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Weekend reading: Fidelity or infidelity?

My regular roundup of the week’s best money blogs and financial articles.

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Clicking on ‘Discussion’ in the top right corner of any page (between ‘Highlights’ and ‘Archives’) takes you to the new comment page [1]. This page lists all the latest posts to receive comments and the comment authors, as well as an excerpt from their comment. Click on the author’s name to jump to their comment and add your views.

With this new page it’s easy to see if there’s been any more input on the threads you’ve been following. Alternatively, you can find a new discussion. You can still subscribe by email to comments using the tick box below the comment form, too.

One post that’s had a lot of comments this week is The Pros and Cons of Being Wealthy [2]. The upshot is we’d happily take our chances! I also wrote about house price and food inflation [3],  and about companies paying dividends early [3] to beat the new higher rate taxes.

My blog post of the week is from My Money Blog. Jonathan looks at how a reader’s holdings have been analysed by Fidelity’s portfolio review service [4], and finds that they’re basically being stuffed with a higher cost, lower return alternative to index funds:

Over the past 5 years, the Fidelity Portfolio Advisory Service managed to construct a portfolio that lagged a simple index fund portfolio by 1.70% annually. That’s a huge difference over time. Use any compound interest calculator and stick in two numbers that differ by 1.7%, and you’ll see the effect of compound interest working against you for a few decades.

Why did this account perform so poorly relative to its benchmark? Isn’t it supposed to beat the benchmark?

The moral: Never give anyone else control of your money. Most financial advisers [5] are after your cash. They’re not half as interested as you in growing it.

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