The active fund management industry makes billions and doesn’t deliver what it says on the tin, and most people are none the wiser.
Feeling flighty? Funds not doing it for you this week? Careful – you need to commit to a long-term plan for successful investing.
Dead set on buying into actively managed funds? On your head be it… but at least read these tips first.
Befuddled by all the new kinds of index trackers on the block these days? Don’t worry: It’s fine to ignore them if you want.
Yes the over-hyped fund management industry cannot deliver what it promises. But there’s another and better way to invest in shares.
It can seem astonishing to a newcomer to investing that cheap passive funds are the best to own. But don’t worry — academia has your back.
Active fund managers say they’re worth their higher charges because their skillful investing beats the boring old market. Shame about the evidence…
Unbundling charges for investing in pensions and other products has theoretically improved transparency, but total costs have actually risen.
In the first of this 10-part video series, Sensible Investing lays out the charges against the active fund management industry.