CGT rises to 28% but we’ve still got our annual allowance – and more importantly the country is being tilted back towards enterprise.
Wondering how your money will grow? Pondering whether it’s worth over-paying your mortgage? Muse no more, my friends.
BP spills a cup of coffee, with calamitous results. (Funny comedians – I bet they get their petrol for free for telling jokes?)
If you’re upset that the Liberals and the Conservatives are sharing power in the UK, just be grateful I didn’t get elected.
Quit worrying about peak oil, it’s solvable. The world is much likelier to die a horrible death due to global warming or some other ecological catastrophe.
What is naked short selling, and why is it so unpopular in Germany, the home of the nudist? (Oh I see! Not that kind of naked…)
Did you buy bank preference shares when the market was giving them away? Me neither. What an incredible opportunity it was.
You can control what you earn, save and spend. You can make up for higher taxes or lower returns. But you can do nothing about a trashed planet.
Britain has a new coalition government that looks set to tackle the deficit. But how much will you have to pay for Labour’s previous largesse?
There’s a tough job that needs doing, and Brown’s selfish obfuscation has made it even tougher for whoever comes next.
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, they say. But a UK stock market off 11% in the face of surging earnings and a growing global recovery looks tempting.
The economic situation in the US and UK is very different from the train wreck in Greece. The blogosphere needs to get some perspective.
Jeremy Clarkson is right: Pensions don’t attract ‘hot chicks at nightclubs’. But just wait til they see the size of my ISA…
Goldman Sachs? In a murky deal? Involving sub-prime debt? And arrogant bankers? With it’s reputation? Please, pass me the smelling salts.
A huge but wildly waffle-riddled update on my personal portfolio and recent activity. Plus the week’s best links!
The Keynes versus Hayek debate is an old one, but rarely if ever has it taken place in the back of a limousine packed full of honeys…