This is what drifting sideways looks like
Passive investing: what is it and how does it work?
How to use expected investment returns to build or sanity check your financial plans
Where to find and how to use global CAPE data
How much value does commodities diversification add to UK investment portfolios?
The Oracle of Omaha dispenses effortless wisdom on investing strategy, stock picking, and holding on in a market crash.
Is passive investing a Holy Straitjacket or do you have some freedom of manoeuvre?
Are commodities the ideal alternative asset class that should be in any well diversified portfolio? Here’s the case for owning commodities
The unsettling world of commodities investing demystified because new evidence reveals it’s an important portfolio diversifier.
There’s been a recount, and it turns out there are three certainties in life: death, taxes, and fees for investing. Let’s see what we can do to reduce our investment costs as far as humanly possible. Here’s the hypothetical scenario. We’ve got £1,000,000 in our ISA. [Hey, this is a Finumus-branded article – Ed.] And [...]
How to think about asset allocation and fund choices if you’re investing in a Junior SIPP.
Our model portfolio bounces back from its 2022 decline. Okay, twitches back…
These are the investments you should put into your ISAs and SIPPs first in order to maximise your tax breaks.
Should we stay out of the market after a bad run for our investments? Or do outsized profits await those who wade in when things look bleakest?
Money market funds are touted as a ‘cash-like’ product which offer better interest rates than the banks. But they’re much riskier than that.
The untold story of the UK’s worst bond market crash.
Why UK investors need gold and cash on top of bonds.