Every week I read a large number of personal finance and investing articles. Here’s my latest weekly shortcut to the best. As usual I’ve linked to a few great blog reads first, followed by some choice articles from the mainstream media. Good reads from the financial blogosphere The Oblivious Investor asks if stocks are actually [...]
To earn even £35,000 a year through passive investment income will be an impossible task for most of the population
Like many investors who (perhaps foolishly) invest a portion of their funds into individual shares, I’ve an ambivalent relationship to stop loss investing strategies. If a stop loss ‘did what it said on the tin’, I’d have no complaints. Who wouldn’t want to Stop Losses when investing? It sounds like Nirvana, a one-way ticket to [...]
There’s not much money to be made reminding people that their career and salary could be their number one financial asset.