The Slow & Steady passive portfolio leapt up by 25% in the last year. So if you’re a passive investor who stuck to your mechanical guns then you’re probably feeling a lot better off now than back in January 2016. At that point our psyches were screeching like fingernails down a blackboard as the major world equity markets slid into [...]
Fund ratings and Best Buy lists are biased against index funds, and are best ignored by passive investors.
Why would supposedly efficient markets ever allow funds to trade at more or less than the value of their underlying holdings?
UK inflation-linked gilt funds are full of long-dated bonds, potentially exposing you to far more risk than you realise.
Our model portfolio soars once again and we scratch around looking for the cloud in the silver lining.
Certain players in the UK commercial property sector looks like they might be on sale. Are they cheap for a reason?
Rebalancing with new contributions is the best way for investors with small portfolios to hit their target asset-allocation without excessive cost.
How long does it take to save a million pounds and will I be making my roll-ups with £50 pound notes when I get there?
Worried that a fast-rising market might cost you in the future? Here are some simple steps you can take to lower your risks.
Here’s a five-part series on investing from Lars Kroijer, the ex-hedge fund manager turned passive investing zealot.
Index trackers cover all kinds of funds – some plain and simple, some highly complex. Make sure you understand what you’re getting into before investing.
Costs are king when it comes to index investing. But is shaving your fees really worth the faff?
The demo HYP and its benchmarks are all growing their annual income nicely, but our roll-your-own portfolio is the laggard.
Are you really saving enough for retirement? If you did your calculations a decade ago then you may be disappointed by the answer.