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The Investor

A friend (let’s call him Peter, which is nicer than his real name) has bagged a pay rise from the BBC. Well done Peter. (Incidentally, Peter’s job is to shepherd the flocks of so-called ‘runners’ you find clogging up TV and film sets. If you’re ever at such a media palaver, you can easily spot [...]


Part One of this series introduced how dividend payments from shares can produce a growing income stream with minimal effort on your part, and certainly no need to frenetically ‘play the markets’ like a demented monkey bashing the bongo drums. (Remember, study after study has proven most share traders fail to beat buy-and-forget tracker funds [...]


“Buy! Buy! Buy!” shout the city folk in blue braces from one side of the trading pit. “Sell! Sell! Sell!” retort those with red neckties. Whatever happened to “Wait! Wait! Wait!” wonders your writer? These days sharetrading is conducted via computer – the trading is often done automatically according to decisions made by the computers [...]


Should you buy or rent your home?

“A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.” Robert Frost Whether to buy your own home or not is a tricky question for anyone wanting financial freedom. Now that might seem to some a mad statement; in most English [...]