We show how often the World index manages to outperform the US stock market over a century’s worth of data.
Index-linked bond funds failed to defend against inflation in 2022 and 2023. So is there any point keeping them and what are the alternatives?
The time has come at last to make our first withdrawal from our No Cat Food (NCF) model retirement portfolio. The NCF is the decumulation equivalent of our long-running Slow & Steady model accumulation portfolio. The idea is to track how withdrawals affect a retirement portfolio over the forthcoming years. Plus we’ll discuss our approach [...]
For years now, returns from the US stock market have thrashed the rest of the world. And yet even as the disconnect between the Land Of The Free Jumbo Upgrade and the rest of us widens, pundits ponder when it will all go wrong. Only this week, veteran market watcher – and sometime bubble-spotter – [...]
Have you ever considered living off the income yield thrown off by your portfolio alone?
Today we are introducing a new Monevator investing experiment – a live trial of a retirement portfolio and its accompanying withdrawal strategy. We’ve been updating our model Slow & Steady accumulation portfolio for nearly 13 years now. Our new experiment – the No Cat Food portfolio – will be its decumulation equivalent. The purpose: to help [...]
Duration matching with bond funds? Pah! It’s easy after you’ve read this 10,000 word treatise on the topic
Why duration matching your bonds to your time horizon isn’t the no-brainer it’s been made out to be.
Escalating interest rates are widely thought to be bad news for stocks and bonds. Is this true? And if so, how grim can things get?