Think the changes to pensions and IHT are mere details? Think again!
The traditional way of gearing up to invest by running a mortgage is riskier than you think…
Apparently articles about the fag-end of my buy-to-let (BTL) portfolio are very popular. I don’t really understand why. Voyeurism, maybe? Well, if writing them puts even one potential landlord off from getting into BTL then I’m doing them a service. If you’re new, you might enjoy my first article in this series, about my formative [...]
There’s been a recount, and it turns out there are three certainties in life: death, taxes, and fees for investing. Let’s see what we can do to reduce our investment costs as far as humanly possible. Here’s the hypothetical scenario. We’ve got £1,000,000 in our ISA. [Hey, this is a Finumus-branded article – Ed.] And [...]
Has your pension just become the ultimate estate planning vehicle for the wealthy masses?
Can setting up a Family Investment Company reduce your dividend tax bill – and even if it does, is it worth the extra hassle and costs?
If you want to be a rapacious landlord in London these days you’ve got your work cut out…
After decades of working in financial markets I just can’t think of GBP as real money at all.
The Finumus household is enjoying its first interaction with the student loan scheme in 30 years.
There are lots of new ways to make money in whatever crypto is right now. Which means lots of new ways to lose it too…
Sometime back in the 1990s I began putting all my earnings above the higher-rate tax threshold into my pension.
Investing edge is (mostly) a fantasy concocted by people that (mostly) don’t have it, in order to make you pay.
The platforms would have you believe nearly anyone can become an ISA millionaire. What do you think?