Warren Buffett has given us his most explicit investment advice yet: Buy shares for the long-term and do it in an index fund.
The tech sector is great (apart from when it blows up of course) and UK focused index investors are missing out.
An ongoing study of the Nobel prize winning / billionaire stock pickers who suggest the best way forward is to use index funds.
The Greybeard is betting on income investment trusts as his retirement vehicle of choice. Here’s why.
Active investors can only beat the market if other active investors do worse. This isn’t a morality tale – it’s a warning with respect to your finances.
There’s a crucial difference between the fact that trying to beat the market is a zero-sum game, and the *misconception* that the same is true for investing.
There’s no need to overcomplicate investing. Like so much in life, it works best when you keep it simple. Here are the investing basics that underpin success.
Risk factors are the fantasy pin-ups of passive investing with amazing figures to match. Sadly, the reality can prove disappointing – find out why.
Do you want to add some sexy risk premiums to your passive portfolio in pursuit of outperformance? That’s a lot of alliteration – but not to difficult to pull of in practice.
Property may seem an appealing way to generate an old-age income, but swapping your pension for a BTL has serious tax implications.
The profitability factor is as strong as value, is negatively correlated with it and is strong in large caps. But how do you actually invest in it?
Why the unique characteristics of the profitability factor mean it could be worthy of a place in your portfolio.
Make sure your pension is not invested in a mediocre ‘fund of funds’ if you want to retire comfortably.