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A cheap portfolio of cheap assets

A cheap portfolio of cheap assets post image

While nothing is always true in investing, it’s generally the case that buying cheap assets gives you a better prospect of higher future returns.

With bonds the relationship is clear. Lower bond prices mean higher yields – and your starting yield with a bond is an excellent indicator of the return you’ll ultimately receive.

With equities and other assets, the relationship is muddier, but still broadly true. Cheaper buys you future cash flows at a lower cost. Hence you should earn a higher return on your investment.

The track record of value investing beating growth over the long-term is testament to this truth.

But caveats abound!

Value doesn’t always outperform, even broadly. And many individual cheap shares do terribly. By the same token, a particular expensive company might prove to be the next Amazon. There also exists a ‘quality factor’ – a cohort of costlier companies with strong operating metrics that beat the market, at least on a risk-adjusted basis, despite their higher valuation.

Oh, and price is a terrible short-term timing tool. Even over ten years, its forecasting ability is weak (if better than the alternatives.) Expensive shares can get more expensive.

All that said, when you invest in a frothy bull market with high valuations (1999 or 2021) you’ll usually do much worse compared to when you invest in a lowly-rated market (2003 or 2009).

How expensive assets become cheap assets

The obvious question for the wannabe Scrooge McDucks among us is: what are cheap assets today?

Well like the aesthetics of a mullet, cheapness is somewhat in the eye of the beholder.

But it’s not controversial to say that prices (and hence valuations) came down sharply with the wealth destruction of 2022.

With these lower prices should come higher expected returns. (Not guaranteed. Expected).

Who says so? GMO says so

Tracking, crunching, and forecasting such returns across all asset classes is a full-time job. It’s handy then that one very respected shop – GMO – makes its output public.

And the good news is these often-gloomy guys seem much more chipper in 2023.

In a recent quarterly letter, GMO’s co-head of asset allocation Ben Inker first looked back to the end of 2021. Most assets then seemed priced to deliver little gain (return) for the pain (volatility):

Again, expected returns are not set in stone. But if you were a betting person, all that clustering below the 0% real1 return line would have given you the willies.

True, GMO was notoriously gloomy for most of the past decade – during much of which time the US market continued higher on a tear.

But the firm’s warnings were at least somewhat vindicated by the rout in global assets in 2022.

Cheap assets in 2023

The good news is last year’s crash means GMO’s new forecasts are much rosier:

As you can see, there’s now plenty of stuff expected to deliver decent-ish gains over the next seven years, at least according to GMO.

At a glance we can see that most of the risk-to-return line – imperfectly fitted though it is – now sits above the 0% mark.

Also, notice how the slope of the line has steepened? This shows that in GMO’s view, investors can more confidently expect to be rewarded for investing in riskier assets.


Indeed – but not quite by turning the party dial up to ’11’.

Firstly, lots of these expected returns are still quite miserly compared to history.

Worse, GMO continues to see kegs of disappointment-powder stashed beneath the global market in the shape of expensive US assets.

The US makes up 60% of a typical global index tracker fund. So US equities mired below that 0% waterline might curb expectations for huge global tracker fund returns for the next few years.

GMO’s fund full of cheap assets

But what if instead of our beloved global tracker funds, we went went naughty and tried to only own the stuff that GMO reckons is priced to deliver a stronger return?

Well as a fund shop, GMO provides its clients with just that in the shape of portfolios that accord with its forecasts.

In his letter, Ben Inker flags up what one such fund now holds according to GMO’s ‘Benchmark-Free Allocation Strategy’:

Do you like what you see? Then you can buy into GMO’s fund and hopefully profit.

That is… you can buy into that fund if you have a minimum of $25m to invest. (And £10 leftover to pay for a stiff drink afterwards.)

But fear not!

I did it my way

For the rest of us mortals, I’ve had a bash at approximating a similar portfolio that uses investment trusts and ETFs accessible to UK investors.

Please remember the result is just for fun and (possibly) educational purposes.

It is not a close replication of GMO’s strategy. And it is definitely not investment advice.

Cheap tricks

I’ve made several executive decisions in creating this portfolio, most of which we could debate:

  • I’ve used low-cost ETFs where possible.
  • In a couple of cases a better vehicle to my mind was an investment trust.
  • Some elements of the strategy (especially the structured products and liquid alternatives) are hard to replicate as a UK private investor. (Even US investors have seen mixed results with ETFs that implement the strategies). I’ve fairly arbitrarily picked a couple of relevant ETFs for this slot.
  • GMO’s global value versus growth allocation is a long/short strategy. We can’t easily replicate that. Instead I made a (smaller) allocation to global value and increased the holdings in the small cap ETFs. Hopefully this will capture most of the benefit from any continued re-rating of value versus growth (/the market), albeit without the downside protection of shorting growth.
  • There will be overlap in the underlying portfolios of the ETFs. (GMO states it gives resource stocks a low direct allocation specifically because they feature in many other positions.)
  • I’ve picked some funds more relevant to UK investors – notably the high-yield debt fund – that can be expected to further change the returns from what GMO sees. (On the other hand, we wouldn’t have to pay GMO’s fees!)
  • I’ve made allocations in increments of 5%. Finer weighting is spurious for our purposes.
  • I do not have an encyclopedic knowledge of ETFs. There are other choices to pretty much all the funds I’ve selected. Some will be cheaper. Feel free to share your suggestions in the comments.

Also note GMO is based in the US and in certain cases (say for fixed income) currency factors may be influencing whether or not something is included in its portfolio.

Bottom line: this is a cheap portfolio of cheap assets inspired by GMO. It’s not a slavish copy.

Do I need to stress again this is just for fun?

The cheap assets portfolio: 2023

Here is what I came up with.

Portfolio of cheap assets for a UK DIY investor

Asset Security: Ticker Weight
Global value iShares Edge MSCI World Value:
Emerging value equities iShares Edge MSCI EM Value:
Japanese small value iShares MSCI Japan Small Cap:
European small value iShares MSCI European Size Factor:
Resource stocks Blackrock Energy and Resource Trust:
Cyclical quality iShares World Quality Factor:
Emerging debt iShares JP Morgan $ EM Bonds:
High-yield / distressed iShares Global High Yield Bonds:
Low volatility iShares World Min Volatility:
Momentum iShares Momentum Factor:
Macro trading BH Macro Global Trust:

Source: Author’s research

As I’ve stressed, this portfolio rhymes with the GMO one. It isn’t a replica.

More notes on the selected securities

I’ve mostly chosen iShares ETFs for simplicity. Other ETFs are available.

I chose a general small cap Japanese ETF rather than say a Japanese value-tilted active fund. So we’ve lost the value tilt here. But broad Japanese equities look cheap to me.

I couldn’t find an ex-USA global value ETF. Also hard to allocate to is the tiny ‘US Deep Value’ slot. I might have further increased the global value ETF, but that has 40% in US equities. Instead I again increased the allocation to small cap and emerging market value ETFs.

A commodities investment trust covers resource stocks. With an income bias, it should tilt to value.

Cyclical quality is an odd GMO-bespoke factor I believe. I went with a general quality factor ETF.

I rounded up both resources and high-yield because too-small allocations are pointless.

The thorniest issues were the structured products and liquid alternative allocations.

Liquid alternative ETFs – which basically attempt to wrap an investing strategy into a tradable fund – are not popular in the UK or Europe. Some recent launches here have already delisted.

In the end I arbitrarily plumped for a couple of fairly-applicable iShares ETFs.

The first is a global minimum volatility ETF. It doesn’t seem to have achieved very low-volatility to me. Still, unusual times. More problematic – given GMO’s expected returns – is its 60% US weighting.

I also added a momentum ETF. This, alas, is flat out US-focused. But it should at least have the advantage of being in what’s recently winning. (The downside will come in reversals of trend).

Both of these ETFs are very debatable. Another option would be a multi-factor ETF such as the JPMorgan Global Equity Multi-Factor ETF (JPLG). But it felt more useful to break things out.

Finally I added a chunk of the UK-listed macro hedge fund BH Macro Global. This investment trust has a record of diversifying portfolios, especially in recent years. However I dialed down the exposure to 10%. There’s a lot of idiosyncratic risk when you invest in a costly managed fund.

Could you hold your nose and these cheap assets?

Would I buy this portfolio today?

Well, no. For starters I have my own ongoing active investing adventures to get on with.

Creating it has been an interesting exercise though. It’s revealed to me how relatively expensive my own portfolio probably still is, even after it went through the wringer last year.

It’s also made me wonder whether I shouldn’t rejig things a bit to include some cheap value, and more emerging market assets.

Can you imagine owning such a wildly-off benchmark fund, with all the attendant emotional drama if and when things don’t go according to plan for a while? Let us know below!

But I don’t think anyone sensible would suggest even GMO’s ‘proper’ fund should be the only thing an investor should own. It’s diversified in that it owns a bunch of different and hopefully-cheap assets, but it’s not a proper diversified portfolio constructed to reduce risk.

Also remember GMO’s real-life strategy will be dynamically managed. If value got expensive, say, it would trade it for cheaper growth. The fund wouldn’t hold its allocations indefinitely.

That will make evaluating how my Frankenstein copy performs a rather quixotic endeavour.

Nevertheless, I think unless the market goes totally bananas (sorry, technical jargon) the allocations should be good for a year or so before rebalancing is required.

Perhaps we’ll check back in 2024 to see where we’re at – and what we’d change?

  1. That is, inflation-adjusted. []
{ 26 comments… add one }
  • 1 Factor February 9, 2023, 1:11 pm

    @TI typo – “ringer” should be wringer?

  • 2 The Investor February 9, 2023, 1:20 pm

    @Factor — It should indeed, thank you!

  • 3 Naeclue February 9, 2023, 1:47 pm

    It will be interesting to see how this develops. How are you going to manage the rebalancing?

    I spent a couple of years working in a european bank that issued a lot of structured products, the risk/pricing managed from London. This was a very profitable business for the bank and I would say no great loss that you cannot include it. The hidden costs in structured products is outrageous, even compared to hedge funds.

    My money would still be on FTSE World, despite what GMO or anyone else said!

  • 4 The Investor February 9, 2023, 2:03 pm

    @Naeclue — Well I’m not going to invest in it and I’m not going to rebalance. As I say, it’s an exercise not a destination! 😉 But if I do come back to look at performance, I’ll just see where we are in a year. I think that’s a reasonable timeframe (though no guarantee of course) to see if any virtue in the cheapness outs itself.

    As a practical matter it wouldn’t be possible for me to rebalance anyway in the way I imagine GMO manages its fund, because as you understand it will be dynamically rebalancing based on its expected return forecasts changing, whereas I’d just be rebalanced to allocation (not having its data nor an extra day in the week etc)

  • 5 mr_jetlag February 9, 2023, 2:45 pm

    “The hidden costs in structured products is outrageous, even compared to hedge funds.” Closed ended PE would like a word. 🙂

    Interesting thought exercise TI, but I doubt the under/overperformance even over 10 years would overcome the fees/costs of such a strategy. I used to (mid noughties) love a good EM fund and had a 5-fund strategy, but I doubt I ever really did much better than the MSCI World. As you say, be interesting to look back in 4 years to see their (and your) update.

  • 6 tom_grlla February 9, 2023, 3:02 pm

    n.b. to ALL – BH Macro is quite interesting at the moment. Premium has been c.10% for the past year or so, but is back at 2% premium, due to them just issuing a ton of new shares. Obvs no way to know if they can carry on as they have for past 3-5 years, but from a Price/NAV perspective it’s improved.

  • 7 Tom-Baker Dr Who February 9, 2023, 3:56 pm

    Great post!

    I’ve already been investing for more than 5 years in many of these ETFs and similar funds like Vanguard Global Small caps, iShares Japanese small caps, iShares European small caps, iShares Global Value, etc. I have been rebalancing periodically. Until recently, this always involved buying more, specially with Japanese small caps 😉

    I hope GMO is right 🙂

  • 8 SemiPassive February 9, 2023, 3:56 pm

    This is a really interesting article, and the GMO forecasts back up a few others including Vanguard that have reinforced some of my own views.
    I’ve been well underweight US equity for about 18 months now. I hold Vanguard VHYL and Global Dividend Aristocrats GBDV ETFs which have a good deal of US equity but with a dividend/value tilt.

    But then I have investment trusts like Murray International and Henderson Far East Income, and iShares EMHG which is the GBP hedged version of SEMB (by the way, you seem to have that listed twice?)
    And various trusts and ETFs in the UK/European equity income area.
    Will be looking to add some high yield bond ETF over time, especially the next time credit spreads blow out there. I may even stick to US junk bonds rather than global as my vote of confidence in the US economy over equities.
    And looking at the GMO graph maybe increasing weight in cash would be worth considering to offset all that spicy stuff.

  • 9 Stuart B February 9, 2023, 4:28 pm

    I suppose the useful part of this is trying to break out of groupthink for a while. I have a nascent theory that we’re not sufficiently taking into account changing demographics of investors and the role this will play in the future not behaving as much like it’s meant to. The number of retail investors is hugely up (in the UK as well as elsewhere) due to easier and cheaper platforms/apps. One source of info. here: https://www.finder.com/uk/investment-statistics
    I’m not sure of the quality, but most of it is fairly easy to believe. Older gen less likely to invest, younger gen more likely to invest. Perhaps we need a new index – FTSE All-World Hot Hashtags.

    You’re brave to try to recreate/mimic a non-index portfolio with index funds 🙂 But it’s certainly useful. I’ve been trying to diversify away from global market-cap because the >60% US thing and high CAPE gives me the willies for a retirement portfolio.

    It’s hard however due to some of the lack of availability of factors as funds here. FWIW, iShares does have a world momentum fund (IWMO). It’s not available on ii at the moment however so I can imagine it’s perhaps not that popular.

    The other issue (I think you highlighted als0) is that following most of these paths means taking on currency risk. Comparing hedged to non-hedged versions of some funds will quickly bring home that it’s a biggish deal.

  • 10 Naeclue February 9, 2023, 5:24 pm

    @Stuart B, if I had taken any notice of GMO and others proffering value 10 years ago I would be a lot poorer today!

    Where I did put some thought into it (US low vol, US small caps, non-US small caps), I have done worse than I would have if I had stuck to cap weight. US low vol and small caps have done well recently but this does not make up for the previous decade of underperformance.

  • 11 Naeclue February 9, 2023, 5:27 pm

    @TI, leaving unbalanced would also be interesting, as would coming back in 7 years time to see how well GMO’s expected return predictions worked out.

  • 12 David P February 9, 2023, 5:45 pm

    This does look like interesting fun – I think I’ll open another ETF portfolio along these lines [though will sadly have to do without BHMG] in my InvestEngine account and see what happens.

    Rebalancing with them is a cinch!

  • 13 MrOptimistic February 9, 2023, 6:12 pm

    I assumed this was by TA as it’s his natural stomping ground. However,very timely article,your heart is clearly in the right place (well mostly…). Thanks for the article, very good.

  • 14 ermine February 9, 2023, 6:34 pm

    > The hidden costs in structured products is outrageous, even compared to hedge funds.

    I had a look at IWFV which sems to list a TER of 0.3%. Am I missing something here – I can’t say I find that horrific at all, nor the 0.4% TER in EMVL. Is the devil hiding in the details somewhere?

  • 15 mameyama February 9, 2023, 7:40 pm

    Though EMVL is listed in London, it seems to be priced in dollars. Does that make buying it more costly in terms of exchange rate charges? Thanks.

  • 16 Factor February 9, 2023, 8:49 pm

    @tom_grlla #6 – There is a 13-page fund profile of BH Macro in the recently published Investment Trusts Handbook 2023, which refers in turn to an article on the Money Makers website in early September 2022.

    @SemiPassive #8 – I too hold Murray International, which has single-handedly been keeping my small though diversified clutch of ITs bobbing just above water despite all the recent market travails.

  • 17 Meany February 9, 2023, 9:04 pm

    This is fun. I don’t get the “Resources stocks are cheap” thing – BERI’s through the roof, I thought most energy stocks still are? Should that element have a different tilt?

    The line I actually like the look of is IEFS – was wondering about shifting a bit of usa to VERX but maybe value could start to work a bit.

  • 18 Pikolo February 9, 2023, 10:34 pm

    I’d love to see a fund tracking FTSE World or All-World ex US, available in the UK. No idea why they’re such a unicorn! Please write about it if you find one

  • 19 Stuart B February 9, 2023, 11:37 pm

    @naeclue. You’re right and I’m not suggesting that I would follow or even be able to work out whether I should.

    But there’s some food for thought. For a retirement portfolio I’m looking for greater diversification than >60% in an economy which is likely not to be the largest (i.e. a world not tested by any available data). And within that, >15% in 6 stocks some of which may turn all Altavista. And I was saying this before Google’s recent drop caused by one incorrect AI answer.

    I’ll probably be wrong, but I’m “only” hoping to achieve adequate returns with acceptable risk. I appreciate that’s different for many accumulators.

    @pikolo. FTSE World is not a problem (e.g. HSBC FTSE All-world Index). Ex-US is, I think, Unobtanium. You can sort of achieve it by balancing an All-World with added sprinklings of Europe, Asia-Pac funds etc. Doing that on other than Large-cap however seems out of reach.

  • 20 Naeclue February 10, 2023, 2:23 am

    @pikolo, I track FTSE World, but do it through geographical trackers. US, Europe ex-UK, UK, Japan, Asia pacific ex-Japan, global emerging markets, Canada. All weighted according to FTSE World, but there is nothing to stop you adjusting such weighting as you see fit.

    Canada is the expensive one to track, with London listed ETFs only available from HSBC and iShares and no OEICs that I am aware of.

    You have to be careful with Asia Pacific and global EM as you can end up over or under weighting South Korea if you don’t check the asset allocation.

    It is unfortunate that retail investors can no longer purchase US listed ETFs, as that provides greater access to cheap ETFs and a tax credit on US dividend withholding tax (or no withholding tax at all if held in a SIPP). The current ban may get lifted now we have left the EU – there is a consultation out on it.

  • 21 Naeclue February 10, 2023, 2:45 am

    @ermine, the ETFs you mention are value ETFs, not ETFs containing structured products.

    The problem with structured products is the difference between fair value and what retail investors pay.

    The price of a structured product depends on the price of the underlying instruments and the embedded optionality. To incorporate the optionality part requires input of volatilities for the underlying instruments at appropriate strikes. These are inferred from the listed option markets. The pricing can be fiendishly complicated to do for retail investors (even for very simple sounding products) and the banks do not disclose the fair values or provide access to their pricing models. Hence banks are able to sell the products way above fair value.

    Structured products really are a mugs game and I am a little surprised that GMO mention them at all. Maybe the US provides a secondary market which might provide a degree of transparency.

  • 22 Naeclue February 10, 2023, 3:11 am

    @Stuart B, don’t forget that many US companies trade worldwide. If the US is not doing too well, that doesn’t mean Apple or Microsoft cannot remain very profitable. The same is true for many FTSE 100 companies. What does it matter to Rio Tinto if the UK economy is in the doldrums?

  • 23 dfj74 February 10, 2023, 10:31 am

    This is great as an experiment, but to be honest I find it hard to justify the added complication (and dare I say, cost?) over, say, a plain 70% dev world equities, 15% EM equities, 15% bond/FI, which is roughly what I’m aiming for.

    Sure, this set up allows you to fine-tune and increase the % for the likely winners and decrease/remove overpriced markets. But this is still much like betting on the roulette and place bets on most numbers except the ones which came up the last 4 rounds.

  • 24 Sparschwein February 11, 2023, 3:11 pm

    @TI – I’m quite sure that it’s possible to short ETFs on retail platforms like IB.
    So one could short something like QQQ or ARK as a proxy to make up long value/short growth.
    If that’s advisable in reality is a different question… it certainly would have been a great idea a year ago, in hindsight.

  • 25 Delta Hedge August 12, 2024, 3:57 pm

    Decided to post this here rather than the August 2010 Japan Lost Decade MV piece as seems more on point to cheap assets.

    Warren Buffett’s own personal portfolio, unconstrained as it is by the hundreds of billions in cash Berkshire Hathaway has to invest presently (restricting BRK’s new investments to mega caps) has, since 2020, included several Japanese companies now sporting an average 44% annual return since he invested in them:


    The small, micro and nano cap space is where the absolute deep value is at in Japan.

    The recent ructions in the Japanese large cap space (in the Topix/ Nikkei indices) might have given a bigger ‘in’ to the less liquid smaller caps, albeit at a less favourable rate of £ to ¥ FX for UK investors than just a fortnight ago (with the Yen’s marked appreciation on the unraveling of the carry trade).

    The ETFs in the Japanese small cap space aren’t that effective IMO at capturing the deepest value and quality there, but this blogger has a list of his deep value Japan small/micro cap picks here, which give food for thought:


    A logistical issue with direct investment is that the Tokyo Stock Exchange has a 100 share minimum (lot) transaction size which, for the stocks in the list above, mostly works out at £500 to £2,000 each.

    With Japan being between 4% and 6% of aggregate global market cap (depending on what’s counted and how) that means to keep Japanese weight at par with the global market allocation between countries, and using the listed cheap Japanese small and micro caps from Altay Capital as the means of exposure to the Land of the Rising Sun, would then require a circa £700k-£1mn total equity portfolio (i.e. £40k-£60k in Japan, spread equally amongst the 40 odd listed shares at say an average of about £1,000 per company with a min. 100 share lot size, out of about £700k-£1mn in equities from across the globe).

  • 26 Delta Hedge February 9, 2025, 12:24 pm

    Another ‘stupid cheap’ Japanese nano cap ‘Grahamite’ net net:


    If the US were to shortly crash taking the much less richly valued rest of world equity markets down with it, then let it not be said that every single asset class or share everywhere was expensive. It isn’t. There’s some quite astonishing bargains in the unpopular and unexpected. Whether they’ll actually make a decent return going forward could be an entirely different matter of course.

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