Everyone will face spending shocks in retirement – and our model portfolio has just hit its first bout of unexpected turbulence
Pay off the mortgage or invest? There’s no simple answer, which is my excuse for writing, and writing, and writing…
Who’d want the hassle of being a landlord if you can get the same return from share?
World stock market returns data shows big variations between countries. Here’s an 111-year digest to whet your appetite for investing abroad.
We show how often the World index manages to outperform the US stock market over a century’s worth of data.
Inflation is down and the correction in bonds means expected returns are higher, too…
Discover the World index real returns rollercoaster, as calculated in GBP from 1919 to 2023 using open source data.
Monzo has launched a pension and it’s quite different from other pension accounts in the market…
The All-Weather portfolio has protected against some of the worst market setbacks. But can it be improved for the UK?
A new SIPP survey tells us something – and nothing – about how people invest their money…
Every asset in a strategic asset allocation has an important role to play. Here are the main asset classes that will nourish and protect your portfolio.
Asset prices will probably move when central banks start cutting rates in earnest. Are you ready?
With our passive portfolio only inching ahead, so we look back in mock anger at what might have been…
Why take 45 index trackers into the investing shower when one will do. (Ah, but which one?)