So you’re sure you are one of the few who will benefit from transferring a final salary pension? Fine, but don’t expect it to be easy!
Is freedom just another word for nothing left to lose? Net yet – most people haven’t gone crazy under the 2015 Pension Freedoms…
I spend so little time on my investments that it feels wrong. How can I expect to succeed without any effort? You get back what you put in, right? Wrong. Investing is one of the most counter-intuitive of activities going, because we can only meaningfully judge the results over several decades, not the hours or [...]
Our model passive portfolio reaches its 5th birthday. Time for cake, presents, party hats and stats.
Want to invest in fancy pants smart beta funds? Now you can do so without having to abandon Vanguard…
Jason Zweig’s A to Z of financial jargon is a must for investors, being about the funniest thing you will ever read short of an advertisement for an under-performing hedge fund…
Investing a small amount of your portfolio in gold can make sense from a diversification perspective, but try not to let your gains get taxed away…
Get up-to-speed on the pros and cons of factor investing via this engaging interview with hedge fund boss Cliff Asness…
Why take one share into your portfolio, when you can mess about with two? Or three? Or ten? Well, there are a few flimsy reasons.
The equity risk premium is fun to know about just in case you’re invited to a Bank of England cocktail party, but it can also help shape your portfolio…
The equity risk premium gives a clue to what you can expect to earn from putting up with the ups and downs of the stock market…
Use time, the correct asset allocation and tax breaks to maximise the power of compound interest to see you alright in your old age.
Dividends have risen strongly since the financial crisis, but is the gravy train about to hit the buffers?