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Trend following: is the trend your friend? 

A thumbnail sketch of how a trend following fund might track a trending asset

What is trend following? How does it work? Should active or even passive investors have a trend following fund in their portfolio? And if so, which one?

So many questions!

In this post I’ll try to answer a few of them.

Wealth warning: This post discusses some fairly advanced investing concepts. If you’re a sensible regular investor then by all means read it and learn more, but don’t take it as a recommendation to do anything except more research if it piques your interest.


I will use the terms ‘trend followers’, ‘CTAs’ (Commodity Trading Advisors) and ‘managed futures’ synonymously in this article. They are not, strictly, the same thing. But it’ll do for our purposes. 

Broadly we are talking about funds that trade futures and generally have a ‘trend-following strategy’. That is, the funds buy (are long) things that have gone up, and sell (short) things that have gone down. 

For the avoidance of doubt, in finance speak trend following is not really the same as momentum.

When we say momentum we tend to mean a strategy or factor that is long good performers within an asset class (normally equities) and possibly short the poor performers (within the same asset class). 

How do trend-following funds work?

We are going to look at the Winton UCITS Trend Fund to explain how these things work. Specifically we’re going to dissect its January 2024 factsheet

I’ve chosen this fund because:

  • It’s an exceedingly vanilla trend-following fund, taking its DNA from the veteran fund manager AHL. (David Harding, the proprietor of Winton, was the ‘H’ in AHL.)
  • You can actually buy it (and I own some)

However, like everything on Monevator – and doubly so the more esoteric or active stuff – this is definitely not a recommendation. And anyway, the fund is a pretty underwhelming offering, as I’ll come to in a bit. 

Here’s what it says on the tin:

This is a very generic description. It would apply to pretty much every mainstream trend-following fund. 

Trend-following secret sauce

So what is the fund’s ‘rules-based investment strategy’?

First, the fund will tidy up the asset price data by turning it into (log) returns and then they’ll apply some sort of volatility normalisation to it.

After that’s done, the rules might look something like this.

  • Be long when the asset is trading above its (200, 100, 50, 20)-Day Moving Average (pick one for your rule), and short when below.
  • Be long when the asset is trading above its (200, 100, 50, 20)-Day Moving Average, and short when below, but ignore the last five days.
  • Be long when the asset is trading above its (200, 100, 50, 20)-day Exponentially Weighted Moving (EWMA), and short when below.
  • Don’t use the ‘current price’ to measure above / below-ness. Use a short-term EWMA (1, 2, 5) day figure. 
  • What is the current price anyway? Last, Bid, Ask, Mid? Order Book Weighted mid-price? Ten-minute Moving Average? Of which price? 

Or the fund might not normalise volatility but use some sort of Z-score metric within the return history.

Or any of about a million possible combinations of these rules.

It will end up with something that delivers activity that look a bit like this: 

Now in the real world you don’t use one rule. You might use a handful. That’s because they’ll all give you slightly different results, have correlations slightly below 1, and, since you don’t know what the best parameter choice in the future will be, averaging lots of them is a reasonably conservative position.

Whether to choose what worked best in the past versus averaging lots of parameters/methods that just worked okay is a design decision. 

Refined company

Once we’ve got our signal, we might pass it through a Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) to give us something like this:

Then I might set my max weight for this instrument to $10m. This means that when I’m max long I have +$10m of exposure, and when I’m max short I have $-10m of exposure. 

Fine. Then someone asks: “Is it really sensible to stay max long when the thing goes parabolic?”

So we might put the signal through some sort of response function, like this…

(Pretend I can draw. )

Which would in turn produced this sort of affect:

But then someone will point out we could actually ‘train’ the shape of the response function for each asset / rule using machine learning…

And so on. This is the sort of thing that quants who spent four years doing a Physics PhD will get up to for the first couple of years after they join the fund. 

Yet even though we don’t know Winton’s secret sauce – and even after it’s done all this clever stuff – we’ll still be able to tell if the fund is likely long or short an asset just by looking at the asset’s price chart.

Back to Winton

Don’t believe me? Let’s consider a few of Winton’s top positions by ‘risk’ and check the charts.

See if you can guess whether Winton will be long or short the following markets?

Data on our data: Unless otherwise stated all price charts in this article are from Koyfin. This up-and-coming data provider is offering Monevator readers a special sign-up offer via our affiliate link.

And here are Winton’s long/short positions – a.k.a. the answers:

Well done, full marks. Not that complicated, is it?

Portfolio construction

So far we’ve only worried about the signal for a single asset. What about portfolio construction?

We’ve already identified that these funds make no attempt to be ‘market neutral’. We can see that clearly if we look at Winton’s sector exposure: 

Winton is long bonds and stocks, neutral in currencies and metals, and short in softs. 

Sounds simple. However under the surface there’ll be quite a bit of clever portfolio construction going on – especially with respect to trying to balance out volatilities between assets so that the fund is taking similar risks in each asset.

For instance, if you want your full signal in asset A to mean the same thing as a full signal in asset B but asset B has twice the volatility, then you’ll only invest half the $ amount in asset B as in A, to get the same ‘risk contribution’.

For bonus points you might even use implied volatility from the options markets to size your positions, given that’s forward looking. 

The choice of which markets to trade is also highly relevant. One decision required is whether to only trade markets that have ‘worked’ (i.e. trended) in the past. Alternatively, you might take the ideological approach that all markets trend, and you’ve just not observed it in the data yet.

You can usually come up with some rationale for whatever you want to decide the data is telling you!

If you take the view that all markets trend, then the more uncorrelated markets you add, the better your performance will be. Your Sharpe ratio will go up with about the square-root of the number of zero correlation assets you add – but good luck finding them.

It might appear in the backtest (before anyone could actually trade them) that ‘Mongolian horse cheese non-deliverable forwards’ are completely uncorrelated with the rest of your portfolio. But that tends to end the day you add them to the real portfolio. At that point it turns out MHC forwards are pretty much just a really difficult and expensive way to trade the Spooz1.

Things are always uncorrelated until your bonus depends on them staying that way. 

Regardless, any correlation less than one is worth adding to the mix – provided that its market is reasonably well-behaved and cheap to trade. 

Rough trade

We haven’t talked about the actual trading bit yet – there’s quite a bit of that going on whenever your signal changes.

First you’ve got to decide how much of a hurry you’re in (i.e. what’s your ‘alpha decay’ profile).

Then you’ll hand it over to a whole other room of quants who do short-term signals to work out whether to trade now or trade later.

Then, once you’ve actually decided to do your trade, you’ll give it to a machine to schedule.

And that machine will give it to an algo, which will give it to a smart-order router, which will finally send it to an exchange for execution.

Suffice to say the likes of Winton know how to do this well (or at least pay a broker to do it).

Are trend following funds any use though?

You’d think after all that clever stuff we just walked through, these funds would shoot the lights out, right?

Honestly, not really. 

Source: Driving with the Rear-View Mirror 

Is a Sharpe ratio of 0.45 good or bad? I guess it depends what you compare it to. Of course nothing beats the Spooz: 4.7% for trend following vs nearly 12% for the S&P is pretty unexciting. Trend even underperforms the Global 60/40 portfolio.

What’s the point of it?

Well here’s the thing: returns are not what you buy trend following for. 

No, what you buy trend following for is this:

Source: Winton (Note: Its Sharpe is overstated here, because this fund hasn’t been around for long.)

Yes: the fund is giving you negative correlation with both stocks and bonds. 

Where does this negative correlation come from?

Well, because these funds can go short, and markets – including equities – trend, then once stocks start going down, trend funds short them. They therefore make money when stocks lose money. They also tend to go long bonds and risk-off currencies when bad things happen.

This is not a guarantee – they can’t see the future. Sudden shocks could leave them long when the stock market is going down.

In theory the perfect trend-following fund to add as a hedge to an equity-heavy portfolio would not trade the ‘long’ signals in equities, only the short. This would make it a better hedge. But it would reduce returns, since stocks mostly go up, which is why in practice you don’t see such funds.

Anyway if you add something with even fairly ‘meh’ returns, to, say, a 60/40 portfolio, that is actually negatively correlated with it, then you will improve its Sharpe ratio – although not its returns.

Whether it is the Sharpe ratio or returns that matter more to you depends on what sort of investor you are.

But before we dig into that, we need to expose trend following’s dirty little secret.

Trend’s little secret: cash 

The futures contracts and other synthetic instruments that trend followers trade are highly capital efficient. They are all, essentially, just a bet on the direction of a thing, not the purchase of the thing.

This means you only need to post a tiny fraction of the notional as ‘margin’.

For example, for the S&P500 ‘E-minis’ futures, which has a per-contract value of $50 per lot, margin is $12,650 per lot.

So with the S&P at 5,000, you’d need to post $12,650 of margin to get $250,000 worth of exposure ($50*5,000), which is about 5%. 

We can see from the Winton factsheet that the ‘UCITS commitment leverage’ is about 640%: 

Naturally, I love this

The 640% figure is a gross sum of all notional exposure (which is an insane way to measure leverage for rates trades, but, this is UCITS so whatever).

Assuming that the margin requirements across all Winton’s instruments are the same as for the S&P500 the fund would need to post:

640% * 5% = 32% margin

Most margin requirements, measured against notionals, are much, much lower than this.

Generally, in a moderately diverse trend-following portfolio, the margin requirements are about 20% per 10% volatility of the fund. And since Winton is actually targeting 10% volatility for this fund, their margin requirements are about 20% of the investors’ cash.

So what happens to the other 80%?

What do you think? It sits in the bank earning interest. 

Now, there are no free lunches in Finance. So that’s not free money for Winton. The financing cost of a position is obviously reflected in the price of the futures’ basis. (It has to be, otherwise you could make free money with the ‘cash-and-carry’ trade).

However, half the time trend followers are short, and hereby earning, not paying, this carry.

And anyway this structure just reflects the reality that the cash you invest in the fund will pay you the risk-free rate plus any ‘alpha’. 

It all means that the headline returns on trend-following funds are higher when interest rates are positive. Because they are mostly just cash!

Of course, none of this makes any difference to the Sharpe Ratio, where we subtract Rf…

…but psychologically it makes a huge difference.

Let’s say I’m buying my trend following fund as insurance for a mostly equities but some bonds long-only portfolio:

  • If Rf is zero and that insurance costs me a percent in negative returns, then that’s expensive insurance!
  • But if Rf is 5%, and so the insurance actually earns me 4% p.a. net of fees, what’s not to like?

Of course, this is just  money illusion. Assuming inflation was 0% in the first scenario and 5% in the second, then there’s no difference. In fact, the second case is worse, because I’m paying the fund manager fees on what is just inflation.

The other key observation is that – at a 10% volatility – the fund’s margin utilisation is so low that it could run at much higher volatility than this without a problem. 

Fund VolatilityMargin Utilisation

Now, there’s a few operational reasons why you probably wouldn’t want to run 80% margin utilisation. But you could certainly run say 50% – giving your fund a volatility of 25%. 

Why doesn’t Winton? Well, it does, for institutional investors. They can basically do a ‘dial-your-own-volatility’ version of the fund (called a ‘managed account’).

But generally fees scale with volatility. And the higher the volatility the less you need to invest.

The UCITS fund is low volatility because it’s aimed at a somewhat-retail audience that doesn’t really understand this stuff and would be scared by high volatility. And Winton has anyway generally reduced the volatility of its funds as it has removed the performance fee.

In doing so the fund shop is just responding to incentives. As a manager, if you have performance fees you want high volatility, in order to maximise the potential return and hence your take. Whereas if you don’t have performance fees, you want more assets and lower volatility – because people have to invest more for the same return. 

So this is one of my criticisms of the Winton UCITS fund – its volatility is far too low.

The higher the volatility, the less of it I need to add to my 60/40 portfolio to have the hedging impact I’m after.

Adding trend to the 60/40 portfolio

If I’m going to add trend following to my 60/40 portfolio to improve its Sharpe ratio, I’ll clearly need to reduce my allocation to something else to make room. 

Bonds are the obvious candidate. Bonds generally underperform both stocks and trend, and are somewhat there to insure against bad equity markets – which is also what I’m (hoping) the trend-following fund is going to do.

Which bonds should I dial back? Well, the shorter-term ones since, as we’ve already identified, trend is mostly just cash anyway. And what’s the difference between cash and short-term bonds, really?

Let’s consider three portfolios:

  • Portfolio 1: 60 equities / 40 bonds
  • Portfolio 2: 54/36/10 AQR managed futures
  • Portfolio 3 60/30/10 AQR managed futures

Source: Portfolio Visualizer

We can see in the graph that if we replace part of our bond allocation with trend, we get marginally better returns with slightly lower volatility. Also a better Sharpe ratio and much reduced drawdowns.

However I do acknowledge this period I’ve illustrated is too short and too recent. If we’d taken this snapshot in late 2021 we’d have seen a different result.

Do not try this at home

Can we do better? (Those of you who’ve been following me can guess what’s coming here)

That 10% allocation to trend in the above example – we’ve already identified that it’s, like, 80% cash.

So what I’ve really got is a 60/30/2/8 stocks/bond/trend (at 50% volatility) / cash portfolio.

What if – and hear me out here – I took the cash that was inside the trend following fund and… used it to buy stocks!

Then I could have a higher Sharpe ratio and higher returns. 

Now, in the case of the Winton Fund, that’s easier said than done. I could buy Corey Hoffstein’s Return Stacked US Stocks and Managed Futures ETF – which just buys S&P 500 futures with the cash collateral. But most Monevator readers couldn’t, because it’s US-listed. 

Considering the Winton Fund specifically, can I sort of synthetically achieve the same thing?

David Harding presumably doesn’t leave that investor cash laying around in a vault in Hammersmith somewhere. No, he pays it into a bank, where it earns interest.

There’s absolutely nothing stopping me going to that bank and borrowing the money to leverage up the rest of my portfolio – is there?

In fact, it doesn’t even have to be the same bank or the same money. I can simply borrow the same amount of cash as is inside my share of the Winton fund, and net, I’ve not borrowed any money at all.

In fact, my bank could be the futures market – or indirectly the futures market by buying a leveraged ETF.

Of course borrowing costs money – interest – but that’s offset (at least somewhat) by the interest I’m earning on the cash inside the trend fund.

What does this look like then? 

Portfolio 1: 60/40, Portfolio 2: 50/40/10 AQR Managed Futures / -10 Cash

Source: Portfolio Visualizer

Higher returns, lower volatility and lower drawdown (though not much better than simply replacing some bonds with trend to be honest).

Which trend-following fund should I buy?

I’m not going to make a recommendation. There are not many available anyway. And I only invest in funds where I know the principal – so my list is pretty short.

I can however share the ones I own:

  • Winton Trend Fund (UCITS) – GBP I shares
    • Fees are a bit high (1.06%) for what it is
    • Not a very diverse set of instruments
    • Volatility is a bit low for my taste
  • Return Stacked US Stocks and Trend ETF (RSST)
    • Most UK investors can’t buy this because of MiFiD
    • The trend bit targets 13% volatility
    • Fee is a more reasonable 1.04%  – so per unit of vol this is the equivalent of 0.8% compared to the Winton Fund
    • And you get 100% US stocks thrown in for ‘free’
    • Trend construction is not as sophisticated as Winton or AQR
  • AQR (I’m in the process of trying to buy these)
    • AQR Mgd Futures UCITS F GBP (K and C)
      • Cheap: 59bps 
      • Mixed reports as to whether you can actually buy this. (I’ve failed once)
      • Cliff Asness was kind enough to respond to me when I complained about this
    • AQR Alternative Trends IAG1 GBP Acc
      • Expensive: 1.8%
      • Trades all sorts of crazy markets (+)
      • Very good recent performance (which means nothing)

I would love to hear any other ideas in the comments.

If you enjoyed this, you can follow Finumus on Twitter or read his other articles for Monevator.

  1. The S&P 500 forwards contract. []

What to do if you’re queasy about the US stock market [Members]

A cartoon of a US space rocket headed to the moon, to signify how US stocks are believed to go up and up

For years now, returns from the US stock market have thrashed the rest of the world. And yet even as the disconnect between the Land Of The Free Jumbo Upgrade and the rest of us widens, pundits ponder when it will all go wrong.

Only this week, veteran market watcher – and sometime bubble-spotter – Jeremy Grantham of GMO warned:

This article can be read by selected Monevator members. Please see our membership plans and consider joining! Already a member? Sign in here.

Weekend reading: Spring Budget 2024 roundup

Our Weekend Reading logo

What caught my eye this week.

Nobody really needs more than a couple of articles about the Spring Budget. Alas for me, I only concluded this after reading dozens of them.

For all the noise, this wasn’t a Budget that will move the dial for most people. Even the welcome reduction in National Insurance won’t really be felt as such, given it just blunts the impact of ongoing higher taxes due to fiscal drag.

The coincident OBR figures paint a sobering picture too. What good news it has will mostly arrive next year – apparently.

Those of us who have followed every Budget and Autumn Statement for the past few years can only ask: “Are we there yet?” We’ve heard we’re close before.

The following graph from Martin Wolf in the FT [search result] doesn’t tell us anything new – but wow it’s striking:

Wolf – an economic commentator who attract critics mostly on the back of being right – warns:

To put it bluntly, the British policy process and the institutions in charge of it are broken. Yes, that is true elsewhere, too. But that is not an excuse.

Can one plausibly imagine that stagnation on this scale can continue without dire consequences for the stability of our society?

The Spring Budget didn’t – and probably couldn’t – do much about any of that. And with Labour 25% ahead in the latest polls, the man delivering it knows he almost certainly won’t be around to see the consequences.

Time will tell if the opposition can do any better – it hasn’t got much to play with. I still think Hunt could have made a good Chancellor in another era. Unfortunately for him and us, this is the one we’ve got.

Still, there are actions to take. In particular, make sure you’re paying attention to the Child Benefit threshold changes. Many more should be able to claim that. Consider making pension contributions if it helps you qualify.

Spring Budget announcement roundups

What changes did Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announce? – Which

Really nice roundup, especially re: non-doms – JP Morgan

What you need to know – Be Clever With Your Cash

What does the Budget mean for you? – BBC

Biggest budget winners revealed – This Is Money

Hardcore economic action

Five things we learned from the Spring Budget – IFS

The Office of Budget Responsibility’s latest data and forecasts – OBR

National Insurance cut by 2p

National insurance calculator [with new rates]Which

How much will the new NI rate cuts save you? – This Is Money

What is National Insurance and should it be scrapped? – Guardian

New UK ISA and British Savings Bond

Does it pay to be patriotic with your savings? – Which

Some investors are keen to use the UK ISA – This Is Money

British ISAs are a gimmick that won’t move the dial – Guardian

Do we really need another Isa allowance? [Search result]FT

NS&I to offer three-year fixed-rate ‘British bonds’ – NS&I

Property matters

Property tax and stamp duty changes – Which

Hunt hands buy-to-let landlords a CGT tax cut – This Is Money

Child benefit and loose ends

What the child benefit threshold rise to £60,000 means to you – This Is Money

A parent earning up to £80,000 can now still benefit – BBC

Spring Budget small print – Which

Rich non-doms ‘dismayed’ by Hunt’s decision [Search result]FT


Why fix a tax trap when you can kick it down the road? – This Is Money

Pensioners and wealthy big losers from Tory government, say think-tanks [Search result]FT

The IFS response – IFS

Hunt was hamstrung by Britain’s sickly finances – This Is Money

Have a great weekend.

[continue reading…]


Introducing the UK ISA: don’t panic!

Introducing the UK ISA: don’t panic! post image

You’ve been crying out for a UK ISA, right? I mean, even the investing platforms said they didn’t want one but somebody must have asked for it.

Perhaps it was you?

Well, you and Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, who presumably wanted another bone to throw to the electorate.

And so the Dad’s Army ISA has marched on the parade ground.

Or rather it’s marched into a consultation phase.

The basic idea is clear enough. We’ll get an extra £5,000 annual ISA allowance to invest in UK-listed companies.

And – thankfully – the existing £20,000 annual ISA allowance remains unmolested.

But beyond that there are lots of questions. The consultation will run until 6 June 2024, and we won’t get specifics until well after that.

I wouldn’t expect the fine print to be written – and the platforms to be ready to implement the UK ISA – until the Autumn Statement at the earliest. Perhaps not even until April 2025.

You’ll just have to wait to fill your boots with M&S and Tesco shares while playing Land of Hope and Glory on the gramophone.

Fool Britannia

The UK ISA consultation is specifically not asking whether a UK-restricted ISA vehicle is a good idea, stating:

This consultation does not ask for views on the principle of introducing a UK ISA or alternative options for achieving the policy objectives.

No surprise there. The Dad’s Army ISA UK ISA is a political bauble, not a serious bit of legislation.

You and I may believe that UK equity markets are in a funk because the country has been in political tumult for the best part of a decade, Brexit damaged our terms of trade and is costing £100bn a year in GDP, the UK economy is stagnant, and foreign investors have stepped back from buying UK shares accordingly.

We also know it’s the resultant de-rating of UK shares – made even cheaper by a weaker pound – that’s driven the rash of UK takeovers by foreign companies.

But the Government – supposedly – believes that UK equities languish because the average Joe Bloggs has £5,000 lying around that they would just love to invest in British companies inside a tax wrapper, if only they hadn’t filled their existing £20,000 annual allowance with, I don’t know, a global tracker fund?

Never mind that only 15% of ISA savers use their full allowance anyway.

Non-party political broadcast

The idea that the UK ISA is designed to meet an investor need – or even the needs of the London stock market – is absurd.

It’s a political bung in a post-Brexit Britain where slapping the Union Jack onto things is about the only tangible ‘positive’ outcome from leaving the EU.

However such clear-eyed cynicism doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use it to improve our investing returns.

British bonds for a British ISA

Politics aside, my main concern with the UK ISA is it enshrines home bias and could distort behaviour for no good reason.

Particularly so when it comes to passive investing, which should be into global equities and domestic bond funds.

However on reading the consultation paper, the intention is currently to allow the new wrapper to hold gilts (UK government bonds) and UK corporate bonds.

If this makes it into the final UK ISA legislation, then passive investors should simply be able to put their UK ISA allowance towards their bond allocation.

That bond allocation would usually be UK bond funds anyway.

Like this, we’ll get an extra £5,000 a year of tax-free wrapper to build up the 40 in a 60/40 portfolio.

Of course doing so won’t help UK equities re-rate.

But as I’ve said that’s not happening on the back of the UK ISA, and it’s not really the point anyway.

None of your funny foreign shares

What about equities?

The devil will be in the detail and the consultation doc acknowledges there’s a lot of ways things could go. It looks back to the previous PEP1 era, which constrained investment to UK-listed companies, noting:

This approach would enable the UK ISA to support a range of UK companies, from small companies trading on AIM, to medium or large UK companies that are listed on the London Stock Exchange. It could also support UK companies across a range of sectors such as construction, healthcare and technology.

This approach also means that it would be easy for investors and ISA managers to identify eligible companies. However, it would not take into account the proportion of the listed group’s commercial activities conducted in the UK, as defined for example by source of revenue or location of assets.

The alternative approach – maintaining a list of ‘permitted’ companies – wouldn’t be hard to create. At least not with the resources of a government.

Such a list might be based on sources of revenue or where the workforce is located (UK or abroad) or where a company pays its taxes. Or any number of other things.

No, the difficulty would be keeping that list up-to-date on an ongoing basis.

Moreover, presumably the aim of the UK ISA is not to see an ambitious UK company that acquires an overseas rival suddenly made an ineligible holding.

How will that – and countless other similar issues – work out?

The same questions arise with funds and investment trusts, which are also intended to be allowed in a UK ISA.

If Apple shares fall and a mostly UK fund manager wants to buy them, will they be dissuaded from doing so because they stand to be booted out of the nation’s Dad’s Army ISAs? Will there be a grace period?

It’s all a finickety nonsense – but I suppose you know my view by now.

UK ISA operating instructions

Talking of which, I know what you’re thinking…

What about ISA transfers? Or investing in two UK ISAs in the same tax year? Can you turn your UK ISA into a cash ISA? Who will police all this?

To be fair the consultation paper raises all these questions and more. For now the answer is again we’ll have to wait until it’s finished before we know the rules.

To me this laundry list once more highlights that the UK ISA is a dumb complication everybody could do without.

It’s silly and it’s not investing related. End of.

And before the usual suspects accuse me of running Britain down – like I apparently do when I bemoan our leaving the EU for hurting the UK economy (go figure) – then au contraire, my jingoistic chums.

I too lament the state of the UK stock market – and the City generally.

I cut my teeth investing in UK-listed companies. Even today my (very actively managed) portfolio tends to hold an order of magnitude more UK stocks than a global tracker does.

However I’m very sure the UK ISA won’t meaningfully help with anything that truly ails the UK market.

Better for Blighty

What would, you ask?

Sadly we can’t undo the foolish decisions of the past. At least not for a while anyway.

But there were other helpful actions that Hunt could have taken.

The government shouldn’t have raised UK corporation tax, for starters, and preferably further cut it.

I would also have abolished stamp duty on LSE share dealing. It’s a pernicious cost of putting money into UK shares – and meaningfully so for the big international money that could actually drive a re-rating.

But as I’ve repeatedly said, the UK ISA has very little to do with the investing needs of us, nor even the wider environment for UK stocks.

It’s all about enabling Barry Blimp to put £5,000 into Rolls shares in a specially-designated UK ISA and then to boast about it at the golf club.

Indeed given it’s only really about politics and optics, I suspect the government will eventually allow any old UK-listed company to be held in a UK ISA.

At least that will save on compliance costs and paperwork.

How to use your UK ISA allowance

To be clear, those of us who can use this extra allowance should absolutely do so. On a personal level, we should take all the tax mitigation measures we can get.

For passive investors, at this stage this looks like holding some of your UK government bonds in your UK ISA.

For active investors, we can hopefully rejig where we hold our stock picks and fund purchases to meet the UK ISA requirements.

Of course I welcome the de facto rise in the annual ISA allowance to £25,000. It’s been frozen for years.

But it’s a shame it’s being lifted via this dopey vehicle.

It’s all good news for Monevator though. More complications means more confused people coming to our site asking “WTF?”

But I’ll leave it to other media outlets to hang out the bunting.

Want to comment on the UK ISA consultation paper? You’ll find it on the government website.

  1. Personal Equity Plan []