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Weekend reading: On the road

Weekend reading

My regular roundup of decent reads.

I have to get stuck right in this week as I’ve a crazy early train to catch. (I’m off to a rain lashed house in the provinces to kitten-sit. Really).

Hope you enjoy some of the following articles, and thanks as every for stopping by.

Views from the blogs

Articles from the big boys

  • A mirage, not a miracle (on banking) – The Economist
  • Hong Kong’s economy: End of the experiment – The Economist
  • How compulsory annuities will be scrapped – Motley Fool
  • Cameron to back BP in the US [now well is capped?]FT
  • Beware of advisers pitching offshore bonds – FT
  • Reading the investment cycle clock – FT
  • Funds investing in agriculture – FT
  • House prices to fall by 20% by 2012 – Telegraph
  • Bolton on China and double dips – Telegraph
  • Refund late tube journeys with a click – Independent

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  • 1 Len Penzo July 17, 2010, 7:12 pm

    Thanks for the mention, Investor. Kitten-sit, huh? What’s her name? 😉


    Len Penzo dot Com
    .-= Len Penzo on: Black Coffee- My Favorite Blogs- Money News &amp Opinions 55 The No More Leaks! Edition =-.

  • 2 The Investor July 22, 2010, 6:37 pm

    @Len – Alas, his name is Rory, and I’m stranded in the house miles from anywhere and without a car. I can only hope to have a few kitten stories to entertain the ladies when I return to civilization!