I’ve hit upon a motivational technique that’s really made a difference to my earnings and my outlook that is quick to do and well worth trying.
People have been doing rubbish jobs and hating it for hundreds of years. Modern office angst is nothing special.
Even the lowliest jobs now come with dispiriting baggage, ridiculous hurdles, and tedious internal politics.
Good time management isn’t just about making more money, or crossing off a To Do list. It can also mean more time for the things you love.
Love your job but hate your salary? It is possible to earn more money without getting a new job, but you’ll need to work on yourself first.
If you can’t get to work because of snow, should you lose a day’s salary or holiday – or should your employer see the bigger picture?
France Telecom workers are killing themselves in despair at their working conditions. Why didn’t they quit?