Recent research suggests that even a monkey could beat a market cap index. But here’s why you may not want to ape their conclusions…
Roll up, roll up, for another widely-quoted measure of stock market valuation with more flaws than a cut-glass diamond.
Capture the extra returns potential of the value premium with this comprehensive selection of UK-investible value funds.
Click through for a super infographic showing how Warren Buffett’s wisdom can work for you, in simple cartoon form.
Always be alert to the different ways in which large numbers can be (mis)interpreted when trying to make sense of the world. Never forget: You’re an upgraded ape with delusions of grandeur, designed to hunt gazelles and run away from lions. You’re prone to fear and greed, you love being in with the crowd, and [...]
The market’s on fire and we’re dancing like chimps on heat around our model passive portfolio.
What is the value premium? How does it work and how big is it? We explain all without droning on about Risk Factor models…
You’re investing your money, so make sure you’re taking the risks you feel comfortable with.
Unless you’re a hedge fund manager or Jim Cramer you don’t have to care about picking markets and winning. Your risk is of failing to meet your goals.
So you want to be the next Warren Buffett? Here are the best areas of the market to start your search.
Tips on using the best tool I’ve found for analysing tracking error on a wide range of index trackers.
High inflation is hear to stay, but the good news is mortgages are cheap. Carefully taking on debt is looking like a no brainer.
How to work out which broker will cost you less, depending on the size of your portfolio.
I know they’re boring and the future returns look lousy, but if you’re not going to hold any bonds make sure you know what you’re missing.