A choice of cheap index trackers to help passive investors craft their portfolios
Let’s be clear: leveraged ETFs are hyper-controversial and not well understood. Nevertheless, in forthcoming articles from the Finumus camp about gearing up a portfolio and investing for different generations I intend to talk openly about them. Hence I want to spend today explaining how they work. That way – with all the blood and gore [...]
Building your own passive portfolio? Here’s how to decide whether to use ETFs or index funds at every stage.
Thematic ETFs offer investors a way to back their hunches without picking individual stocks. But beware the costs and risks.
Irish ETFs are issued to UK investors as CDIs, post-Brexit. What on Earth does that mean?
These five exotic or sector tracking ETFs are guaranteed to make headlines, though probably not any money…
Mobile trading apps are on the rise. Here’s how to run a good passive investing strategy on Freetrade using ETFs.
Smart Beta ETFs focusing on dividends imply you can have the best of both worlds – income stock selection at index investing prices…
Lyxor have launched a stunningly cheap suite of vanilla ETFs. But beware the potential withholding tax and UK reporting status wrinkles!
Opting for a currency hedged US S&P 500 tracker over a standard ETF doubled your return in 2017. What’s the catch?
The strong case for index investing is made by a passionate fan of the strategy (who shall be known here as The Accumulator).
The Greybeard is not deaf to the cries of the masses. You wanted an article on income producing ETFs for retirement? Let’s go!
We pop the bonnet on a couple of multi-factor ETFs that promise greater returns and diversification. What’s not to like? I’m sure we’ll find something…
Spooked by the soaraway pound? Not entirely comfortable with seeing your portfolio bounce 20% up or down with currencies? ETFs offer a solution…
Index trackers cover all kinds of funds – some plain and simple, some highly complex. Make sure you understand what you’re getting into before investing.
The mathematics of compounding means short ETFs are strictly for day traders, and anyone else who doesn’t particularly like profitable investing.
Performance chasing works no better with Smart Beta ETFs than any other active fund strategy. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
The ETF business is booming, but arguably for all the wrong reasons. Plus the rest of the week’s good reads.
Vanguard continues to give its rivals headaches with four new and cheap to run ETFs. The high yield one could be a good bet if you’re after global income.
Can adverse market movements wipe out all your gains when switching to a cheaper index fund?
Are you sitting securely, and do you have a stiff drink to hand? Here’s how to estimate how your bond fund will fare if interest rates start to rise.
Our passive investing HQ is the UK’s ultimate guide to the best investment strategy for the majority of ordinary investors.
We reach the end of our mini-series with another win for index funds as the superior vehicle for passive investors. Read on and make your own mind up!
Our battle of the trackers reaches its fifth installment, as ETFs and index funds go head-to-head in a fight for control!
There’s a far greater choice when it comes to ETFs, compared to their positively lookalike-y index fund brothers. But choice isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be…
In part two of our series comparing index funds and ETFs, we explain why index funds trump ETFs when it comes to costs.
Should a passive investor plump for ETFs or index funds? The first factor to consider is which is the simplest option.
A checklist of ETF features to look out for when choosing the best index tracker for you. Part four of a four part series.
This part of our index tracker buying checklist covers the oft forgotten, overlooked, and obscure features that can impact your returns without you realising it.
A checklist of fundamental questions to help you choose the best index trackers for your portfolio. First up: asset class, index choice, and tracking method.
Not all ETFs are simple trackers. Synthetic ETFs are exploding in number and entail counter-party risks and collateral risks that investors need to understand.
ETFs have been cited by global regulators as a potential threat to the global financial system. It’s time for a level-headed view on what action can be taken.
Even plain vanilla ETFs may be exposed to counterparty risk as a consequence of extensive security lending activities.
Rapid growth and financial engineering of synthetic ETFs has created a cocktail of poorly understood emerging risks for investors and global markets warn reports from the IMF and others.
It’s vital to take tracking error into account when choosing your index tracker funds. Funds with high tracking error can add substantially to your costs.
The UK’s only proclaimed small cap tracker looks more like an expensive mid cap tracker in my book.
UK passive investors have a paltry choice of index funds, making ETFs a tempting option. Here are some simple ways to reduce the extra costs involved.
Our far-flung cousins get all the cheap housing, great beaches and, er, the moose, but now we can get in on the action.
The world of chasing endless beauty queens in the absence of all other kinds of women or relationships isn’t for me.
There’s a lot to be said for investing in the major assets via ETFs and then going to the beach.
The endowment funds of Ivy League universities like Yale and Harvard have historically achieved excellent returns, with less volatility than an index tracker fund.
By buying commodities you can diversify your portfolio over the long-term so it’s less dependent on the returns from shares. You might also hope to trade commodities, if you think you can buy when they’re priced low and sell when they’re high. (Far easier said then done, and plenty of boys in braces will hire you if you manage it regularly).