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Weekend reading: System addicts

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What caught my eye this week.

Those of you who frequent the naughty side of town – indulging in active investing despite being clued-up followers of a website that urges a passive approach – will enjoy Conor Mac’s reflections over on Investment Talk this week.

Why doesn’t he just sell all his individual stocks and go buy an ETF, Conor asks?

He’s no dummy. He knows the odds against outperformance and understands that:

To a layman, an investor’s dedication to beating the market over their lifetime appears absurd. The trade-off, time spent doing other things, is huge.

We each have a finite amount of time on this earth. To spend countless hours which I assume add up to years of one’s life, only to underperform the market, may appear wasteful. Insanity is repeating the same thing hoping for different results. Consider the aggregate of individual investors trying to beat the market. Most will fail.

Thus, on the aggregate level, these people look crazy.

So why indeed?

But for the benefit of newer readers –  please know that I’m not judging.

I’m an active investor myself, and long ago debated the reasons why with my sensible and purely passive co-blogger.

Five star generalisations

Moreover something I love about the active investors among our Mogul membership is how self-aware they (you?) seem to be too.

Of course we’ve filtered hard for this kind of member. Both by sneaking them in through the backdoor of a blog about using index funds and also by stressing Moguls will not be promising Five Stocks To Pay For Your Porsche or the like.

I’m also aware that more than a few Moguls members just wanted to send a few extra quid our way, despite being entirely passive investors themselves. For which, enormous thanks!

Anyway, the end result is I don’t get the impression that our members expect easy or even especially probable wins.

Rather, active investing for them is a challenge or a passion or a hobby – but one with the tantalising if slim potential to deliver life-changing results on the side.

Indeed it’s possible Moguls will turn out to be a multi-year version of Conor’s reflective post.

For my part, active investing – stock picking – has been an endlessly fascinating game, that’s also gamified my wondering about the world around me. For most of the time I was fortunate that it was more profitable for me, too, though as I’ve conceded elsewhere the last 18 months has been testing that one hard.

Perhaps for you there are different motivations?

Or more likely you’re one of the Monevator majority who’s sensibly all-in on a global tracker fund and you think we’re crazy.

Which is more than fine, too, if expressed politely. Broad church here!

Active addicts should go feel seen at Investment Talk. I hope the rest of you enjoy cracking into this week’s links below.

Best of luck to Wales, England, Scotland, and Ireland in the games today!

[continue reading…]


How to enjoy life like a billionaire

There are some views only money can buy. But your outlook on life isn’t one of them.

I once met a rich man walking along the cliff paths in Wales. As I rounded the corner of one of those endless coves that takes chunks out of the headland (and a bite out of your thighs) there he was, sitting on a bench.

You might be surprised to hear this rich man was eating fish and chips.

He looked very happy with himself.

Content, I’d say, rather than self-satisfied. But with the glint in his eye of one who has seen some of life’s secrets and tasted a few of its finer things.

His wife was with him, too. Similar age, almost as happy looking.

“Come on, we’ve left you space at the end,” this rich man said as I approached, and he shuffled along the bench a bit.

His wife handed me a portion of fish and chips.

“It doesn’t get any better than this,” the man said, looking out along the deserted path ahead and at the darkening water, which was offset by one of those rarer-than-you’d-like British sunsets.

And I believed him.

Because if there was one thing my father knew, it was how to be happy.

Eat yourself rich

Of course my father wasn’t financially very well-off.

Yet even if he had been, I’m not sure you would have known it.

As I’ve mentioned before, my dad was a frugalist when the word ‘frugal’ was the name of an obscure Muppet as far as most people were concerned.

Yet like my co-blogger The Accumulator, my dad didn’t seem to see his penny-pinching efforts as deprivation.

For one thing, he visibly got a kick from, say, finding a builder’s skip filled with what he called “perfectly good timber” – in reality something like discarded shipping pallets – and sneaking it away to make a garden trellis for my mother or a playhouse for my sisters.

But even more telling was how he enjoyed things.

I’ve eaten at some fancy places around the world (cheers, former work life!) but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone enjoy food more than my dad eating those Welsh al fresco fish and chips. Nor the straightforward curry he’d knock our socks off with on Sunday nights.

Enjoyed as much as him?


But not more than him.

Billionaire, millionaire, meh

I was thinking about all this while watching an episode of the historical gore-fest Vikings.

In it the Norse leader, Ragnar Lothbrok, gets some perks on account of being the top dog.

Ragnar has the biggest hut. The best furs. He gets to choose when the vikings set off to torch other people’s huts – mainly those of the English.

But otherwise – from a material point of view – Ragnar is not really living that differently from his fellow heathens.

The vikings all eat in a big communal hall. They drink the same potent brew, and see their children die from the same plague.

And as a price for his handful of material luxuries, Ragnar has far bigger concerns than the typical Jaako Sixpack. Half the population Scandinavia and, periodically, of England, are after his head.

This all made me think about what we can enjoy today exactly like a billionaire would – like a Ragnar Lothbrok would in our world – rather than dwell on what we’re missing.

For instance, I’m sure traveling in a private jet is far preferable to Ryanair.

But if me or a billionaire fancies a salty snack en route, then our Kettle Chips taste just the same (and any billionaire who is routinely reaching for Beluga caviar at 30,000 feet has bigger problems than I do).

Life’s what you make it, not what you make

This is not to decry all material goodies, or to make light of income inequality just because we all breath the same air (though that’s true).

It’s certainly not a reason not to save and invest.

Money does matter – but it also matters how you think about it, why you want it, and what you spend it on.

For example I’ve written before that young people should shop for clothes less and save more.

Young people are already so much better-looking than most of us with many more years on the clock. Why gild the lily at the expense of your pension?

And this principle of playing to your strengths – and enjoying what you have right now, or can enjoy for less – might help keep you on track when capitalism has its Fagin eyes on your wallet.

I’ve written elsewhere about my Live Like An Affluent Student Method that served me well in my 20s and 30s.

But for now, here are 20 things you can enjoy just as much as Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, or the King.

Think of it as a motivational pick-me-up.

A free one!

20 things you can enjoy as much as any billionaire

1. A can of Coke tastes no sweeter if you’re minted

You can’t buy better Coca-Cola, which is really the point of Coca-Cola.

2. Watching the Six Nations rugby in a friendly London pub

3. Listening to Henry Szeryng’s 1968 recording of Bach’s Partita for Violin Solo No.2 in D Minor (especially part V)

Music is a big one. Whatever you happen to like, for most of human history you needed to be rich and powerful to have someone play it for you at your whim. Now you can hear the best recordings ever made in milliseconds. More often than not for free.

4. The view from Westminster Bridge

If it was good enough for Wordsworth.

5. The novel Light Years by James Salter

You don’t get to read a better version of a novel just because you’re rich. You read the same novel as the rest of us. The obnoxious among the rich know this, and it rankles with them. It’s why, for instance, former US pharma bad boy Martin Shkreli bought the one copy of Wu-Tang Clan’s Once Upon A Time In Shaolin album, and why he tried to repeat the trick with a Kanye offering.

6. Dance like a nutter to Pharrell Williams’ infectious Happy

Or Come On Eileen, if you prefer.

7. Play LEGO with a cheerful three-year old

Kids don’t know or care that you’re rich. Or that you’re not. And not much in life is better than spending time playing with a little kid. At least until they get fed up and start crying, at which point you can return them to your sister. (Just me?)

8. Kiss someone new

If you’re already in a happy relationship, I’m not sure what to say. (Date night?) It’s one of life’s conundrums, isn’t it? But it’s the same conundrum if you’re rich.

9. Go to a London School of Economics lecture

They’re free. I’ve seen everyone from Paul Krugman to Dani Rodrik speak there. Once I said hello to the ex-deputy of the Bank of England, Charlie Bean. Your nearest big town will have somewhere similar. You don’t need an underground volcano lair to meet interesting people.

10. The Internet

The marvel of our time is pretty much the same for all of us, once you’re on a half-decent connection. Whether or not you’re a billionaire, your experience of TikTok is just as bad as mine.

11. Enjoy a Daisy Green flat white

Okay, I’m biased because I’m an investor in Daisy Green, but anyway I do think theirs is one of the best. I also believe great coffee is an affordable luxury that gets no better beyond around £4.50.1 And yes, I know about the latte factor and all that. I’m not saying drink a pricey coffee three times a day. I’m saying one cup of decent specialty coffee won’t kill your bank balance, and to the point it’s as good as a billionaire can buy. Trust me, I’ve even tried the underwhelming Civet coffee – the expensive one brewed from cat poo that’s now gone unethical.

12. Fish and chips near the sea somewhere

Had to include this after my introductory waffle. For the same experience go to the fish and chip shop in St. Dogmael’s near Cardigan in Wales. Other outlets are available.

13. Walk

I have friends who hate walking. They get bored or tired. Then look at their watch. Or have to go home so they can drive to the gym. These people are useful idiots I keep around to make myself feel better. Walking is one of life’s luxuries, and I’ll miss it when it’s gone.

14. Explore a new city

Related to walking: hunting about a new world city on foot and getting your bearings is one of life’s great pleasures. Sure, if you’re a billionaire you’ll see a different Paris or Melbourne to me. Eventually I might wish I could pop to the opera on a whim or eat every Monday at the best restaurant (although of course I wouldn’t, because then it’s boring). Regardless, the best part of a new city is when it’s still new and you turn around enough corners to find something beautiful you’ve never seen before.

15. Get the latest iPhone

Really, life is too short to use other phones. Google inventor Larry Page can’t buy a better iPhone than me – and not only because he is condemned to use some Android nonsense for corporate reasons.2 This is a serious point. There’s a big difference between a crap car and the latest Tesla – several tens of thousands of pounds. But there’s not much cost consequences in monthly terms between a bad phone and a brilliant one, and we’re talking about one of the most powerful devices ever made by man. (Indeed Apple probably knows it’s leaving a lot of money on the table by not offering £10,000 iPhones. Perhaps why it pushes all those blingy Apple Watch upgrades.)

16. The sea

It’d be nice to have a private island. But it’s not hard to find a deserted beach in the Med, even somewhere like Ibiza at the height of summer. And the biggest joy of the sea is that first wave of warm water that’s higher than you think. The one that knocks you back and makes you laugh like one of those happy three-year olds. Watching other people do it from your yacht is purely an optional extra.

17. Arguing with friends

I guess I’m meant to write “having fun with friends”. But it’s easy to have fun with strangers too, even for an introvert like me. (I was recently dancing like a loon with some to Pharrell Williams’ Happy, for example). Whereas it’s hard to enjoy a proper and honest disagreement that makes you both think afterwards with people you don’t know. For that, you need good friends.

18. Meeting up with a childhood chum and it being like five or ten or 40 years ago

Okay, this one is a bit more from the Disney aisle. But seriously, it’s great when it happens and I just do not believe it’s better if you do it in your luxury penthouse. (Very possibly it’s worse!)

19. Dogs

You can buy a purer breed, but you can’t buy a better dog. Same goes for cats.

20. Mindfulness

It’s all the rage now, isn’t it? But the point about emptying your mind of clutter to concentrate on being present is, well, the doing away with of clutter. The very rich might find it easier to make time for meditation, but I doubt it. They’re probably too busy instructing staff on how to clean the pool at the villa on the Amalfi coast for the 68th time.

Maybe I’m just jealous. Or just maybe I’m not?

Do you enjoy something that money can’t buy – or even if it can, that doesn’t cost very much? Add your suggestions below!

  1. This was £3 in the 2016 version of this article. Inflation is real, kids! []
  2. Okay, so I know there are excellent Android phones available in 2023. I left this in to tease my girlfriend, an Android fan! []

The Slow and Steady passive portfolio update: Q3 2023

The portfolio is up 1.9% year-to-date

We’re in a dreaded sideways market. Drifting without drama, except that I can hear the faint hiss of a leak as the Slow & Steady portfolio deflates 0.33% this quarter.

If it wasn’t for having to write this update, I admit I’d be executing Operation See-No-Evil. Not even looking at the market for months, maybe years, until this glum period passes.

Passive investing is the name of the game – and it does not encourage actively urging on your portfolio from the sidelines like Ted Lasso shouting impotently at his struggling team.

Still, check-in I must.

Almost inevitably we can see it is government bonds – and property – that are holding us back this quarter:

The Slow & Steady portfolio is Monevator’s model passive investing portfolio. It was set up at the start of 2011 with £3,000. An extra £1,200 is invested every quarter into a diversified set of index funds, tilted towards equities. You can read the origin story and find all the previous passive portfolio posts tucked away in the Monevator vaults.

The Slow & Steady’s overall return after almost 13-years is 5.9% annualised. Let’s call that 3% after inflation.

Respectable, but I can’t help but wonder how many of us won’t go absolutely loopy if our portfolios continue to spin their wheels for the next several years.

How likely is that? How long will we have to wait for the gloom to lift?

Let’s see how many lost decades UK investors have endured down the years.

Lost decades

Most people’s investing fate will be dominated by their equities, not bonds. And the good news is there are few decades when stocks actually go backwards. The even better news is that the follow-on decade is often spectacular. 

The table below shows the lost decades that beset World equities, the rebound that followed, plus the year the portfolio turned positive again. (See the ‘Back in the black’ column). 

Note: returns are real annualised total returns. In other words, they show the average annual return (accounting for gains and losses), are inflation-adjusted, and include the impact of dividends.

World equities: lost decades since 1970

World equities have suffered two lost decades in the past half century:

Lost decade Ann return (%) +10 years (%) Back in the black 
1970-79 -5.8 11.1 1984
1999-2008 -0.9 8.5 2009

Data from MSCI, compiled by Monevator

The stagflationary ’70s were not an era for checking your stocks six times a day. Six times in the entire decade would have been too much.

But look at the 11% annualised return over the next ten years! That’s more than double the historical average of 5%. If you avoided self-destruction during the wilderness years then you were richly rewarded during the go-go 1980s.

Quite a few Monevator readers will have made their investing debuts during the next lost decade, which followed the Dotcom mania of the late ’90s. I remember colleagues frothing down the pub about their newfound riches and how “the Internet has changed everything”.

It had and it felt like it was raining money.

Then the rains failed. 

Looking back the annualised returns from 1999 to 2008 weren’t dreadful. The Noughties were a decent decade. But they were spit-roasted by the Dotcom Bust and the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). 

Thankfully confidence was restored by a V-shaped recovery from 2009. The 8.5% annualised returns scooped up over the next ten years helped establish DIY investing as online platforms proliferated.

It may be a tougher sell now though, as a portion of those gains were probably borrowed from the future via high valuations. Such frothiness may have to be paid for by several mediocre years to come.

UK equities: lost decades since 1825

What about shares here in Blighty? UK equities have only posted four lost decades in two centuries:

Lost decade Ann return (%) +10 years (%) Back in the black 
1907-16 -0.2 4.1 1924
1943-52 -0.06 12.4 1953
1965-74 -5.4 7.8 1975
1999-2008 -0.7 6.5 2009

Data from Rule Britannia,1 JST Macrohistory2 and FTSE Russell, compiled by Monevator

UK equities didn’t suffer a single lost decade from 1825 to 1907. Those really were the good old days.

Even with the first entry in our table, 1907 to 1914 was actually a raging bull market until World War One derailed everything. 

The following ten years were sub-par, but not terrible when you consider the Spanish Flu pandemic that killed millions and the economic depression that settled across Britain and the rest of Europe.  

World War 2 is a real eye-opener, given the scale of real-world destruction. The market recovered quickly as post-war inflation dissipated. Returns from 1953 to 1962 are the best of those following the entries in our Lost Decade tables.

Take heart

So don’t feel despondent dear reader. Clearly things have been much worse for some of our investing forebears. We’re far from lost decade territory right now.

In truth, lost decades are not that common, but long stretches of down years are. They’re not a sign that anything is broken. They may well herald that the best years in your particular investing lifetime are yet to come. 

Looking at stock market returns through this lens reminds me investing is a long-term game – and that it can feel even longer!

It can take many years of grinding before we enjoy the hoped-for rewards. 

New transactions

Every quarter we blow £1,200 onto the market dice and hope to roll a six. Our stake is split between seven funds according to our predetermined asset allocation.

We rebalance using Larry Swedroe’s 5/25 rule. That hasn’t been activated this quarter, so the trades play out like this:

UK equity

Vanguard FTSE UK All-Share Index Trust – OCF 0.06%

Fund identifier: GB00B3X7QG63

New purchase: £60

Buy 0.246 units @ £244.28

Target allocation: 5%

Developed world ex-UK equities

Vanguard FTSE Developed World ex-UK Equity Index Fund – OCF 0.14%

Fund identifier: GB00B59G4Q73

New purchase: £444

Buy 0.804 units @ £552.29

Target allocation: 37%

Global small cap equities

Vanguard Global Small-Cap Index Fund – OCF 0.29%

Fund identifier: IE00B3X1NT05

New purchase: £60

Buy 0.158 units @ £378.69

Target allocation: 5%

Emerging market equities

iShares Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund D – OCF 0.21%

Fund identifier: GB00B84DY642

New purchase: £96

Buy 54.201 units @ £1.77

Target allocation: 8%

Global property

iShares Environment & Low Carbon Tilt Real Estate Index Fund – OCF 0.17%

Fund identifier: GB00B5BFJG71

New purchase: £60

Buy 29.241 units @ £2.05

Target allocation: 5%

UK gilts

Vanguard UK Government Bond Index – OCF 0.12%

Fund identifier: IE00B1S75374

New purchase: £324

Buy 2.603 units @ £124.46

Target allocation: 27%

Global inflation-linked bonds

Royal London Short Duration Global Index-Linked Fund – OCF 0.27%

Fund identifier: GB00BD050F05

New purchase: £156

Buy 150.87 units @ £1.03

Target allocation: 13%

New investment contribution = £1,200

Trading cost = £0

Take a look at our broker comparison table for your best investment account options. InvestEngine is currently cheapest if you’re happy to invest only in ETFs. Or learn more about choosing the cheapest stocks and shares ISA for your circumstances.

Average portfolio OCF = 0.16%

If this all seems too complicated check out our best multi-asset fund picks. These include all-in-one diversified portfolios, such as the Vanguard LifeStrategy funds.

Interested in tracking your own portfolio or using the Slow & Steady investment tracking spreadsheet? Our piece on portfolio tracking shows you how.

Finally, learn more about why we think most people are better off choosing passive vs active investing.

Take it steady,

The Accumulator

  1. Acheson G, Hickson CR, Turner JD & Ye Q (2009) Rule Britannia! British Stock market returns, 1825-1870. []
  2. Òscar Jordà, Katharina Knoll, Dmitry Kuvshinov, Moritz Schularick, and Alan M. Taylor. 2019. “The Rate of Return on Everything, 1870–2015.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 134(3), 1225-1298. []

Where to invest a small amount of money UK 

Are you wondering where you can invest a small amount of money in the UK? When money is rarer than rocking horse dung, DIY investing can feel like the sport of kings – something akin to international polo, yacht racing, or panda wrestling.

Read on to discover your best options for investing £25 per month or less using budget-friendly brokers. 

Disclosure: Links to platforms may be affiliate links, where we may earn a small commission. It doesn’t affect the price you pay nor how we judge the brokers.

What’s the smallest amount of money you need to invest?

You can invest in a portfolio of ETFs from just £10 a month with InvestEngine. (Though you need £100 to open an account in the first place.)

InvestEngine’s big attraction is that your money won’t be molested by the gang of brokerage fees that usually lie in wait for unsuspecting investors. 

There are no platform charges, trading costs, or FX fees to worry about – just so long as you stick to the DIY investment service. 

Brilliantly, you can also activate the AutoInvest feature. This will automatically spread your money between your chosen ETFs in line with your asset allocation.

AutoInvest enables you to build a highly-diversified investment portfolio for a tenner using InvestEngine’s Savings Plan.

Note, the plan uses Variable Recurring Payments to tickle your bank when the money’s due. 

If your account doesn’t support open banking then you can set up a Direct Debit instead. 

In that case, the smallest amount of money you can invest with InvestEngine is £50 per month. 

There are a couple of other snags to watch out for. 

Firstly, InvestEngine doesn’t offer a SIPP account yet. SIPPs are pension accounts that typically beat a stocks and shares ISA as the best place to save for your retirement. 

Also note that a £10 a month contribution split between multiple ETFs is likely to involve purchasing fractional shares. This may lead to problems further down the line with ISA accounts. (We will attack this can of worms with our investigative tin-opener in a moment). 

Our next option avoids all that palaver…

Where to invest a small amount of money into a SIPP and/or mutual funds

Fidelity offers the best deal if you want to invest a small amount into a SIPP or use mutual funds (which heads off the fractional share dilemma). 

Fidelity’s Monthly Savings Plan enables you to invest a minimum of:

  •  £20 per month into a SIPP (you should get £5 tax-relief on top, too)
  •  £25 into a stocks and shares ISA or General Investment Account (GIA)

Fidelity’s platform fee is 0.35%. That’ll cost you £3.50 per year for every £1,000 invested. You can avoid trading costs by sticking to funds instead of ETFs or shares.

The minimum investment amounts above apply per fund, per month. 

So you’d need to invest £40 to £50 monthly in a two-fund portfolio. 

Happily, you can diversify in a one-er by investing in a multi-asset fund like Vanguard LifeStrategy.

Multi-asset funds bundle up multiple asset classes into a single package. This makes them an ideal way to invest a low amount of money. 

Where to invest a small amount of money into a LISA

Dodl by AJ Bell allows you to invest from £25 per month into a Lifetime ISA (also known as a LISA). 

You’ll pay a 0.15% platform fee with a minimum charge of £12 per account, no matter how small your portfolio’s balance. 

Dodl’s combo of low platform charge, flat-fee baseline, and zero trading costs means it beats Fidelity once your investments are worth more than £3,428 in any account – ISA, GIA, or SIPP. 

Dodl’s downside is its limited range of funds and ETFs. 

Other minimum investment options

Technically, Trading 212 is the place to go to invest the smallest amount of money required by any UK broker. 

It will let you stake £1 a throw with zero trading fees and no platform charges to boot. You can invest in ETFs with Trading 212, even though the emphasis is on shares and more exotic instruments. 

That said, we believe most investors are better off with a passive investing strategy built around index funds and ETFs. This is the best way by far to diversify your portfolio on a budget. 

Freetrade’s minimum trade is £2 a pop. Stick to its GIA though. Both the ISA and SIPP accounts come with sizeable annual costs attached. 

Finally, Wombat lets you invest from £10 per month. The money marsupial is even cheaper than Dodl (0.1% vs 0.15% platform fee), and also beats Fidelity when your portfolio is valued over £3,428. 

The drawback is a product range smaller than a celeb chef’s set menu. And no SIPP. 

Wherever you choose to invest, you can check out the fees for all the major UK investment platforms on our broker comparison table. 

Look out for a broker’s ‘regular investing’ option to take advantage of its minimum investment amount.

You’ll typically have to pony up more to invest occasional lump sums.

Trading 212 and Freetrade are notable exceptions. You can invest tiny ad hoc amounts with them, without committing to a monthly schedule. 

Fractional shares snag

When investing small amounts of money in the UK, watch out for the share price of your chosen vehicle. 

You won’t be able to buy in if the cost of a single share is higher than your contribution. Not unless your platform allows fractional investing. 

Fractional investing is always available for mutual funds. That makes them much simpler to trade if you’re on a budget. 

But only a handful of investment platforms offer fractional shares for individual stocks. 

And InvestEngine is the only UK broker we know of that offers ETF fractional investing. 

Happily, there are so many ETFs on the market, you’ll often be able to find a low share price option even if you’re investing £25 a month or less. (A low share price ETF is not worth less than a high share price equivalent. Don’t worry about that at all.)

Less happily, if you go down the fractional share route you should know HMRC has recently cast doubt about whether this is permissible within an ISA account. 

Fractional shares in an ISA SNAFU

HMRC has stated that fractional shares are not eligible ISA investments. 

The announcement came as a big surprise to the brokers that have been merrily offering fractional shares in ISAs – and continue to do so. 

Indeed, those platforms are sticking to their guns so far. Some are even threatening HMRC with lawyers at dawn if the taxman cracks down. 

To cut a tedious story short: the ISA vs fractional shares situation is far from resolved.

If HMRC pursues the matter then you could be liable for a capital gains and dividend income tax bill. 

True, you’d have to earn over £1,000 in dividends per tax year before you owed a penny thanks to the dividend allowance.1

Similarly, you’d have to make over £6,000 in capital gains in 2023-24 – or over £3,000 from the tax year 2024-25 – before you’re likely to get mixed up in any costly fractional share repercussions. 

In other words, you’ve got plenty of tax allowance headroom if you’re buying fractional shares for the amounts we’ve been discussing in this article. 

But we’re flagging the problem now because your investment contributions are likely to snowball as you progress through your career. 

Thankfully this ISA imbroglio does not apply to fractional investing in mutual fundsThat’s because they offer fractional units and not shares.

Makes total sense, doesn’t it? 

The Pound Stretcher portfolio

Asset allocation idea for when you're investing a low amount of money in the UK

Turning, then, to funds, if you’re wondering where to invest a low amount of money in terms of funds or ETFs then the simplest solution is to choose a Vanguard LifeStrategy fund. 

Because Vanguard LifeStrategy is a mutual fund, you won’t incur trading costs with any of our broker picks above. You can also invest in fractional units without any HMRC entanglements. 

As for ETFs, multi-asset ETFs are a rare beast in the UK, although BlackRock offers an ESG range

However my ETF preference would be to DIY diversify with a brace of index trackers that could sit at the heart of any portfolio:

ETF 1: 60% Global equity

  • For example: L&G Global Equity ETF (LGGG), OCF 0.1%.
  • A diversified, large- and mid-cap index tracker that represents a broad slice of the developed world equity market and can be expected to provide growth over the long term.

ETF 2: 40% UK Gilts

  • For example: iShares Core UK Gilts (IGLT), OCF 0.07%.
  • An intermediate UK government bond index tracker that should reduce portfolio volatility over time and diversifies against the threat of a stock market crash.  

I’ve chosen this pair of bargain basement beauties because they balance a keen Ongoing Fund Charge (OCF) with a low share price. 

But we have written about other low-cost index funds and ETFs too. 

Risk versus reward for newbies

The classic 60/40 asset allocation mix I’ve suggested above is for illustration purposes only.

If you’re just starting out, are relatively young, and have a strong risk tolerance (or are teaching the kids about investing) then you could consider a 100% equities portfolio using the global ETF only. 

Beware: an equity-only portfolio will be a much wilder proposition without the calming effect of partnering it with government bonds. 

But you may find such volatility easier to stomach when you’ve only relatively small amounts of money at stake, and plenty of years ahead to make good any losses. 

You don’t? Diversify your portfolio with a large slug of bonds if 100% equities proves too stressful. 

See our investment portfolio examples for a deeper dive into asset allocation. 

From small acorns

The power of compound interest makes it worth your while to start investing sooner rather than later, even when cash is tight.

Plus, you’ll bed in good habits, learn about portfolio management, and make your mistakes while you have less skin in the game. 

All that said, while it’s worth knowing where to invest a small amount of money in the UK, you’ll achieve your objectives faster by saving and investing more. 

But that can wait until you’re good and ready. Just get started!

Take it steady,

The Accumulator

  1. Though the allowance reduces to £500 from April 2024. []