The only way for active funds to compete with ever-cheaper passive rivals is to cut costs to the bone. Will they?
Our passive portfolio is back off the canvas and shrugging off every blow the forces of pessimism can throw at it.
Risk and returns are joined at the hip in investing, but taking some risks can’t be expected to pay.
Beware of betting on tips from friends, whether you’re told about a can’t lose cryptocurrency or ‘the next Google’.
Some REITs are trading at wide discounts to their net asset value, presumably on fears that Brexit will smash London.
Smart Beta ETFs focusing on dividends imply you can have the best of both worlds – income stock selection at index investing prices…
Annuities aren’t sexy and in recent years the payouts have been miserable. Still, they offer retirees a secure income no other investment can match.
Lyxor have launched a stunningly cheap suite of vanilla ETFs. But beware the potential withholding tax and UK reporting status wrinkles!
Our Slow and Steady model portfolio takes a step back in the first quarter of 2018. Hold the smelling salts…
Scams and unfeasible investment schemes often catch people unawares because they do not think hard enough about the risks they are taking.
Gold is a controversial asset. In theory it has little to recommend its inclusion in a rational passive investors’ portfolio. And yet…
If an investment seems too good to be true, it may be because it’s fraudulent or over-optimistic, or you may simply be overlooking one of the known investing risks.
One of my mini-bonds was redeemed in full, putting to an end a nice investment that was paying me 11% a year.
Opting for a currency hedged US S&P 500 tracker over a standard ETF doubled your return in 2017. What’s the catch?