Investing articles from around the Web.
I hope you’ll indulge me a small moment of gratuitous backslapping, as two nice things have occurred that I’d like to share with you.
Firstly, Monevator has been nominated for a Plutus Award [1]!
We’re in the Best International Personal Finance category, and the competition is steep. Please consider voting for [2] Monevator if you’re a regular around here, or for one of the others if you like them more.
I didn’t nominate Monevator for the award, which means one of you guys did. If it was you, thanks very much.
The second piece of news is that you can now read this blog on Flipboard.
Flipboard [3] is a seriously beautiful application for the iPad [4] that turns your Twitter streams, Facebook timelines, or
your favourite this investing blog’s RSS feeds [5] into lovely magazine-style pages.
Once you’ve tried Flipboard, it’s hard to go back.
I was excited to be told by one of Flipboard’s curators that Monevator had been chosen to be highlighted in its business section. I was even more pleased when she offered to produce the graphic required for the listing.
But I was truly chuffed when I saw Monevator slap bang at the top of the page, next to the Harvard Business Review:
I don’t expect Monevator to be featured at the top of this page forever. As with the Plutus Award nomination though, it’s nice to be noticed.
Anyway, thanks for indulging me, and do check out Flipboard if you have an iPad. (That vote [2] would be an even bigger indulgence, if you’re feeling generous!)
P.S. If anyone still believes external regulators can oversee the riskiness of banking activities when UBS can miss $2 billion [7] lost by one trader on its own books then they must be, well, a banker.
From the money and investing blogs
- NS&I drops index-linked certificates after 4 months [Warned you] [8] – NS&I [9]
- National Grid’s new index-linked retail bond – Fixed Income Investor [10]
- International diversification still works – Swedroe/Moneywatch [11]
- The art of investment commentators – Investing Caffeine [12]
- No, frugality won’t make you rich… – The Simple Dollar [13]
- Uncertainty and my retirement plan – Oblivious Investor [14]
- Top taxes and growth – Stumbling and Mumbling [15]
- How the Borders book chain died (via iii blog [16]) – The Stranger [17]
- The great age-wave ruse – Rick Ferri [18]
- More mega-cap value with BHP Billiton – UK Value Investor [19]
- 75% of US shares lose value – DIY Income Investor [20]
- 3 tips on making the best of supermarket offers – MoneyGrowers [21]
- (Silly but fun) correlations of investments and search terms – FT Alphaville [22]
Book of the week: The last book read by alleged UBS rogue trader Kweku Adoboli now tops Amazon’s business charts! It’s The Wolf of Wall Street [23].
Mainstream media money
- Unemployment in the West – The Economist [24]
- What’s the true cost of breaking up the euro? – The Economist [25]
- Gold not a bubble? What are you, crazy? – The Motley Fool [26]
- How UBS rogue trader ran up a $2 billion loss – Peston / BBC [27]
- Of course it’s right to ring fence universal banks – Martin Wolf / FT [28]
- Revolt over risks of elite class of bankers – FT [29]
- Wealthy to face pension cuts of up to 50% – FT [30]
- UBS scandal highlights risks of [synthetic [31]] ETFs – FT [32] (and Telegraph [33])
- Investors seek higher dividend pay-outs – FT [34]
- How fund managers hide poor performers with mergers – FT [35]
- Pension investors can’t afford another lost decade – FT [36]
- Buy-to-let Britain booms among first-time buyer famine – Telegraph [37]
- Investment trusts beat unit trusts in every sector – Telegraph [38]
- To buy or not to buy a house? – The Independent [39]
- The definitive guide to the best phone/Net/TV deals – The Guardian [40]
- Journalist hassled for writing down prices in Tesco – The Guardian [41]
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