Bored? Anxious? Excited? Melancholy? You might think you’ve got some sort of mental condition, but don’t worry… you’re just a normal investor.
The Financial Services Compensation Scheme is meant to protect UK investors should the worst happen…
Bonds are not the same as cash. To confuse the two is a flogging offence in my book.
Why duration matching your bonds to your time horizon isn’t the no-brainer it’s been made out to be.
For a long time we couldn’t compare the rates of interest on cash in investment accounts for one simple reason. Brokers weren’t paying any interest on cash! Rising rates have so dominated the news for the past 18 months that it’s easy to forget that interest rates were near-zero for more than a decade. Even [...]
How to use expected investment returns to build or sanity check your financial plans
The Oracle of Omaha dispenses effortless wisdom on investing strategy, stock picking, and holding on in a market crash.
The good news is you’re living longer. The bad news is the government wants your pension fund to be in bonds. We need to think harder about longevity.