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The Investor

The Rules of Wealth

“Do as I do, not as I say” is a useful maxim in life. It’s one instinctively understood by children (“But daddy, you ate three packets of crisps and YOU never clean YOUR room – it’s unfair!”) and politicians (“But you, Snouty and Fatcat already have knighthoods – it’s unfair!”). But can mimicking the wealthy [...]

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Richard Farleigh has made a lot of money via the markets – tens of millions, maybe hundreds. This book doesn’t give a precise number, though we do learn that the Australian investor’s first ambition was to be a bushranger like Ned Kelly. (Think highwayman Dick Turpin with a bucket on his head. Not so far [...]


Previous posts in this high yield share investing series have argued the case for dividends, considered what makes a good high yield share, and stressed the need for diversification. Now it’s time to make yourself a cup of tea and settle down to see exactly how you can construct a high yield portfolio for yourself. [...]


THE SCENE: A beautiful couple – they might be models fresh from a home shopping catalogue photoshoot – relax in their sixth-floor two-bedroom, two-bathroom, new build apartment. He is in the kitchen area, mixing up mojitos on the island unit. She is on the balcony, gazing across the city landscape (an out-of-focus backdrop of railway [...]