Are you paying tax on your savings interest? Would you like to pay less tax? Well, it turns out you can, by stashing your cash in gilts ((UK government bonds.)). It’s a legal and safe option that I’ve personally overlooked until now. The trick is to move your money out of savings accounts and into [...]
Feel free to skip one more pundit’s view of the Budget if you’ve had enough. I’m not claiming to be John Maynard Keynes. This is just how I see things. When asked why he robbed banks, the US heist wiz Willie Sutton said: “Because that’s where the money is.” Those hit by what passes for [...]
Thanks to ISAs, SIPPS, and full relief on your own home, most of us can avoid paying capital gains tax. But you should still understand how it works.
Tax is a persistent pain when investing, slicing away at your hard-gotten gains. Here’s how to defuse future headaches when it comes to CGT.