Is your house an asset that you can count towards your freedom fund financial status – or should you put your own home to one side?
Ready to pursue financial independence like a person possessed? It’s time to get tooled up.
Mental accounting is the reason why people treat some kinds of money or assets as intrinsically different to others. It can lead to strange outcomes.
Stuck in a rut? Want to change up your job, your finances – and most of all your future? Guest author David Sawyer has a few ideas…
As yet another would-be extreme early retiree has qualms about jumping off the end of the diving board, it’s worth considering why…
Scams and unfeasible investment schemes often catch people unawares because they do not think hard enough about the risks they are taking.
I lived like a well-off student doing a Masters degree for about 20 years past the date on that lifestyle packet. It saved me a fortune!
Even with the soundest investing strategy, you’ve got to believe in and stick with it over the long term…
The Rule of 300 is a quick and dirty shortcut to estimating how much money you’ll need saved to meet your income needs.
Are you mentally prepared to be an good investor? Todd Wenning puts you on the couch and looks inside your brain…
I don’t like the rampantly popular FIRE acronym because I believe it gives a limiting view of the possibilities of financial freedom. So there!
Coming across a cache of documents dated to the start of my investing journey made me melancholy…
Will you be one of those misers found dead in a bed with his nose touching the ceiling because of all the money stuffed under the mattress?
Have you ever wondered who you’re borrowing money off when you go into debt? If you think you’re being given money by a bank or credit card company, think again.