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The Investor

2008 could well be the year when we investors are reminded about the benefits of asset allocation. This rather academic sounding discipline is generally forgotten in times of roaring stock markets, but when the weather gets rougher, people are glad they’ve packed umbrellas as well as beach towels. I plan to learn a lot more [...]


You know Duncan Bannatyne. Okay, not the name perhaps, but you know the man. The accent. Come on, you remember – the scary one on BBC2’s Dragon’s Den? The bloke who sounds moments away from thumping the next entrant who wants £100,000 for a 10% stake in their snake charming business? The great triumph of [...]


Your debt makes other people rich. You’re borrowing from your future self, who will be poorer, less secure, or lead a less abundant life because you wanted something now, before you could afford it. You must get out of debt. You can’t save while you’re in debt, and it grows like a weed. Kill it! [...]


To get the most from your money in the long-term, you need to know what you own, what you owe, how much you bring in every month from your earnings, savings and investments, how much goes out again, and thus whether you’re living beyond your means. Completing this personal reckoning is step two of my [...]