Have you ever considered living off the income yield thrown off by your portfolio alone?
income investing
Smart Beta ETFs focusing on dividends imply you can have the best of both worlds – income stock selection at index investing prices…
The Greybeard is not deaf to the cries of the masses. You wanted an article on income producing ETFs for retirement? Let’s go!
Why the first-generation of passive income products in the UK failed to cut muster for one would-be retiree, plus a tease for round two…
The demo HYP and its benchmarks are all growing their annual income nicely, but our roll-your-own portfolio is the laggard.
Our resident retirement expert updates his hand-picked selection of investment trusts that could suit retirees.
The Greybeard explores the case for active fund management in retirement. In short, it’s not all about the costs for him…
The Greybeard reports back with the results of his deep dive into the best investment trusts for retirement income.
It’s been a frantic time in the Monevator demo HYP, what with watching paint dry and studiously doing no trading at all…
We welcome a new writer to the Monevator stable, in the form of The Analyst. He’s one of the best financial educators I know, and he absolutely LOVES dividend investing.
Ignore foolish people who tell you to buy a share because its dividend plugs a hole in your March cashflow. Here’s a proper way to manage investment income.
I’d rather not review the HYP, in that it was a portfolio of shares bought just before the crash. But needs must, and you might be surprised at how it’s fared, however.
Long-time Monevator readers might remember my series of posts from September 2007 on selecting a high yield share portfolio (HYP) to secure a growing dividend income. For those who missed it, the series so far comprises: Grow your income with dividends from high yield shares: HYP Part 1 How to choose a good high yield [...]
Back in September 2007, I concluded a series on how to roll your own income generating high-yield portfolio (HYP) of leading UK shares with an article that put together an example portfolio. I’ve not tracked that portfolio’s performance, but I’m sure its value has fallen; we’ve been in a bear market, and high-yield dividend payers [...]
There are no true short cuts in investing, but I believe there are some subtle benefits in targeting income when making your investment plans.
Previous posts in this high yield share investing series have argued the case for dividends, considered what makes a good high yield share, and stressed the need for diversification. Now it’s time to make yourself a cup of tea and settle down to see exactly how you can construct a high yield portfolio for yourself. [...]