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Two new personal finance tools for Monevator readers

I know exactly what you were thinking when you woke up this morning. Not: “Should I buy BP shares [1]?” Not: “Will doing media studies like 2,500 other young people [2] this year lead to future financial success?”

But rather: “If only there were two more personal finance calculators in the world!”

Well, I’m here to tell you that your dreams have come true.

I’ve just added a new Tools [3] link in the top right of every page, which links to Monevator‘s super-dooper new personal finance calculator collection:

Not only can you now do these calculations without leaving your third favourite personal finance blog, but you can also see the results in a state-of-the-art graph!

I hope you find these calculators useful. Big thanks to my friend P. who coded them for free, possibly because he’s really nice like that, but also because I know where he put the bodies.