Thoughts from the City on fixing the moribund UK economy, followed by all the week’s good reads…
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What caught my eye this week. I found it hard to be outraged by last week’s decimation in the number of pensioners who’ll get winter fuel payments. Restricting the annual cash award to those on means-tested benefits will see only about 1.5m pensioners getting the goodies in future. The other 11.4m pensioners will just have [...]
What caught my eye this week. I am just back from two days away for a wedding with a slightly sore head, a very favourably updated impression of Liverpool, and our regular weekend links only now finalised and tidied up. Oh, and also to the discovery this morning that I hadn’t done as badly as [...]
From Paris with a headache, plus capital gains tax change musings, plus all the week’s good reads. (Phew!)
Capitalism wouldn’t thrive running on bullshit jobs, plus all the week’s good reads…
What caught my eye this week. Everyone knows that meetings are the bane of office life. The only people who love them are the genetically bossy, the work-shy, or the lovelorn office junior who has a crush on an attendee from another department. Anyone who gets paid to produce some kind of measurable output resents [...]
What caught our eye this week. Hello campers, TA here – standing in for TI, who’s off on his annual hols this week. That means topping up his monitor tan in some seedy foreign hotel instead of his seedy London lair. Ah well, a change is as good as rest as they say. Right, with [...]