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Weekend reading: Should you pursue the perfect passive portfolio?

Good reads from around the Web.

We’re all investing nerds [1] at Monevator, so we love to dive into the minutia.

Take The Accumulator’s recent wide-ranging review of the various ways passive investors might get a slight edge over the market through return premiums [2] – only to conclude at the end that perhaps it wasn’t worth the bother [3], anyway!

I love that we’re at a point where we’ve covered all the basics and can now indulge in these amuse-bouche [4].

But I also worry that newcomers might get the wrong idea.

Simple minds

Passive investing in broad index funds is extremely simple to implement, and it has the best shot of delivering what 98% of investors who stick with their plan require.

All the rest is so much noodling.

That’s one reason why I try to occasionally remind [5] everyone that it doesn’t matter much what tried-and-tested [6] asset allocation approach you pick, provide it’s cheap, sensible, and somewhat diversified.

Some asset mixes will of course prove more profitable than others over the long-term, but you almost certainly can’t know which in advance.

Baked potatoes

Another reminder comes from Canada’s finest index investing export – the Canadian Couch Potato [7] – who has just revealed the 2014 returns for the various passive portfolios he tracks.

And this year, like most years, they all did about the same, returning from 9.8% to 10.8%.

Now if you’re already rushing over to see how to change your portfolio to be more like that 10.8% marvel, then you’re missing the point.

Next year the fortunes might be reversed. Or the year after. And anyway, it’s the 10-30 year return that matters.

As the Couch Potato himself says, the important thing is to just do it:

The point is not that cost is unimportant.

But if you’re just getting started and you’re intimated about building an ETF portfolio (and I’ve heard from many readers in this boat), a balanced fund is great choice, even if it isn’t the absolute-lowest-cost option.

The point is it’s easy to set up a portfolio to do 99% of what you need.

Indeed, Vanguard’s LifeStrategy [8] funds make the entire thing trivial.

In contrast, I had a conversation with a good friend last night who again asked me how he should get started with investing.

I am not exaggerating when I say I’ve had this conversation with him for nearly a decade. He wants to get started, but he wants to do it best. So he puts it off until he has the time and interest to research it all properly (as he sees it).

A time that never comes.

Action paralysis has a cost. As Tadas Viskanta put it over at Abnormal Returns [9]:

The pursuit of ever better outcomes is likely to lead to progressively worse outcomes.

Don’t worry. Be happy!

Reminder: The deadline for self-assessment tax returns is fast approaching. Act now to keep HMRC off your back, warns The Guardian [10].

From the blogs

Making good use of the things that we find…

Passive investing

Active investing

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Anti-products of the week: Many cash ISAs are paying just o.1% reports ThisIsMoney in its roundup [25] of the worst offenders. It might not seem worth moving your cash for just 2% a year, but after five years of near-zero interest rates, the cumulative impact has been significant.

Mainstream media money

Some links are Google search results – in PC/desktop view these enable you to click through to read the piece without being a paid subscriber of that site.1 [26]

Passive investing

Active investing

Other stuff worth reading

Book of the week: I don’t have any new investing books to point you to this week, but I can say Light Years [40] by James Salter is the first novel I’ve been gripped by for years. Stunning, melancholy, sad, true.

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  1. Reader Ken notes that: “FT articles can only be accessed through the search results if you’re using PC/desktop view (from mobile/tablet view they bring up the firewall/subscription page). To circumvent, switch your mobile browser to use the desktop view. On Chrome for Android: press the menu button followed by “Request Desktop Site”.” [ [45]]