Markets are down. Our emergency bond parachute is open. How is our passive portfolio faring against the financial flak?
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Every investor has to start somewhere, and your start won’t come much better than buying an index fund.
Every journey begins with a single step. And when it comes to asset allocation that first step is working out your investment goals.
Here at Greybeard Towers, the economy has taken a turn for the worse. Like many other freelance writers and editors I know, I’ve seen a softening in the marketplace in which I sell my skills. These things happen. Ten years ago – exactly ten years ago, as banks imploded, and stock markets plunged – the same [...]
Our portfolio slows to a crawl. US valuations predict barren years ahead. Is it time to change course?
Is it a share? Is it a bond? No, it’s commercial property, an asset class which boasts a bit of the best (and worst) of both. Does it belong in your portfolio?
We invest in riskier asset classes in the expectations of higher returns. But those expectations do not come with a money back guarantee!
The only way for active funds to compete with ever-cheaper passive rivals is to cut costs to the bone. Will they?
Our passive portfolio is back off the canvas and shrugging off every blow the forces of pessimism can throw at it.
Risk and returns are joined at the hip in investing, but taking some risks can’t be expected to pay.
Beware of betting on tips from friends, whether you’re told about a can’t lose cryptocurrency or ‘the next Google’.
Some REITs are trading at wide discounts to their net asset value, presumably on fears that Brexit will smash London.