve already sussed the system.
HSBC’s new C class index funds look as cheap as white stilettos but nothing in investing is ever a sure thing.
The Monevator passive portfolio blooms while everyone forgets about Europe for a while.
The cheapest index funds in the UK are now available through one of the cheapest brokers, offering a great deal for small investors.
After a storming year, gilt funds must surely fall as interest rates rise. Should passive investors adjust their asset allocation to avoid losses?
Our passive investing HQ is the UK’s ultimate guide to the best investment strategy for the majority of ordinary investors.
Our model passive portfolio continues its journey tossed on fortune’s fickle waves. This quarter we’re up as the European crisis abates.
BlackRock index funds offer keen TERs, and some rare emerging market and property asset allocation options, so why are they so little known?
Monevator’s passive investing model portfolio is one-year old. See how our picks have fared in a tumultuous year.
BlackRock index trackers have been identified as a cheap way of buying passive funds on Hargreaves Lansdown but things soon get messy.
Hargreaves Lansdown are sticking passive investors with a new charge on index funds. Find out what it means and how you can take evasive action.
We reach the end of our mini-series with another win for index funds as the superior vehicle for passive investors. Read on and make your own mind up!
Our battle of the trackers reaches its fifth installment, as ETFs and index funds go head-to-head in a fight for control!
There’s a far greater choice when it comes to ETFs, compared to their positively lookalike-y index fund brothers. But choice isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be…
In part two of our series comparing index funds and ETFs, we explain why index funds trump ETFs when it comes to costs.
Should a passive investor plump for ETFs or index funds? The first factor to consider is which is the simplest option.
A quick ‘n’ easy technique that lifestyles Vanguard’s LifeStrategy funds so you are not exposed to excess risk on the glide path to retirement.
Vanguard index funds are now within reach of drip-feeding small investors thanks to new investing platform options.
Our model passive portfolio gets caught up in the global equities blood-letting – there’s no hiding place.
A checklist of ETF features to look out for when choosing the best index tracker for you. Part four of a four part series.
This part of our index tracker buying checklist covers the oft forgotten, overlooked, and obscure features that can impact your returns without you realising it.
Our model passive portfolio is tossed around like the plaything of the financial gods. And survives.
A checklist of fundamental questions to help you choose the best index trackers for your portfolio. First up: asset class, index choice, and tracking method.
A simple system for cutting through the investing muck and tracking down the trackers that you need.
The first results are in for The Slow and Steady portfolio: a working example of a passive investing strategy.
Low cost monthly dealing fees put Vanguard index funds within the reach of UK investors making moderate monthly contributions.
Search for index funds quickly and avoid misleading investment information using these fund-finding tips.
Everyone loves emerging markets these days, which is a good reason to use a cheap fund to access them, and to invest a little warily and often.
How to build a diversified passive investors portfolio that avoids costly trading fees.
A new investor should focus on low fees and an easy to understand strategy when first venturing into the stock market
There are more than 6,500 actively traded US stocks. Some 2,000 companies are listed on the London Stock Exchange. 2,271 Japanese companies call the Tokyo Stock exchange home. Then there’s China, India, Canada, Germany, Australia… Happily, you can forget about companies, earnings, forecasts and ratios and still make more money than most investors. By passively [...]