World stock market returns data shows big variations between countries. Here’s an 111-year digest to whet your appetite for investing abroad.
An easy way to get depressed is to never buy your own home and then to take a peek at a graph of house price growth. Let’s see what we could have won!
Should you splash out on a Ferrari or would you be better laying down a cellar of fine bordeaux wines? Choices choices…
Always be alert to the different ways in which large numbers can be (mis)interpreted when trying to make sense of the world. Never forget: You’re an upgraded ape with delusions of grandeur, designed to hunt gazelles and run away from lions. You’re prone to fear and greed, you love being in with the crowd, and [...]
New figures reveal how much the nation has got stashed away in ISAs. And surprise surprise, it’s less than it should be.
The data shows corporate bonds have beaten equities over the past decade. It won’t last.