Every week I read a huge number of personal finance and investing articles. I thought you might enjoy a weekly shortcut to the best. First, my quick thoughts on the week’s news So the Bank of England has cut interest rates to 1%. While anyone relying on cash savings should already have diversified their income [...]
In this post I’ll explain the most important types of corporate bonds for private investors.
Update: Voting is now closed. We won and are into the second round. Thanks everyone! I don’t usually write short posts like this, but I’m a fairly competitive sort of person and today Monevator has come up in round 15 of the Free Money Finance blogs’ ‘March Madness’ blog competition. I’m in game 15, which [...]
A month into 2009 and the bad news continues. Perhaps I’m becoming immune to the economic gloom or maybe it’s the first sign of spring, but I can’t help feeling we should look on the bright side. Yes, the world economy is undergoing a severe contraction. Millions of people are losing their jobs, and investors [...]