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Weekend reading for investors: 6/6/09 (Normandy edition)

Some interesting financial and investing posts I ran across this week, plus a few decent articles from the newspapers.

It shouldn’t take Saving Private Ryan to remind us of the immense debt we owe to the 1944 generation who invaded Normandy [1]65 years ago today, particularly when only a handful of veterans still survive.

But I saw it last night, and I was reminded anew.

Oddly I’d never seen the 1998 release before. It’s a brutal anti-war classic, whereas I expected Spielberg schmaltz. My only criticism would be it presents the war as the U.S. versus Germany – the only mention of the Brits is when Ted Danson from Cheers mutters that UK battlefield genius Monty is “over-rated”.

Perhaps French Prime Minister Nikolas Sarkozy had the film in mind when he decided not to invite the Queen to the upcoming celebrations?

Good reads from the money blogs

Generally UK-related articles from other websites and papers

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