Once more the contrast between my daily diet of media-amplified fear and the damage done to our Slow & Steady passive portfolio surprises me. The portfolio is down just 3.5% since its peak last quarter. Essentially, we’re back where we were six months ago. That’s despite the arrow-headed threats of stagflation, economic crisis, and a [...]
If you’re investing outside of tax shelters, you need to make sure you’re using your CGT breaks and offsetting with losses to defuse your taxable gains…
Does InvestEngine’s rock bottom fees mean it’s a miserable experience? Well, DOES IT?
Sequence of returns risk is the risk that exactly when you withdraw money from a portfolio can adversely affect your returns.
What caught my eye this week. When it comes to collateral damage from the tragedy in Ukraine, investors in Russia can only come near the bottom of the sympathy list. But Monevator is an investing site. And the tumult in Russian assets since the war began is one for the ages. Russia’s stock market was [...]
How your major assets are included and excluded from the means test for social care funding
Some of the finest minds in finance profoundly disagree about what return we can expect from our investments in the decades ahead, so err on the side of caution.
How to deal with the financial black hole of long-term social care – part 1 of our mini-series.
And you thought the pandemic kept you up at night. A wave of high inflation is engulfing the UK economy, with January’s 5.5% CPI inflation measure the highest for 30 years. Few will sleep easily as the cost of living soars. It’s enough to send you back into social isolation to avoid paying higher prices: [...]
What is quantitative tightening? Why are bond funds falling? Should you alter your portfolio before the Bank of England further raises rates and soaring inflation sends you to the soup kitchen? All good questions that we’re hearing from Monevator readers every day. So let’s have a primer on what’s going on with central banks, rates, [...]