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Weekend reading: Tune in, drop out, live longer

Some good money reads from around the Web.

A strength of blogs (present company excepted!) is how they snappily zero in on the tastiest morsel in a smorgasbord of geeky data.

Update: This data is apparently an urban myth! Another strength of the Internet is its ability to spread information regardless of their truth, so let’s put the brakes on this one. Thanks to reader Tony who pointed to this rebuttal [1] from Boeing.

Such was the case on Five Cent Nickel [2] this week, which trawled this piece of writing on longevity [3] [PDF] for one arresting table.

It shows how Boeing Aerospace workers who retired later died sooner:

Retirement Age Age at Death
49.9 86.0
51.2 85.3
52.5 84.6
53.8 83.9
55.1 83.2
56.4 82.5
57.2 81.4
58.3 80.0
59.2 78.5
60.1 74.5
61.0 74.5
62.1 71.8
63.1 69.3
64.1 67.9
65.2 66.8

(Source: “Actuarial study of life span vs. retirement age” by Ephrem Cheng)

As blog author Nickel says:

Perhaps the scariest bit of data here is that those that work through the traditional retirement age of 65 only cash their retirement checks for an average of 17 months.

17 months!

Is that what you have in mind when you think about your future? That your “retirement years” will be reduced to little more than a “retirement year”?

One chunk of data does not a systematic review make: Boeing staff might have been particularly over-stressed, younger retirees might have been extra healthy (and they almost certainly were extra-wealthy, which has all kinds of positive impacts on lifespan).

Still, if jobs were a food additive, then going on this data they wouldn’t make it past the rat-slaughtering lab tests.

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