Has the wind of fortune changed decisively for global investors?
lazy portfolio
Once more the contrast between my daily diet of media-amplified fear and the damage done to our Slow & Steady passive portfolio surprises me. The portfolio is down just 3.5% since its peak last quarter. Essentially, we’re back where we were six months ago. That’s despite the arrow-headed threats of stagflation, economic crisis, and a [...]
If the movie Contagion contained a scene showing the hero’s passive portfolio, then it didn’t look like this.
The market recovery is looking suspiciously V shaped. Can it possibly be true. Or will it soon turn into a W?
The Accumulator confesses to active investing and catastrophically fails to enjoy a year of spectacular investing returns.
The market spins from month to month but our Slow & Steady passive portfolio has still managed to end the quarter a few percentage points up.
Markets are down. Our emergency bond parachute is open. How is our passive portfolio faring against the financial flak?
Our portfolio slows to a crawl. US valuations predict barren years ahead. Is it time to change course?
Our passive portfolio is back off the canvas and shrugging off every blow the forces of pessimism can throw at it.
Our Slow and Steady model portfolio takes a step back in the first quarter of 2018. Hold the smelling salts…
Mr Market has been as easy on us as a camomile cleansing butter this year. Enjoy a rejuvenating rubdown with high returns that soothe like dopamine kisses.
Nobody cares about the gold-laden Permanent Portfolio these days. Could that mean it’s time to look at it again?
The Slow & Steady portfolio is going down! Time to smash glass and activate our emergency plans? Watch us inaction.
Mr Market invites us round for tea and cake and gives us a foot rub. Are things going too well?
The Slow & Steady passive portfolio leapt up by 25% in the last year. So if you’re a passive investor who stuck to your mechanical guns then you’re probably feeling a lot better off now than back in January 2016. At that point our psyches were screeching like fingernails down a blackboard as the major world equity markets slid into [...]
Our model passive portfolio stares straight ahead as Commandant Market pulls its nostril hairs with sadistic glee.
Our model passive portfolio is enjoying a day in the sun. All is well with the world. Surely disaster awaits?