Let’s look at how we can passively invest in bonds. To do so, we need to know what indices contain which types of bonds.
corporate bonds
Do you want to roll your own corporate bond portfolio? You’ve come to the right place! This article explores how to do so, and the risks versus buying an ETF or fund.
Retail bonds seem to be being slightly underpriced at launch, despite the firm demand from investors for these higher-yielding investments. This might mean an opportunity.
When investors flock to high-yield bonds, they often do so heedless of the risks. Here’s some data on corporate bond defaults.
Sadly, the people who ask if it’s safe to invest in corporate bonds are probably not going to take in the answer, but I’ll try!
Buying gilts and corporate bonds in the UK is getting easier, thanks to a new push from the London Stock Exchange.
Here are some good places to visit if you want to research individual corporate bonds. Don’t expect the opposite sex to be impressed.
The RBS Royal Bond offers an attractive yield of 5.3%, and it matures in just six years. Is it worth buying?
The data shows corporate bonds have beaten equities over the past decade. It won’t last.
Why would a company want to set back 500 years of history to offer its own bonds directly to the public?
When you invest in a stock, you become a part-owner. When you instead invest in its corporate bonds, you’re instead a creditor.
You will find all kinds of ‘bonds’ or related terms being bandied about from time to time
In this post I’ll explain the most important types of corporate bonds for private investors.
There are three main things that drive changes in a corporate bond’s yield and so its price.
For private investors, corporate bonds offer the opportunity to buy a fixed income in exchange for an investment of capital.
Boring can be profitable, but only if the underlying risk/return case is good. In my personal view, that’s rarely true of corporate bonds.