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Weekend reading: George Soros should buy some tracker funds

Good reads from around the Web.

I enjoyed Josh Brown’s post about George Soros over at The Reformed Broker [1].

For the most-of-you who don’t follow the markets with the fanaticism of a provincial town dweller whose hitherto sub-illustrious football team has just become the plaything of an oligarch and half-spent its way to Wembley, the short story is Soros – the now 85-year old speculator who famously “broke the Bank of England” in the 1990s when £1 billion was real money – has reportedly decamped to his traders’ offices, where he has been directing them to assume the position ahead of what he sees as a likely financial crash, by buying hedges and gold.

Is Soros right? Who knows. Virtually exactly the same story did the rounds during the panics of earlier this year, and the most generous way you could mark his outing then was to say he was potentially early. His track record in recent years has been erratic [2].

Billionaires will be billionaires. They have wealth to protect and those who made it as macro-investors in the 1980s and 1990s are invariably scornful that a sub-2% yield on government bonds (at best) will do the job.

But what relevance their actions have for the average investor is questionable.

It’s not just that Soros has a different problem to you and me (his mission statement being entitled How I Plan To Protect My $23 Billion And Change).

It’s that he’s playing a different game to nearly everyone who might read such stories.

As Brown says:

“Like all of the greatest traders, Soros doesn’t have a process.

I mean, I’m sure he does, but it is his instincts that have made him wealthy, not a checklist.

He’s got a highly sophisticated way of viewing the world and more wisdom and experience than anyone else, but in the end, he pulls the trigger on gut.

Don’t be shocked, this is true of all the greats: Tudor Jones, Stevie, Tepper, etc.

You’ve heard of Smart Beta? This isn’t that. This is called Brass Balls Beta. It won’t work for most people, but it works for them.”

Soros’ own son once debunked the master’s cult book The Alchemy of Finance [3] by saying that, actually, pop just sold his shares when his backache played up. Reflexivity – Soros’ central insight that market participants change markets – was just a theory he grafted on after the event, said the familial whistle-blower.

Funny, but don’t get me wrong. I judge Soros to be one of the very rare greats who did generate alpha for himself and his clients, although we can surely attribute +/- $22 billion of his fortune to luck.

But I also agree with Brown that what these rare giants do can’t be bottled, copied, or run past the approval team at the pension advisory committee.

Be the billionaire next door

EU Referendum fears might be prompting those of us [4] who aspire to be mini-Soroses in our spare bedrooms churn our portfolios like we’re making ice cream, but more level-headed investors like my co-blogger [5] will be sensibly sticking to their plans.

If you’ve diversified your portfolio properly in the first place, it will be ready for times like this. Owning assets that might offset the pain isn’t an accident, it’s a design feature.

For instance, a sensible UK investor’s passive portfolio will have much of its equity allocation overseas, because that’s where most of the world’s money is.

If the pound crashes after a vote to Brexit, these holdings will rise in value as their local currencies appreciate. The vast majority of their earnings will be derived beyond our shores, too, so they should shrug off any recession here. (The same can be said of the majority of UK FTSE 100 companies, incidentally, as they make 70% off their money internationally. But they might smell funny to investors for a while.)

True, global stock markets might all go into a rout over fears that the EU will now inevitably be pulled apart, but that’s a separate issue – and a reason why you own other assets such as bonds, cash, and gold.

In an alternate reality: The slow and steady Soros

George Soros is a creature of the markets, and I’m sure he’ll be trading on his deathbed. It’s also true that you don’t make $23 billion by owning a bunch of passive funds.1 [6]

But to keep $23 billion, once you’ve got it?

The elderly Soros would probably do just as well to read our article on the various lazy passive portfolios [7].

Okay, and perhaps add a few Caribbean Islands and Monets to the mix…

From the blogs

Making good use of the things that we find…

Passive investing

Active investing


Other articles

Product of the week: ThisIsMoney [26] reports that The Royal Mint [27] has begun to sell gold bars to pension savers. There’s an annual fee of 1% + VAT, which includes storage costs. A cheaper option is its Signature Gold product, which works like BullionVault [28] in that you can buy any amount of gold, whereupon an equivalent portion of the Mint’s horde is allocated to you. It never leaves the premises – you’d eventually sell it back to the Mint. This option costs 0.5% per year plus VAT, which is still a bit more expensive than a gold ETF but presents a slightly different risk profile. Also see my article on how gold is taxed [29].

Mainstream media money

Some links are Google search results – in PC/desktop view these enable you to click through to read the piece without being a paid subscriber of that site.2 [30]

Passive investing

Active investing

A word from a broker

Other stuff worth reading

Book of the week: If you want more Jason Zweig after you listen to the podcast interview above, you might like The Devil’s Financial Dictionary [49].

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  1. Short of a Weimar Republic-style hyperinflation scenario. Which would be a Pyrrhic way to enter the billionaire’s club. [ [54]]
  2. Note some articles can only be accessed through the search results if you’re using PC/desktop view (from mobile/tablet view they bring up the firewall/subscription page). To circumvent, switch your mobile browser to use the desktop view. On Chrome for Android: press the menu button followed by “Request Desktop Site”. [ [55]]