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Passive investing: what is it and how does it work?

Insights into retirement spending realities from those at the sharp end.

Decumulation strategy: the No Cat Food Portfolio [Members]

The thinking behind our new decumulation model portfolio…

Put on your scrubs as we surgically remove another cost with the cold-precision of a high-functioning sociopath.

Update: Since this article was written, Freetrade has enabled Treasury Bills to also be bought in its ISA and SIPP. These tax shelters enable a tax-free return, and buying and holding in Treasury Bills within them negates the major drawback discussed in our piece below. We’ll hopefully get a chance to update this article in [...]

Have you ever considered living off the income yield thrown off by your portfolio alone?

Has the wind of fortune changed decisively for global investors?

Ahoy closet stock pickers! Here’s how to choose an S&P 500 tracker

Tim Hale’s Smarter Investing is The Accumulator’s go-to book. It’s now on its third edition.

Our passive portfolio drifts along in a sideways market. Time to take up tiddlywinks.

Money too tight to mention? That’s no reason not to start investing!

Best bond funds and bond ETFs

The best bond funds for passive investors are big, broad, and cheap. (Insert your favourite saucy simile here).

Like FSCS compensation? Then you’ll love these funds…

A rapid fire rundown of how to calculate when you’ll achieve financial independence. The same plan could be adapted to any long-term financial goal.

Updated model portfolios to help you nut out your asset allocation strategy

Which commodities ETF?

What’s the best commodities ETF to invest in? We explain our pick

How well do commodities hedge against UK inflation?

How effective are commodities as an inflation hedge in the UK?